My favorite costume that I ever wore for Halloween was a Giant. I found a long coat and went around on my older brother’s shoulders. One lady refused to serve me because I was 7 feet tall, and clearly an adult. My brother had to poke his head out of my stomach for her to relent and give me some candy.
What was your favorite costume?
I went as the Pope, and didn’t bind down my breasts.
were you infallible?
Absolutely. And I sold indulgences for beer.
I am impressed by your unassailable rectitude.
that’s one of the best lines i’ve read in a long while
As Pope Joan?
I believe I was Pope Peterless.
Somehow appropriate tonight:
santa fe ‘ghost’ de-bugged
d’oh…not too obvious
Hey, they don’t call us the city different for nuthin.
True terror:
ill bet he liked it too.
Btw – Michael Parenti did a pretty amazing take-down of Mother Teresa as well. Even Hitchens gets it right, sometimes..!
I never thought about Mother Teresa much one way or the other and believed the msm creation of the myth surrounding her. Finding out the truth just pissed me off….it is really so hard for the msm to find real hero’s and report on them truthfully?…I guess maybe it is. I suppose the question is why the msm has to push made up hero’s onto us instead of reporting on real hero’s.
But you already know the answer to that. Real heroes don’t serve their agenda. That’s the last thing the powers that be want – a model of appropriate insurrection.
Yeah I do know that unfortunately..just look at how much coverage brittany spears gets as say Sibel Edmonds…if only that coverage were reversed.
From Heavy Metal. Sooo much fun to watch, rewind, watch again to get all the details of her costume down.
hmmmm….when i was little i was a hippie….that costume seems like my normal attire now….when i was a senior in high school i was a giant yellow chicken….the next week i wore the costume to the national future farmers of america convention in kansas city and ran around the hotel goofing on future farmers….in college i went to a halloween party where the theme was “tacky”….i went as a preppy…it was the eighties….i was a hippie all the time so i couldnt go as that…..3 years ago i threw a big halloween party for 200 of my closest friends and went in a burka….it was a religious experience….nobody had a clue who i was….the anonymity was intoxicating.
I don’t like Lindsey Graham, and not only because he seems to be gay but votes against gay interests. I didn’t like him when he a House manager in the Clinton impeachment trial. I think he is quite clever and therefore quite dangerous. But, man, look at the issues page of his primary challenger. Now, there is a full-throated conservative for you.
Given that whoever wins this primary is likely to win in the general, I’m not sure who I want to see win. Actually, I’d like to see Graham lose anyway. But, only because of his effectiveness.
BTW, Booman – did you have a beard when you were the giant?
As a kid, I never wanted to be ugly at Halloween, always had to be a princess or ballerina. My favorite costume was Daisy Mae at a fraternity party – of course I was beautifully horrible.
no, I was like seven years old. No beard.
One year I was spider-man, and that was kind of cool, but I always hated wearing masks (unless they are Bill Clinton or Richard Nixon masks).
John Cole is now registered Democrat.
sound quality is not good enough for the front-page.
In 2004, I went to a Halloween party as the scariest thing I could think of – an “undecided voter.” You can’t see all the stuff, and the back and sleeves were covered too.
At the bottom left is a picture of a cow saying “No Nukes.” At the bottom right, there’s a picture of a nuclear power plant saying “No Cows.”
Anyone ever wonder why no one ever gets convicted of terrorism in Europe? Maybe we’re being sold a bill of goods?
As for what I find really scary today, how about this?
A lot of topics are covered in the video below in a short period of time. It’s provocative as hell and a strong reminder that we must be much more vigilant.
Please don’t ignore the data just because some of it comes from right-wingers or maps to right-wing ideology. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. (I can’t vouch for the accuracy of all of it. Some of it is definitely true, some may be true, and some may not be true. But it’s worth thinking about all of these issues in any case.)
As far as I’m concerned, the death of Rush Holt’s electronic voting bill (HR 811), the only pending legislation to mandate a hand-counted paper check of the computer counts, will spell the death of the republic. I’m quite serious. Once they’ve taken our vote away, we have no voice, and a covert fascist state becomes incredibly simple.
We’re nearly there now. Habeas corpus is out. Torture is in. Privacy is out. Implanting chips is in (see TIME magazine’s October article Tag, You’re It). And speaking of that, the California legislature just passed a bill banning forced implantation of chips in workers by employers. What scares me is that such a bill was needed!
P.S. In separate news, Canada is now sharing the FBI database. That is an important harbinger of where we’re headed, which fits with a topic in the video above.
I don’t know if you knew this, but 4 sitting Democratic Senators are running for president.
And 3 (or 75%) of them have already committed to opposing the confirmation of Mike Mukasey. Hillary is the lone exception.
Among the other 47 senators that caucus with the Dems? Only two, or 0.42% of them have committed (Whitehouse and Sanders).
In other words, no one is listening to us but those that urgently need our votes.
It’s too bad she doesn’t have just ONE opponent, because whoever that is would have a good chance of getting the nomination.
i once went (in college) as gene wilder from young frankenstein.
I was a roller derby queen with a 42 inch bust… 4 rolls of tp
I hope you’re all having a great Halloween. I found this on YouTube and it looks like the perfect thing for this thread:
oh that is a good one
i’m putting it on my multiply site
I once went as the Millenium Falcon.