I, as much as anyone, have come out blasting the DSCC, the Democratic candidates, and anyone else who went looking for a new candidate just because Jim Neal was gay. That said, Hagan might very well make a great candidate. I would suggest that no one discount her because of when she came into the race or how. Anyone, except me that is. Because, for me, this race is about the heart of the Democratic Party in North Carolina and it is a gut check moment for Democrats around the country.  At stake is this.

  1. The DSCC fails to bring in any of its top-tier candidates (Mike Easley, Roy Cooper, Beverly Perdue, Richard Moore).
  2. Bloggers put on a press to Draft Brad Miller, who we feel would be a progressive dream, a netroots hero for all of us to cheer and back. He declines.
  3. The DSCC/NC powers-to-be/bloggers decide that state Rep. Grier Martin is our man, until he says no. In the process of his deliberations, state Sen. Kay Hagan backs out gracefully.
  4. We have no one, and then up to the plate steps Democratic fundraiser extraordinare Jim Neal.  Bloggers rejoice, the mainstream Dems, not so much.
  5. We find out why, Jim is gay, proudly so.
  6. Hagan is suddenly back in the race following many harried phone calls from current Democratic candidates worried that Jim’s being the nominee will hurt their changes at being elected, after all, he’s gay{shhhhh}.

That is where we stand folks, we have two candidates, one who came of his own free will and one who has apparently been lured by the DSCC at the bequest of the local power brokers out of fear that he’s not mainstream enough.  That in itself is not reason enough to support Jim Neal, this is:

I’ve got 5 not 3: restoring Protecting our nation and its freedoms, fiscal reponsibility, health care for all Americans, protecting our environment and restoring government accountability to the voters who elect and pay the freight for the elected reps.

On Running

I’m not running this race to lose. I’m not running to make some social statement. I’m running to lead in the Senate for the voters in NC– something Senator Dole has not done.

When people meet me, they’ll see beyond the labels and into my character.


We have no choice– as a state and a nation– to move with a sense of urgency to make up ground and move forward with lightspeed to adress the assault on our environment which ths Administration has ignored. Our state and its natural resources and incredible and are treasure we can’t lose– and that’s one battlefront which has been ignored.


NCLB simply don’t work. It’s flawed in concept, doesn’t engender positive outcomes and is underfunded by about, say, $50 billion. Catch name with no substance or money to match the moniker.

Money in Politics

As someone who’s done a lot of fundraising, I’ve always referred to political dollars as “the dirty underbelly of democracy.” It’s repugnant the amount of money required to mount a national campaign– which I’ll do– but it’s gotta change. Public financing across-the-board: the only way to take dollars out of the equation. This is an election, not an auction.

Labor and Smithfield

I absolutely support the right of workers to organize and engage in collective bargaining.

Re. the situation in Tar Heel, I’ll admit to not having drilled down on that specific situation as deeply as I want to.

Send me your thoughts– please.

S-CHIP being vetoed

I think it’s absolutely repugnant, appalling and if anything– the best example of why Senator Dole is OUT OF TOUCH!!!!

We have 120,000 kids in NC who were abandoned by her vote which represent less than 1/2 of the 270,000 kids with no heath insurance.

EVERY child, man and woman in this state and this country should have access to affordable health care. Or nation– our core values– are under assault by an Adminstration and those who prop it up– when a sick American goes bankrupt b/c they’re sick.

From his issues page, we find out more.

My opponent still backs the aimless policies of the Bush-Cheney administration, which have cost America taxpayers nearly $1 trillion and more than 3,800 lives.

Our troops have done everything we asked – and I don’t want to see any more of them die.

It’s time to bring them home to the heroes’ welcome they have earned, to rejoin their families, resume their careers, and be a part of their communities again.

To guarantee we don’t have to send them back in a few years, we need to redeploy small strategic units in the region to counter terrorism and train Iraqi security forces.

And then we need to redirect most of what we’re spending there to what matters more — children’s health and Medicare, Social Security, and making college affordable for middle-class families again.

The North Carolina Senate race has one man who is very progressive on the issues, every good Progressive should back him in this race. ESPECIALLY because the power-that-be don’t want you to back him.  This race can be the one where we set forth, once and for all: You cannot believe in civil rights for some, only for all.

True progressives, true liberals, even true libertarians should flock to this race and do the one thing that will make Beltway pundits and power-brokers take notice – bankroll it.

And, you can do this in a completely painless way, through my Pizza for Progressives page.  It’s a simple idea, trade in a daily latte for democracy. Trade in movie night once a month for Democracy. Say that you are willing to give up a non-essential, comfort for one day or one week EVERY MONTH, and make a difference.  It’s that simple. $5 a month, $50 a month, just by giving up something EXTRA.

It’s time for progressives to act, it’s time to put up or shut up.  Do you believe in civil rights for all, or just for some?  Do you want a party that still hides those the wingnut Republicans consider unacceptable?  Or, do you believe that a person is judged by the character of their soul and not by the color of their skin, their sexual organs, or their sexual orientation?

John Edwards (President)       $10.00       
Jim Neal (NC-Sen)     $10.00      
ActBlue     $1.00

Total     $21.00

Give to Jim, show beltway Democrats that Progressives believe in civil rights.