No a whole lot of sugar here. Just getting over all the howling little and big ghost that went through the yard last night. I thought they would never end.
Didn’t hear much howling last night, but I had an outdoor lunch in the beautiful weather and saw all the kids/dogs converge towards the start of this parade.
Geeze ya’ll were at least organized. More here it was kids running form house to house and parents trying to catch them. We had out lights off and still had kis ringing the bells and adults banging on the door. Some of these adults are more adamant about getting candy then the kids. I just knock it off to there are so many college kids around here. So we just keep the doors closed.
Good morning all. I had way too much sugar last night, the b2 boy also. Much more toilet paper and shaving cream in the streets compared to the last few years. But much needed rain is coming to wash it all away.
Good for you, sleeping in. Too bad we move the clock backs tomorrow night. I hate when the daylight is gone before five.
I’m glad it’s Friday too. Although I have some double-urgent projects for work due early next week that mean I’ll probably be putting in some time this weekend.
I’m split between looking forward to the easier time CBtY will have getting up for the bus, and wanting to have some daytime left when CBtE gets home (at 5:30). Oh well.
Any big plans this weekend? Mine appears to be full of chauffeuring people to the movies and friends’ house, maybe a quick run down to the city today to drop off my laptop for a new hard drive.
There are some signs of positive development, though still early.
Weekend; NY-marathon weekend coming up – also ask’s birthday. Should be busy enough. curly’s apt is just half a block from the route – we’ll be out cheering around 98th st.
Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History By Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Ulrich’s is such a fine writer and this new one is as good as The Midwife’s Tale. Here’s a review.
Same Difference: How Gender Myths Are Hurting Our Relationships, Our Children, and Our Jobs
by Rosalind Barnett and Caryl Rivers. Here’s a link to the Powell’s page on it.
I read both “Potemkin” and “Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar” over the last year – interesting insights to the workings of the Russian/Soviet empires. Just ordered “Young Stalin”, which was just published, from Powell’s.
And this one: The Island at the Center of the World, which, incidentally, also explains the basis for the liberal US Constitution and the separation of state and church.
Nah, don’t be. I think we need all kinds of reading material to keep our brains alive. Hey I’m reading a picture book right now (it’s Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis. I think you might like it).
I used to get jet lag very bad when I flew back to Europe. I think that’s the only time I came close to sleeping while standing. I saw on the news yesterday that naps are good for your heart, so nap away.
Will meet the kids later today. Tomorrow is NY Marathon, and since curly’s is close to the route, we’ll be out cheering at around 98th & Central Park (just under 3 miles before the finish); it’s also my birthday.
What are you guys up to?
I never saw the sense in jogging or running. Takes to much energy.
Today is the local university’s homecoming football game and Alabama and LSU play also. So everybody around here will be at a football game or watching one on tv.
At the moment I’m just trying to get some coffee down to wake up.
I’ll be watching that Bama/LSU game too. Someone I know is a big Tigers fan. ACC basketball is huge around here, but football….not so much. I guess because the local teams have stunk for a few years.
I know it’s a day early, but happy birthday! Sounds like a fun weekend.
We’re hanging out here with all of the CBs’ pals today. And then I’m hoping to finally make a run to the city to get my laptop hard drive replaced. I think I’m taking a day off from my second job as a chauffeur tomorrow…
Hah! I made it to 9:15, the first good night’s sleep in many weeks due to a lingering chest hack and job stress.
Hope your birthday weekend is lots of fun. Our smallest grandson is 2 tomorrow, so we’ll have a birthday celebration too.
Great pic, and congrats to your grandson. I have a nephew whose birthday is tomorrow, as well.
Hope your chest pain is gone, I got a flu shot yesterday and hope that will keep me healthy through the winter.
You know it’s going to be a bad day when the cat jumps on your bed and pees while you are asleep. You know it’s it’s going to be bad when you wake up and see the cat is sitting at the edge of the bed staring at you, waiting for you to realize you’re sleeping in something wet!
She is definitely on my shit list today, tomorrow and probably a few more after that! Aaaarrrggggg!
Hi again, FM!
I had trouble getting back on the site for a while.
No big plans. We’ll be watching the Marathon, obviously – and will be out cheering them all on. curly’s is just under 3 miles from the finish and many need the little boost that thousands of cheering onlookers provide.
It’s a cool and clear morning, and yesterday’s winds have subsided – should be perfect conditions for the run.
I see it’s your nephews B’day too, and you say he’s less than 10% of your age. You’re starting to get up there ask. Have you considered getting a walker/wheelchair yet? 🙂
It’s always nice to know that people found pleasant ways to stay warm on those cold, gloomy January/February days.
Jim shares a birthday with one of our nephews, too — it does make it easy to remember but I suspect he’s not that fond of thinking about the 56 years age difference between ’em.
I’m having a great weekend. The weather is perfect and the boys are both home. Today we finally have to get some yardwork done. Since the rain we had last week the grass has come back to life and needs cutting.
I had to make my 8 year old cat an outdoor cat a few months ago when she and the other cat suddenly developed an intense hatred of one another and engage in horrific cat fights if they’re both in the house at the same time. Even now they snarl and hiss at each other through the windows. One of the boys made her an insulated house to sleep in on the deck and she never strays out of the yard. Every day there is a dead mouse or mole on the deck greeting me when I come out to feed her.
I’ve made a couple of insulated houses for Cat and Tom, but it seems they don’t like them. Over the summer I let Cat stay inside during the day, but put her out at night. It got down to 39 last night, and I thought I would be nice to her and let her stay in. She convinced me last night that cats have fur for a reason, and she can now use hers to stay warm.
We put a cushy bed inside and some treats and she’ll do anything for treats. Plus, it’s by the dryer vent so that’ll really warm it up when they dryer is in use.
It’s impossible to get the smell of cat pee out of things. It’s nothing like dog pee.
I’ve gone through 3 washing and heavy on the clorox. Plus a health dose of Fabreze, so I’ll see how that goes.
I tried doing the treats and food in the boxes, but they just wouldn’t go for it. I figure they’ve already found somewhere they like, so I’ll just let them go with that.
There is a great product that works on cat urine. . .Odo-Ban cost about $10 a gallon at Sam’s Club. . .I don’t know anyplace else that sells it. Maybe you can find it on the Internet. . .google is our friend.
It has always worked for me, full strength is needed though.
Actually I wouldn’t mind moving back to New England. I enjoyed my time up there. But the cost of living is just too high up there, plus people speak funny. 🙂
We’ll be glad when the furry pest is moved to her own big yard behind the house.
And on the subject of gardens, a few weekends ago I when to the Sustainable Homes Expo on Hobart. The Hobart City Council had an exhibit call “name that weed” in which they had examples of 15 different weeds that you had to match against a checklist. If you fill in the checklist you get two free native plants (tubestock size). Additionally, one lucky person gets two trays full – and I found out this morning that that’s me! So I’ll be picking up about 60 little plants later this week. They’ll stay with Imogen’s mum (along with Albert) till we get back from New Zealand.
We’re going to NZ for vacation! From Nov. 17th to Dec. 3rd. There were some really good airfares available about six months ago, so we decided ‘what the heck’ and bought the tickets.
I bought a battery powered portable hard drive, with a CompactFlash card slot, that will hold thousands of photos (tens of thousands actually – but I doubt I’ll take that many in one trip). Last vacation I took my laptop to download photos, but this is much smaller and lighter.
Unfortunately, the American dollar is tanking, so traveling overseas is getting lots more expensive for those of you in the US. You could always travel steerage – to save some money and reduce your carbon foot print at the same time. 🙂
Good evening, keres – morning, Andi and FM!
Great images keres, spring is obviously in charge.
I was thoroughly celebrated this weekend, is your’s still ahead?
That was fun as usual – and the conditions were near perfect.
We usually go out a bit before the elite runners come by to also see the incredible courage and strength of the racers in wheelchairs. After a while, tradition is to go inside for a break with curly’s famous chicken chili (it is usually a ‘chilly’ experience to watch). Then out again to watch the bigger crowd passing (lots of fun costumes on some of the runners).
One of these days, I’ll get one to face into the sun and show you his deep purple bib (which usually just looks black unless the light is on it just right). As it is, I’m luck to get one to stand still long enough to focus the camera. Talk about hip-hoppers!
I make my coffee the night before so all I have to do is press a button which is just about what I can manage first thing. So I’m almost done with my first cup.
It’s cold and very windy (I love the sound of wind in the fall leaves) here so it would be a good day to snuggle up in bed but I find I can only stay there once I’m wide awake for a short time.
Is everyone recovering from the massive overload of sugar last night?
Good morning, CG!
A slight headache from the residue.
Another beautiful (though, unseasonal) morning.
Good mornign CG and Ask.
No a whole lot of sugar here. Just getting over all the howling little and big ghost that went through the yard last night. I thought they would never end.
Didn’t hear much howling last night, but I had an outdoor lunch in the beautiful weather and saw all the kids/dogs converge towards the start of this parade.
Geeze ya’ll were at least organized. More here it was kids running form house to house and parents trying to catch them. We had out lights off and still had kis ringing the bells and adults banging on the door. Some of these adults are more adamant about getting candy then the kids. I just knock it off to there are so many college kids around here. So we just keep the doors closed.
Good morning all. I had way too much sugar last night, the b2 boy also. Much more toilet paper and shaving cream in the streets compared to the last few years. But much needed rain is coming to wash it all away.
This is interesting.
Really. I guess my jet-lag (or plain log lack of sleep for the last few days) is showing because I slept till 5:30.
Good for you, sleeping in. Too bad we move the clock backs tomorrow night. I hate when the daylight is gone before five.
I’m glad it’s Friday too. Although I have some double-urgent projects for work due early next week that mean I’ll probably be putting in some time this weekend.
I like having more light in the mornings so I guess I find it a fair trade.
I’m split between looking forward to the easier time CBtY will have getting up for the bus, and wanting to have some daytime left when CBtE gets home (at 5:30). Oh well.
Naps are good.
Naps are good.
Need I say more. 🙂
Good morning, Andi and CG!
Six thirty; for the third time this week. That’s a great trend.
Morning ask.
I don’t normally have jet-lag problems but I’m feeling very Family Man today — a nap is looking like an absolute necessity.
Morning Andi, CG and ask.
Andi I’m feeling very much like me today too. I didn’t even need a jet for that. 🙂
I know — and your ability to nap is just one of your many admirable talents.
One of my talents is running out to get sausage biscuits this morning. Gotta go.
Have a good day and take many naps.
Sounds like you’re feeling more relaxed.
Any big plans this weekend? Mine appears to be full of chauffeuring people to the movies and friends’ house, maybe a quick run down to the city today to drop off my laptop for a new hard drive.
There are some signs of positive development, though still early.
Weekend; NY-marathon weekend coming up – also ask’s birthday. Should be busy enough. curly’s apt is just half a block from the route – we’ll be out cheering around 98th st.
Happy upcoming birthday!
Did you read about the banning of iPods from the marathon? It would be interesting to see how many people follow the new rule…
Happy birthday, ask!
Happy Birthday, ask! I hope someone besides Andi is older than I am now. 😉 Have a fabulous day.
You may have forgotten, I am older than dirt and God. . .
hugs everyone
Anybody reading anything interesting lately? (yes, I’m fishing for new material for the sidebar ads)
Just an old murder mystery by Nancy something or other. 😉
Doesn’t she have a new one she’s working on?
I’ve got two good ones with a feminist bent:
Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History By Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Ulrich’s is such a fine writer and this new one is as good as The Midwife’s Tale. Here’s a review.
Same Difference: How Gender Myths Are Hurting Our Relationships, Our Children, and Our Jobs
by Rosalind Barnett and Caryl Rivers. Here’s a link to the Powell’s page on it.
Try these by Simon Sebag Montefiore:
I read both “Potemkin” and “Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar” over the last year – interesting insights to the workings of the Russian/Soviet empires. Just ordered “Young Stalin”, which was just published, from Powell’s.
And this one:
The Island at the Center of the World, which, incidentally, also explains the basis for the liberal US Constitution and the separation of state and church.
I’m suddenly very ashamed of my choice of fluffy reading material. :/
You know what? The titles above are all ‘page turners’ and can replace most fluff.
Nah, don’t be. I think we need all kinds of reading material to keep our brains alive. Hey I’m reading a picture book right now (it’s Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis. I think you might like it).
Don’t be ashamed, I’m a fluffy reader too. I just read Annie Lamott’s Grace Eventually, and the latest issue of Vanity Fair is next to my bed.
Beautiful picture. Pretty soon there won’t be any leafs. We’re down into the low 40’s here this morning.
Did you get your naps yesterday?
There are still leaves on the beeches and oaks which are always the last to go but everything else is almost bare.
I did take a nap around 3 yesterday. I was so tired even sitting up was too much work.
I used to get jet lag very bad when I flew back to Europe. I think that’s the only time I came close to sleeping while standing. I saw on the news yesterday that naps are good for your heart, so nap away.
Good morning, Andi and FM!
Rain and windy this morning. A new ‘personal best’; 8 hrs sleep last night!
Good morning ask and congrats on the 8 hours.
We’re not expecting any rain for at least another couple of weeks. I’m afraid it’s another picture perfect day here. 🙂
I hope you have a great weekend planned to take advantage of all the sleep.
Will meet the kids later today. Tomorrow is NY Marathon, and since curly’s is close to the route, we’ll be out cheering at around 98th & Central Park (just under 3 miles before the finish); it’s also my birthday.
What are you guys up to?
Happy pre B’day ask.
I never saw the sense in jogging or running. Takes to much energy.
Today is the local university’s homecoming football game and Alabama and LSU play also. So everybody around here will be at a football game or watching one on tv.
At the moment I’m just trying to get some coffee down to wake up.
I’ll be watching that Bama/LSU game too. Someone I know is a big Tigers fan. ACC basketball is huge around here, but football….not so much. I guess because the local teams have stunk for a few years.
we’re celebrating your birthday.
w00t! Happy Birthday to You!
Thank’s all – it’s tomorrow, though, I was a bit ambivalent above.
curly’s is getting up and coffee is ready.
I understood it was tomorrow but I’m a big non-believer in deferred gratification. And hey, we can celebrate today and tomorrow. 🙂
Well, I’m all for it!
I know it’s a day early, but happy birthday! Sounds like a fun weekend.
We’re hanging out here with all of the CBs’ pals today. And then I’m hoping to finally make a run to the city to get my laptop hard drive replaced. I think I’m taking a day off from my second job as a chauffeur tomorrow…
Good morning all you early risers! Happy Birthday ask!
Thanks, id and good morning.
In my case it was almost 7, not early at all.
Hah! I made it to 9:15, the first good night’s sleep in many weeks due to a lingering chest hack and job stress.
Hope your birthday weekend is lots of fun. Our smallest grandson is 2 tomorrow, so we’ll have a birthday celebration too.
Here’s the boy one year ago.
Great pic, and congrats to your grandson. I have a nephew whose birthday is tomorrow, as well.
Hope your chest pain is gone, I got a flu shot yesterday and hope that will keep me healthy through the winter.
Thanks! And apparently we have a common interest.
I dropped some linkage over on the other diary.
You know it’s going to be a bad day when the cat jumps on your bed and pees while you are asleep. You know it’s it’s going to be bad when you wake up and see the cat is sitting at the edge of the bed staring at you, waiting for you to realize you’re sleeping in something wet!
She is definitely on my shit list today, tomorrow and probably a few more after that! Aaaarrrggggg!
Ai, ai, ai!
That’s a rough start, even for a Sunday.
Hope it’s not a habit of hers.
Yep that is a pretty rough way to wake up, but she’s an outside cat now. At least for awhile.
So what big plans do curly and the kids have for your B’day?
Hi again, FM!
I had trouble getting back on the site for a while.
No big plans. We’ll be watching the Marathon, obviously – and will be out cheering them all on. curly’s is just under 3 miles from the finish and many need the little boost that thousands of cheering onlookers provide.
It’s a cool and clear morning, and yesterday’s winds have subsided – should be perfect conditions for the run.
Yep I had the same trouble getting back on.
I see it’s your nephews B’day too, and you say he’s less than 10% of your age. You’re starting to get up there ask. Have you considered getting a walker/wheelchair yet? 🙂
And it’s my niece’s birthday, too. (And she’s in NYC too so that makes Nov. 4 my official Have a Birthday in New York Day).
Thanks, Andi!
Great cake!
It’s my nephew’s birthday, too – 5 years today (hmm, less than 10% of my age).
It’s always nice to know that people found pleasant ways to stay warm on those cold, gloomy January/February days.
Jim shares a birthday with one of our nephews, too — it does make it easy to remember but I suspect he’s not that fond of thinking about the 56 years age difference between ’em.
Oh yuck, FM! That cat needs a psychologist.
Morning SN.
That cat is going to need a warm place to sleep for the next couple of nights. I’m sure not letting it back in for awhile.
How’s your w/e going?
I’m having a great weekend. The weather is perfect and the boys are both home. Today we finally have to get some yardwork done. Since the rain we had last week the grass has come back to life and needs cutting.
I had to make my 8 year old cat an outdoor cat a few months ago when she and the other cat suddenly developed an intense hatred of one another and engage in horrific cat fights if they’re both in the house at the same time. Even now they snarl and hiss at each other through the windows. One of the boys made her an insulated house to sleep in on the deck and she never strays out of the yard. Every day there is a dead mouse or mole on the deck greeting me when I come out to feed her.
I’ve made a couple of insulated houses for Cat and Tom, but it seems they don’t like them. Over the summer I let Cat stay inside during the day, but put her out at night. It got down to 39 last night, and I thought I would be nice to her and let her stay in. She convinced me last night that cats have fur for a reason, and she can now use hers to stay warm.
We put a cushy bed inside and some treats and she’ll do anything for treats. Plus, it’s by the dryer vent so that’ll really warm it up when they dryer is in use.
It’s impossible to get the smell of cat pee out of things. It’s nothing like dog pee.
I’ve gone through 3 washing and heavy on the clorox. Plus a health dose of Fabreze, so I’ll see how that goes.
I tried doing the treats and food in the boxes, but they just wouldn’t go for it. I figure they’ve already found somewhere they like, so I’ll just let them go with that.
If it didn’t soak into your mattress you’re in luck.
Gosh, it’s a pretty day….see you later!
There is a great product that works on cat urine. . .Odo-Ban cost about $10 a gallon at Sam’s Club. . .I don’t know anyplace else that sells it. Maybe you can find it on the Internet. . .google is our friend.
It has always worked for me, full strength is needed though.
It’s good to see you!
Thanks for the heads up on that. I’ll see what I can find.
Good morning all. Lovely day here after yesterday’s cold windstorm. That is a really nice photo at the top. (They’re blocked at work.)
Morning Boran.
Ya’ll keep getting the rain we want. Nothing here but picture perfect days and chilly nights.
‘Morning FM! Maybe y’all need to move up north. I could probably find a place for you here.
Actually I wouldn’t mind moving back to New England. I enjoyed my time up there. But the cost of living is just too high up there, plus people speak funny. 🙂
Well I’m off to try and catch up on the sleep I lost last night.
Everyone have a good Sunday.
Since I’m a day ahead, I’m not sure if I’m the first to get to ask’s, or if I missed it. (Cheers, fellow Scorpio).
Either way, here’s some poseys.
ask’s birthday was the 4th so you’re the last but, of course, not the least. 😉
The garden is beautiful, even (or maybe especially) with furry white pests.
Morning Andi and keres.
keres I agree with Andi. That’s a beautiful garden, plus I like the furry pest.
How is everyone handling the time change? It was dark here a little after 5:30 yesterday.
It was lighter here in the morning and since I’m a morning person, I’m glad for the change.
I’ve considered myself a morning person, but I like the dark earlier. Makes it easier to sleep.
We’ll be glad when the furry pest is moved to her own big yard behind the house.
And on the subject of gardens, a few weekends ago I when to the Sustainable Homes Expo on Hobart. The Hobart City Council had an exhibit call “name that weed” in which they had examples of 15 different weeds that you had to match against a checklist. If you fill in the checklist you get two free native plants (tubestock size). Additionally, one lucky person gets two trays full – and I found out this morning that that’s me! So I’ll be picking up about 60 little plants later this week. They’ll stay with Imogen’s mum (along with Albert) till we get back from New Zealand.
Well good for you! Heck I can’t even id the plants outside my house. I didn’t know ya’ll were going to NZ. Is it for vacation or work?
You know I’ve seen on the Travel channel here about NZ, but it has never shown anything about Tasmania.
Imogen says “Tasmania is Top Secret”.
We’re going to NZ for vacation! From Nov. 17th to Dec. 3rd. There were some really good airfares available about six months ago, so we decided ‘what the heck’ and bought the tickets.
Nov. 15 to Dec. 3rd.
Maybe Andi can handle the Dog Blog during our absence.
Oh, and I can’t identify everything in my Garden either (seeing as most of those plants came with the house), but I’ll get there eventually.
I’m might do that if I’m going to get paid off with some really great pictures from New Zealand. 😉
As if you’d have to ask.
I bought a battery powered portable hard drive, with a CompactFlash card slot, that will hold thousands of photos (tens of thousands actually – but I doubt I’ll take that many in one trip). Last vacation I took my laptop to download photos, but this is much smaller and lighter.
I put an alarm on my calendar for the 22nd to remind me to do the diary. Can’t wait to see the pics.
We still like to take a laptop because that way we can look at the pictures.
I like viewing them as well, which is why I got a portable HD with a screen. 😀
ooh kewl.
Good for both of you. From what I’ve seen on TV it is really beautiful there.
Tell Imogen it can’t be top secret because we’ve got pictures from the “keres travel agency”. Pretty soon you’ll be overrun with tourist. 🙂
We’re still waiting for our first customer.
Unfortunately, the American dollar is tanking, so traveling overseas is getting lots more expensive for those of you in the US. You could always travel steerage – to save some money and reduce your carbon foot print at the same time. 🙂
Unfortunately the only way I could get there is by raft. I’m afraid steerage would be too expensive.
Raft it is, then. How’re you for reeds? Any growing around the pond. Here’s a link to the Kon Tiki page at Wikipedia to get you started.
Yep I’ve seen pictures of the Kon Tiki before. I figure if I built something like that, I would end up arriving looking something like this.
Funny, that’s how I’ve always pictured you. 😉
Yes we do.
Imogen says it’s expected as part of my upkeep.
Good evening, keres – morning, Andi and FM!
Great images keres, spring is obviously in charge.
I was thoroughly celebrated this weekend, is your’s still ahead?
Morning ask.
Glad you had a thorough celebration. I meant to celebrate your B’day down here, but alas, I slept. 🙂
Yep. Between now and when I leave, but that’s all I’ll say.
You fessed up the date last year and I saved it on my list. ;P
Fessing up is coming back to haunt ya, huh. 🙂
It usually does.
Did I? Oh well.
It’s the big Four-Five if anyone is counting (I’m not).
Of course no one is counting.
You did say Four-Five didn’t you? 😀
How was the marathon-watching?
That was fun as usual – and the conditions were near perfect.
We usually go out a bit before the elite runners come by to also see the incredible courage and strength of the racers in wheelchairs. After a while, tradition is to go inside for a break with curly’s famous chicken chili (it is usually a ‘chilly’ experience to watch). Then out again to watch the bigger crowd passing (lots of fun costumes on some of the runners).
That sounds like a really fine day and an excellent way to celebrate your birthday.
to Andi, ask, and FamilyMan, and good evening to keres!
It sure is light out here this morning. I feel like CBtY is missing the bus or something…
Morning CG.
It might be light there, but it’s still dark here. Just about the time you get used to the time change, they’ll change it again. What can you do?
Is it really light there? It’ll be dark here until about 7:15.
BTW, did you see my book recs above?
The same here. I don’t need to have the lights on in the morning but I’d still prefer daylight savings time.
One of these days, I’ll get one to face into the sun and show you his deep purple bib (which usually just looks black unless the light is on it just right). As it is, I’m luck to get one to stand still long enough to focus the camera. Talk about hip-hoppers!
because I don’t this cafe can hold much more conversation before it busts at the
seamsmargins. 🙂Morning Andi.
What the heck, we might get up to 200 comments. How’s your morning starting out today? I myself need coffee!
I make my coffee the night before so all I have to do is press a button which is just about what I can manage first thing. So I’m almost done with my first cup.
Making coffee the night before is just too ambitious for me. I’m halfway through my first cup, but it will take two before my eyes are fully opened.
Good morning, Andi and FM!
Rainy morning here, maybe I’ll just stay in bed.
And yes, this place is getting a bit messy.
Hi ask.
It’s cold and very windy (I love the sound of wind in the fall leaves) here so it would be a good day to snuggle up in bed but I find I can only stay there once I’m wide awake for a short time.
It’s not necessarily about sleeping (the bed); I bring the laptop and slack away the morning.
I’ve never liked computing in bed — I like to sit up straight. I suspect it has something to do with my eyesight.
It’s 62 here at the moment and clear. Tomorrow our low is supposed to be 30.
With a dreary day outside, I think you should stay in bed. You deserve to slack today. 🙂
You deserve to slack today. 🙂
I’ll do my best 😉 (check mail)
I’ve got faith in you Ask. BTW are you telling me to (check mail), or are you checking mail?
Check it out…
I did and nothing. I’m sooooooo confused. 🙂
I see why now.
Missed a ‘1’ in addy.