I don’t know when they are going to gavel this vote on tabling (killing) Dennis Kucinich’s resolution to impeach the goddamn vice-president, but it is already clear that Pelosi and Hoyer have been outmaneuvered. A full 164 Republicans have voted to proceed to the resolution, apparently eager to fight it out and defend Cheney and, obviously, win.
Currently 86 Democrats are in favor of proceeding, but 135 are not.
Oops. They gaveled it. Now Hoyer is moving to send the resolution to the Judiciary Committee (again, kiling it). Kucinich wants a vote on that goddamn idiocy.
Man. This is great theater. I gotta go out for the evening, and I am going to miss the humiliation of Steny Hoyer. Kucinich is kicking his ass. I hate Hoyer, weasel that he is.
Okay, they are going to vote now on whether to bury the resolution in the Judiciary Committee. This time the Republicans are coming out guns blazing to prevent that.
Looks like the Dems are going to cave to their leadership on this one.
Let me know what happens.
Hoyer looked like he just had the wind knocked out of him. Good.
Hey Boo- you is wrong. The bill has to go to the Judiciary. That is where it goes in order to debate the proposal.
So wait:
the dems want to kill impeachment and send it to the Judiciary, while the Republicans want to keep it alive.
And the dems are all going to vote against impeachment?!?
Man, I am like the worst gambler in history, but I want to play poker with the Democrat Party leaders. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
And God (if such a thing exists), please bless Dennis Kucinich who is one of the last members of the Democratic Party. We need more like him.
Heck… I don’t even gamble BUT please deal me in on that one!
Brendan- I might be wrong but unlike the Booman, I do believe that sending it to Judiciary DOES NOT KILL IT!
To my knowledge, once it gets to Judiciary, it is up to the head of Judiciary to table it- That would kill it-OR he could decide to bring it up for debate. In otherwords, it is up to John Conyers to decide whether or not to draw up articles of impeachment. If I am wrong- I appologize but that is the way I read it.
Conyers is head of Judiciary.
In April of this year, Kucinich brought this resolution up to the House. It was automatically referred to committee – the Judiciary Committee, in fact. The Judiciary Committee chaired by – John Conyers.
Conyers has sat on it for the last 6 months. I think he referred it off to a subcommittee of Judiciary so he could pass the buck to someone else, but he’s essentially sat on it for 6 months.
Conyers is also on the record as saying:
“…rather than seeking impeachment, I have chosen to propose comprehensive oversight of these alleged abuses.”
“The committee’s job would be to obtain answers — finally. At the end of the process, if — and only if — the select committee, acting on a bipartisan basis, finds evidence of potentially impeachable offenses, it would forward that information to the Judiciary Committee. This threshold of bipartisanship is appropriate, I believe, when dealing with an issue of this magnitude.”
These are both from a Washington Post editorial he wrote last year:
If he’s changed his tune on either of these things, he hasn’t acted on them.
Conyers is going to sit on it – just like he has for the past 6 months and just like Pelosi and Hoyer have asked him to do. His “bi-partisan” exploratory committee crap will continue to get stonewalled by the Republicans. And the Dems will have Bush and Cheney to run against in the fall without bringing up the spectre of the partisan witch-hunt of the Clinton impeachment, which is what they’re peeing their pants scared the Republicans will accuse them of doing.
Don’t expect Conyers to be a savior here – he’s not interested in fixing things, just maintaining the status quo for a few more months and getting more Democrats elected in the aftermath.
I know that you are right and that Conyers has been sitting on the earlier proposal but it is 7 months now and he may just be pissed enough to change his approach.Also, the makeup of the committee consists of some rather angry dems and who knows?
It might just be fun.
Via BradBlog:
Hate to say it, but if I was a rethug (neat trick, I know) then I’d vote that way, too. Make us put up or shut up.
They know we…um, our “leadership” is spineless and will only act on something that is approved by 99.9% of most folks–a mere majority not being enough for them to act.
But rethugs too, are some sick puppies. I think, deep down, some of them want us to save them from themselves. They know they are screwed, and this misadministration is full of shit, yet they do nothing. Just like “us.”
if that’s where you’re headed.
have one, or two on me…
Keith Olbermann that is, after that thrashing K.O. gave Bush last night over waterboarding.
Waterboarding was also used by the Holy Office of the Inquisition as the victims were put to The Question.
…these sick sons of b*tches and their enablers are going to burn.
I’ll bet the writers on strike are dying right now. Especially those for Colbert and Stewart.
Hoyer’s office got VERY snippy with me, told me I was “blind”.
I wish we could turn Blue Dog Democrats out of office right now.
Media. Not behind it. Goes nowhere.
Congress. Not threatened. Business as usual.
Kucinich. Media? Sees little green men.
Media: “AAAAARGH!!!” People: Zero.
The House of Representatives is the BAUhaus.
Business As Usual.
Why do you even pay attention!!!???
You should know better by now.
Are you waiting for Sam Ervin?
Old smoke ‘n mirrors Tip O’Neill?
Don’t hold your breath. Unless of course you are being waterboarded.
Those people? They don’t make tham like that anymore.
The cookiecutter educational system and relative situational morality as taught by the REAL school, the corporate media, have finished THAT kind of moxie in high places.
If Tip ran now he would lose to some AIPAC-backed Douglas Feith clone, and Sam Ervin would lose to a litigator with a good haircut.
It’s a sideshow, Boo.
Turn it off.
Meant to distract.
The REAL game is being played out in the courts now.
In the right wing-packed courts and in the intel back rooms.
No smoking allowed.
No mirrors either.
Unless of course you are the one who is being burnt in an effort to get some info out of you and they want you to watch your own torture.
Bet on it.
Go out and enjoy yourself.
You ain’t missing SHIT.
Same shit, different day. This will go where the earlier effort by Kucinich went, nowhere.