Month: October 2007

Cherthoff: Illegal Aliens Worst Polluters

You’d think that after a report recently that Bush’s EPA had drastically reduced its enforcement of our environmental laws against the worst polluters in America, that anyone in the Bush administration would be...

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Blackwater: A Machiavellian Prince (Preview)

Much more on Blackwater’s founder, Erik Prince and his testimony before Congress later today, but first Josh Marshall and the fine folks at TPM provide an indispensable primer on the Little Prince. Erik Prince is 37 years...

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Some Balm for the Psychic Wounds

I’m pretty well exasperated with the stalemate in Washington, but I am holding out hope that the public will smash the Republicans in 2008 and give Democrats such large majorities (and the White House) that there will be...

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Odds and Ends

Richard Blair discusses Texas Oilman Oscar Wyatt’s guilty plea and what it means. The Hartford Courant wonders if the last Republican from New England is beginning to lose his shit. Is Brendan right? Should he forgive...

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