Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, according to exit polls recieved at least 46.3% of the votes. This has been an historic election, not only because  a woman has won the election, but also because the runner up is also another woman, Elisa Carrio, who recieved 23.7%. Another woman, Vilma Ripoll, also ran for president, although she is trailing far behind ( I think she came out 6th). Finally, all three are running on the left of the political spectrum.
According to electoral laws, any candidate has to obtain at least 45 % in order to avoid a second round run-off, or a 40 % and winning by at least 10% to the second candidate. At any rate, Ms. Kirchner is already the winner.

First official polls are coming out right now:

Kirchner 42%
Lavagna (former Economy Minister for Nestor Kirchner [he suckssss!!!] 21%
Carrio 18.1%
These results are official, with 9% of returns.

Another interesting fact is that they also voted in the penitentiaries, although only those that are not yet convicted were able to do so.

Finally, there have been several complaints regarding irregularities in the voting places. These were that ballots (as I understand it, each party or candidate has it’s own ballot) were not available. Also, one individual was caught stealing ballots stuffed in his jacket.

Presidenta elect Cristina Kirchner will be speaking soon


At 9:42 pm E/T

With 19.3%


Lavagna: 20.6%


I would love to see both women to be the top candidates. Carrio seems to be steadily ganing on Lavagna (he is the right wing candidate)

10:36 pm

With 30 % of the votes,



Lavagna: 19.7%

This is a one-two punch!!!