This is for you, Schumer, you prick.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I saw this movie for the first time a couple weeks ago. Surprised I didn’t notice how many times they dropped the f-bomb.
I’m impressed.
now that I have been gasping for breath for the last ten minutes while laughing my ass off. I like Jeff Bridges and I like John Goodman.
Yes, I’ve got to get this picture.
you’ll love it.
Schumer’s statement:
Care to dissect?
Short version:
“This administration is made up of criminals, and we’ll never get an AG nominee who believes in the rule of law. Suck it up for what the Dem leadership is claiming will be 14 months until the next election. So, we’ll just go along to get along, like we’ve been doing.”
Too bad Chuck hasn’t noticed that there won’t be anything left of the constitution by the time 11/08 rolls around…and whoever steps into the Preznit’s seat isn’t going to want to roll back the new powers of monarchy they’ll be receiving.
Fuck them all.
Shorter version: Nader was right, we are them and they are us and you are all fucked.
It is incredibly difficult to believe the statement, especially the last sentence. In it, one out of three ain’t good.
there is really no reason to dissect this fraaud. Schumer has a different agenda. Let me be clear- I am a Jew by birth but a very limited practicing ew. However, I am first and foremost- an American. And here is the commundrum. Apparently, Schumer has a different agenda. It is a non- provable crime and he should be attacked for the crime. As to should Feinstein. There is a much bigger picture here and nobody is gonna talk.To disect this is an intellectual game. considering the effort needed- its a waste of time. What needs to be disected is the condition of this dem party and on a much more important level, the state of the union.
That I can do easily. The Democratic Party is dead. Totally and completely dead. As to the state of the union- it is on life support. In any case, the simple answer is what I have been screaming out about for a hell of a long time. Quit the party and lets find a new party to support. It will take one hell of a long time to bear fruitbut the fruit available is rotten.
I just threw up in my mouth.
i am too upset by all this to make much of a remark or analyze his text other than to say that these two senators are just spineless reactionaries masquerading as ‘moderates’ who have sold out the most basic tenets and humanity of our constitutional system. it’s beynod obscene.
may they all spend a few aeons in dante’s seventh level of Hell where they should be waterboarded for a few centuries of Eternity (along with the main republican culprits of course. Hell after all is an equal opportunity enforcer)
The Democrats are not winning the next election – they have given it away! Many of us will question whether we should simply stay away from the polls – what good has it done to have these Democrats in office?
It’s 8:45 PM, and I’ve had a ling day away from the news. I knew Schumer was going to cave but I am still angry about it.
So i called his office to leave a message.
the phone is busy. on friday. at 8:45 PM.
The last time the democrats made up their minds to do something shitty, I believe it was the Military Commissions Act or perhaps the Blank Check of 2007, all their phones were coincidentally off the hook at the same time until well after the business day was over.
That’s a cowardly act that shows what shitheads these people are.
Charles Schumer isn’t just a bad leader or a bad Senator. He’s just proven that he is a bad PERSON.
He should be shunned. It should happen to HIS family. Oh wait, it did.
Disgraceful. What a disgraceful troglodyte of a hobgoblin. I’ve pinched out bloody stools with more character than Mr. Schumer. His announcement today makes it clear he doesn’t honor his relatives’ memory in the slightest, it’s all just cheap politics.
Fuck you Senator Schumer. Fuck you in your shriveled little dickhole with a soldering iron.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
The dude abides.
(And Schumer should have a pineapple shoved up his ass sideways.)
I am so pissed. I can’t believe that my senator endorses torture. It is just too fucking sickening to contemplate. DiFi is a corporate whore who will do anything to keep the status quo. Fuck her. I will write an angry email that will be just as ignored as every other email she receives. She doesn’t give a flying fuck for her constituents. She is completely beholden to corporate interests. DiFi is a corporate whore and should be kicked out of office. She’s as bad as LIEberman and we need to scream it loud and clear. She’s an embarrassment to democrats and an embarrassment to her constituents, most of whom have no clue how she votes.