Some of you know that me and thereisnospoon are managing BlogTalkRadio’s progressive radio lineup at Heading Left.  And for those who didn’t know this, please check out Heading Left for some real good progressive podcasts.

But that isn’t really why I am posting this.  I am posting because one of the things that I really wanted to do was get more and more of us from the netroots involved, and one of the ways to do that was to use BlogTalkRadio’s “Debate Central” show to give us progressives the chance to show off what we got and stick it to our right wing counterparts.

We are very excited to announce the first of what we hope to be many debates between BlogTalkRadio show hosts featured at Heading Left and Heading Right.

Saturday night, October 27 at 7PM Eastern/4PM Pacific will pit Jack Clark of Blast the Right against Jenn of Screw Liberals.  Hear Jack and Jenn go head to head on the Iraq war as well as health care.  Jack’s prior prerecorded Blast The Right podcasts have over 3000 subscribers, was voted Top Ten nationally on Podcast Alley the last year every month, had 50,000 downloads of mp3’s a month, and was one of, if not the most listened-to grass roots progressive podcasts in the country.

The debate will be moderated by Ed Morrissey (Captain’s Quarters and Heading Right) and yours truly (clammyc).

If you are interested in debating a conservative blogger or Blog Talk Radio host, either drop us a note in the chat box below, or send an email to and put “I want to debate a conservative!” in the subject line.This should be a great debate, and we hope that this will lead to many more debates between the left and the right.

This is a “can’t miss” and you can listen by clicking here or the button below.