Well, it’s almost time!  We’re finally going to get to see which members of our House of Representatives are willing to stand up for the Constitution and the citizens of the US!
The movement started with an offer of a conversation on impeachment from Congressman Kucinich:

He asked us to enroll in a stand for peace, and to remember the purpose of what our country was founded upon.

Indeed, he introduced H Res 333 for the impeachment of Dick (which would then go to the Senate for removal) and then to go after W.  What was the Democratic Leadership of the House’s reaction: Impeachment was taken off the table.  Even John Conyers, who became chair of the House Judiciary Committee said that impeachment was off the table.

Dennis continued on his semmingly quixotic crusade, promising to enter over 100,000 signatures for impeachment to the House record:


Of course, we know where the other Democrats running for President stand on the issue:

So, without the support of the Leadership, without the support of his fellow candidates for President, without the support of John Conyers (who could have called up H Res 333 for consideration, and didn’t), Dennis has decided to take the issue to the floor of House on Tuesday:

Is there momentum for impeachment?  Will the Democrats in the House stand up for the Constitution and the citizens of the United States?  It may be up to us to help convince them that this is what needs to be done.

You can contact Congress here: http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/
You can contact Speaker Pelosi here: http://www.speaker.gov/contact/ or by calling her at (202) 225-0100.  You can help to bring pressure on the members of the House.  You can help Dennis in his move to impeach Richard Cheney.  You can help make history of the good kind!  And if you agree with Dennis’ action on this issue, you can help keep his voice being heard during the primary season by donating to his campaign here: https://services.myngp.com/ngponlineservices/contribution.aspx?X=aDlDFFT9TMGh0ghebdP6VkYKCfcT%2fFNw

Go Dennis!
Choose Peace!