We lost our greatest representative five years ago today. Listen to what we lost.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I remember exactly where I was when I heard this. I had just crossed a bridge from Seattle to Redmond, and was listening to PBS, when I heard someone mention Wellstone in the past tense. WHAT???? I couldn’t believe it, and of course, it went through my mind immediately that he had been killed. I had no evidence, other than the patterns of history, to go by. To this day I don’t believe his death was an accident, although I don’t believe any of he crazy theories I’ve heard put forward by some. I just know the Republicans had directly targeted him, were losing, and his moral voice against Iraq was sticking in their craw.
He was indeed one of the few really great leaders who have served our country well. I still miss him.
planes crash in Minnesota during the winter. Sometimes things are exactly as they seem.
I think he was whacked. No, I don’t know how. I don’t subscribe to any current conspiracy theory. I just know.
I, too miss the Senator terribly and I wonder, where is the next Paul Wellstone? How many hacks and bushdogs must we suffer to produce just one of his caliber?
but he’s no Wellstone by a long shot.
Remember the moment when I heard the news.
Thanks for the memory.
Airplanes usually fly successfully through the Minnesota winter.
Accidents happen and I don’t know anything, but I know what I believe.
The increasingly populist John Edwards is in my prayers every day.