Promoted by Steven D
I’m watching the NBC show “Phenomenon,” and although it’s presented as if these people have supernatural powers, I’ve yet to see anything that wasn’t a straight math trick or magic trick. Yet people in the audience are amazed, and seem persuaded that these people have supernatural powers.
It makes me realize how easily people are fooled, and not just in such matters. According to a recent Zogby poll, 52% of the American public thinks the U.S. should launch a military strike at Iran to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons.
The magic act is a complete success, but the truth has not been served. THERE ARE NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN IRAN. And worse, IRAN IS YEARS AWAY FROM GETTING THE BOMB.
Yet a majority of fellow citizens believe this. I believe that’s why Hillary Clinton, who is surely smart enough to see through the hype, is nonetheless siding with the fearmongers on the Iran issue.
Wouldn’t it be a miracle if someone of Hillary’s stature stood up and said look, I know how this works. This is all propaganda. Here’s the real truth.
But truth doesn’t sell. It’s usually messy, confusing, and subject to numerous qualifications. The truth is nearly always complicated. In reality, Occam’s Razor is usually NOT the correct explanation, because it is oversimplified.
Here’s a scary little Halloween gift for you. It’s part of a larger film called “Zeitgeist” which I would warn you to view most skeptically. Some of the data presented is provably true. Some is provably not. And then there’s the stuff that can’t be proved one way or another. It is NOT “the truth”. But I believe it’s closer to where this all is heading than anything you see on the nightly news. This is just a ten minute clip. Watch it. Then do your own homework.
Yes, there really is talk of creating “the Amero,” a cross-border currency between Mexico, the U.S., and Canada to challenge the rising power of the Euro. Yes, there really are plans for a European Union (beyond the economic union – but a union with its own flag, it’s own anthem, etc.), an Asian Union, and an African Union. Unmentioned is “Syriana,” and I’m not talking about a film. I’m talking about something the screenwriter heard while researching the book. He sat in on high level meetings in the government and heard the term used to describe a hypothetical Middle Eastern Union.
Whether or not a Rockefeller told Aaron Russo what Russo claims, I don’t know. I can’t verify that. There’s another provocative quote assigned to David Rockefeller, but I can find no primary source for that quote – only a repeat of it, not sourced, across the Internet. Quotes can be invented. And context is everything. Maybe that was a punchline to a joke Rockefeller was telling. Who knows?
But all that aside, I do think we’re nearly in a dictatorship already, and it terrifies me. My own state, California, just passed a law prohibiting employers from requiring their employees to be microchipped. What scares me is why such a law was considered necessary! Who is planning on forcibly chipping us as a condition of employment?
If we don’t get very loud, very vocal, and very visible in the next few years, the America that never was, that we all hoped would be, will cease to exist in any meaningful way.
“Happy” Halloween.
SPOILER AHEAD. Don’t read further if you don’t want to know how many magic tricks are done. So many are just variations on this simple theme.
That matchbook trick on Phenomenon? That’s just the ultimate in misdirection. The trick was not about finding the “needle in the haystack” that matched the card. The trick was to get the woman to pick the right card, and the matchbook was planted. You see?
People want to believe that some people can read minds and have magical power over matter. A deception is not as pleasant as a magic trick. But the deception is the reality.
There is no war on terror. There never can be. That’s the magic trick. The reality, the real deception, is that the powers that be can expand empire, reduce the world’s population and produce more wealth for the already superwealthy through war. And the “beauty” of the war on terror is that it can never be won. “Perpetual war for perpetual peace.” Now that’s some genuine sleight of hand, however demonic.
to wake up when he did his comedy act. Nobody really did wake up though. And now we are here, looking at the total destruction of our country and still people refuse to see that waking up is necessary. They won’t go out to march, they won’t call or write the congresscritters, they won’t ask any hard questions. We are all cocooned in our little spheres, looking for momentary comforts. We are all hoping the storm blows over with no effort on our parts.
I am afraid that the only effort that will work in the long run is a most fierce effort that will be costly in many ways.
Gawd, I loved Bill Hicks. I didn’t discover him until he was already dead. But he spoke the truth, in a powerful way.
Yes. I fear the time for talking is nearly at an end, and beyond that lies something horrible I don’t even want to think about.
It starts if our vote dies. So long as we have a vote that counts, we have hope. So long as we have people willing to act on and enforce what we vote for, we will have a real democracy. But we’re so in danger of losing all of that.
Absolute power not only corrupts.
It fails.
This will never come to pass.
The rebellious nature of the human being will not allow it to come to pass., and the absolute corruption that results from power…see the Republicans over the last 40 years for all that you need to know about that…will result in a level of incompetence that will ensure its failure.
Evolution has its own failsafe system built right in. When one species…OR class…gets too successful, it interbreeds and sinks like a stone.
Well, apart from somebody with a deep voice, two TV anchors allusions, some filmmaker hearsay, maps that show nothing and ominous drumbeating, where are the facts, the decisions that back up the claims?
Hellooo! Do you know the European Union has been a political project (and a democratic one) from he beginning in the 50’s. There is a European flag, a European anthem (Beethoven’s symphony n°9 last movement), a European currency and even (gasp!) a European Parliament elected by the European citizens and a European Court of Justice as well as a Charter of Fundamental Rights!
So following this example wouldn’t be a bad idea, since it would give the Mexicans and the Canadians the same rights as the United States citizens…
At this point I’m not sure the Canadians want the same rights as American citizens. Not even sure if it would be an improvement for many Mexicans either.
Maybe, but remember they would participate in the democratic control of the “union”…
The plans were dealt a temporary death blow when France rejected the European Constitution, which would have sealed the deal on the European Union. Read it yourself here. Here’s a quote from the first section:
I was in Europe when France rejected the constitution. Its people, more than the other signatory nations, realized clearly this symbolized the end of individual countries and the beginning of something over which they would have less control.
There is a new effort to do the same thing, since this one failed. I’m sure EuroTrib would be a resource on this. Or you can search Google and read up.
I meant to add the real kicker!! When France rejected the EU consititution, it did so by voting on paper. Now France is setting up electronic voting, and I doubt future agreements will be rejected, not because people’s perceptions have changed, but because their vote will be decided for them.
Electronic voting has been used in some places in France for the last elections, but it was very limited (less than 5% of the electorate) and it has been strongly questioned. As far as I know, there is no plan to generalise it.
Actually, it’s even worse. They allow Internet voting, which is a sure recipe for alteration!
I’m French, a regular user of European Tribune and I’ve been working with the European institutions for a few years, so I don’t really need to google it!
The constitutional treaty has been rejected by French voters mainly for national political reasons. The recent Lisbon Treaty (or Reform Treaty), which includes all but everything of the constitutional treaty, has been signed by the 27 European member states and will be ratified by the national parliaments within a year.
It is true that the symbols like the flag, the anthem and the motto have been left out of the Reform Treaty, so they are not officially part of a constitution, but they have been used as symbols for the European Union for years and are still used as such.
But what I wanted to highlight is that the European Union is not the result of a dark conspiracy led by “people behind the curtain”, like the clip says, but the result of a democratic process set up by Europeans who, having fought WWII, wanted to put an end to militarism and to build a united continent based on peace and shared prosperity. And it worked!
And the perspective of regional unions like Mercosur, an East-Asian Union, an African Union or a North American Union based on the same criteria is not a bad one in my opinion.
And, please, leave the fear of “the men behind the curtain” to small children who are afraid in the dark…
The potential for evil and good are both present in a unified Europe. The democratic goals are surely how it is packaged and sold. But I don’t for a second think that’s the only driver behind such a move.
You have more faith in the overt aims than I do. I have a real fear of covert aims based on the lessons of history.
People should read the treaty. What it proposes is the creation of an uber-state, via the Council, which can direct and compel obeisance from the member states (countries). While the treaty says it will respect the “national identity” of member states, it also makes clear that if the ruling body of the Council decides to go to war, the member states have to go along and participate.
That is what would frighten me, if I lived in France or any other European Country. France did not go to war in Iraq with us, and good for them. But most of the signatory nations to the EU treaty at least sent token troops, and France would likely have been compelled to play along.
I think the world is safer and stronger when they are many nations who can freely choose to enter temporary alliances, NOT when nations bind together into monoliths and lose their freedom of association.
Hillary has some kind of mis-guided sense of what it means to be “macho”.
I think Laurie Anderson said it best. O Superman.