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(I meant to do this last night – sorry!) Old cafe here.
It’s chilly and rainy here this morning. And CBtY has off from school for election day.
g’morn’n all, nice pic there….I could lay down beside it, and take a nice nappy-nap ; )
finally cooling off here in south Florida, and what a welcome break. it’s been one scorcher here this summer, so it’s nice to have the cooler weather.
I’m gonna finish some business this morn’n and then get in the boat and head out on the lake (Okeechobee)….hoooooo lawwwd….fish’n… ; )
later tater’s….peace be with you always
Good morning, IP! Fishin’ sounds like a nice way to spend the day.
yeppers, I intend to…LOL..
been strapped to the puter and the home office for weeks now, about 12-14 hrs a day…it’s time for a break.
thanks CG
Good morning CG and IP.
Beautiful picture above CG. IP enjoy your “fishin”.
It’s keres’ springtime garden, so I can only take credit for “borrowing” it for the cafe. She does take such wonderful pictures.
Yep she sure does.
if I get lucky, I’ll save you a filet!! ; )
So, I may have mentioned my dead laptop hard drive…but I know I didn’t mention that it died 5 days after the extended warranty expired.
Well, I took it in Saturday to be fixed, and they told me it would be around $400 to replace it. Yep, that’s a significant chunk of money that could go towards a new laptop…so I didn’t have them do it. Yesterday, I called Apple and explained my predicament to them, and told them how I’d never had a problem with it until now, that I love my macs, yadda, yadda, yadda, and that I would really like for them to honor my expired warranty and pay for the new hard drive. I figured the worst thing they could do was say no, and I’d still need either a new hard drive or laptop.
They said yes, and even called the service place for me to set it up and give them the information they needed to charge it to Apple.
And that’s my happy story for the week.
Hey that’s really nice — good way to combat all the iPhone pricing criticism.
They deserved to take a beating on the iPhone thing. They still do, what with their ATT exclusivity deal.
That’s great CG. I really do believe my next computer will be an apple.
They’re more expensive than a PC, but I’ve been really happy with how easy it is to keep them running, compared with my PCs. Of course, I have those indiscriminate websurfing children to complicate PC use… 🙂
And of course, it appears that Macs are becoming a target for malware now: LINK
I’m sure it’s just a short while before it jumps from free porn to free online games…
I read that about the malware the other day. I don’t play computer games, but porn? My God is nothing sacred. 🙂
It’s leaving.
Beautiful colors Andi. All of your leafs should be gone pretty soon, shouldn’t they?
They would in a normal year but it was so warm so late that we’re running about two weeks behind. Some of the oaks and beeches are still mostly green which I can’t remember ever happening in November before. But the good color is mostly over.
We’re getting a little color down here, but with such a hot summer, it’s mostly brown. Can’t wait for my lawn to turn that same color.
We’re running behind too. It’s funny, but the best colors last week were on all the trees along the creek, I guess because of the water situation.
The color was best here where it’s most open but most of the trees with the best color are bare now and we’re pretty solidly into the orange and brown stage.
I’m solidly in the pine cones, pine straw and leafs on the ground. One day I’ve got to get out and clean that up.
Good morning all. We’ve had some good color here. It will all be over soon though now that we’ve had our first frost.
I’m surprised that we had our first frost (about a week and a half ago) before you. But even having a frost didn’t get the oaks and beeches to turn — it appears that they got the message of the very warm fall and they’re keeping it.
We’re in suspended animation here. There are some flaming red trees but most everything is still green and there are no fallen leaves on the ground. It’s weird.
Well I hope that at least you’ve seen the last of the hot weather.
Our first frost was actually late last week but you still beat us. I was actually hoping to mulch some of those leaves today (I’m off today.) but our much needed rain has put an end to that plan. FM will be proud of the slacking I’ll do today instead.
Something weird happened, that was actually supposed to be a response to Andi.
There was a brief outage. I wonder if that caused the posting to get screwed up. But I found your answer anyway. 🙂
I’m always proud of people who slack. Doing the FM jumping up and down for joy. [raised arms once and said hooray] 🙂
Another chilly morning here, 38F. They’re predicting we’ll be down at 28F tomorrow morning. Oh yeah, bring that freeze on.
Another beautiful picture. I like the mist rising off the water.
I hope something other than Cat’s pee woke you up this morning.
Yep sure did. It was George whining to go outside. Got to love that little fella. He’ll do any and everything to let you know he has to go out. Plus with the cold weather he doesn’t want to dilly dally around. Gets his “bidness” done and then wants to come right back in.
I had the same kind of night — times 3. First Giddy wanted in at 1:30 a.m., then Hopeful wanted out at 3:00 a.m., followed by Sniff at 3:20 a.m. and then both of them wanted in at 4:00 a.m. at which point I gave up and got up.
Ain’t it great to be needed. 🙂
A lot of people think they’re the boss when it come to their dogs. Hah!
My favorite time of year is when the temps are warm enough/cool enough that I can just leave the sliding glass door open (we have a porch with a dog door) and they can just go in and out to the heart’s content without bugging me.
I really wish I could do that, but I have to keep an eye on George at all times. He’ll take out after any dog he sees, and last week when that happened just re-enforced it in my mind. I still think he’s lucky to be alive because he doesn’t know about looking for cars on the road, or that bigger dogs would tear him apart.
I have the advantage of being a minimum of 1000 feet from any road and having The Pack which keeps other dogs either away or submissive.
Yep that’s a good advantage. If I lived farther out in the country, I wouldn’t mind having a pack, but at the moment, George is enough to handle.
I had the 4:35 wake-up call from a cold shih-tzu who wanted out of her crate to sleep on the nice warm couch. And then I kept waking up because it was so cold.
I’m going to need a nap today.
Morning CG.
Er, you do have heat in your house don’t you? 😉
Yeah, but it goes down to 62 at night, and I’m still trying to get used to it after the long summer/pseudofall.
Now, I guess I wouldn’t need heat there in ‘bama, would I?
Can’t you just put another dog on the bed?
The big dawg was stealing all the covers… 😉
I find that a cold foot in the mid-back region works well.
Oh yes you would need heat here. We had a wind chill of 26 this morning. Tomorrow morning it is supposed to get down to 28. Then again, when it gets below 80 we turn on the heaters. 🙂
I guess today must be “The Dog Days of Fall”
Phoebe is the most spoiled little dog. She’s the only one allowed on the couch, and I think we just need to get her a little bed for in her crate. She really hates the cold.
I like the idea of a dog door…my dogs think we have an automatic door opener, named CabinGirl.
I was meaning to ask. I saw something in the news yesterday about a comet out near some planet that is usually not visible to the naked eye. [naked eye — where did that term come from?] Anyway, scientist can’t explain it, but now it is. I went out to look, but couldn’t see anything. Has anyone else heard about this or seen it?
Yup, we heard about and went looking for it and couldn’t find it either.
Just another disappointment. Like the Perseid meteor shower this year. I don’t want a comet or big asteroid coming near, but a little fireworks would be nice.
Oh and here’s a link to a story on it.
Thanks Andi.
I hate people seeing my naked eye, so I usually wear little eye-sweaters on them….at least when I’m in public. But when I’m at home, baby, I let it all hang out.
Well you either woke up bright and snarky or you’ve already had your coffee and half-n-half.
It’s a combination of my new micromink blanket and coffee with half and half.
Morning, you two. 🙂
I had to go google “micromink” and I am disappointed … I was expecting to see tiny, silicon-chip sized minks. 🙁
You should know by now that I’m a tactile snob and insist on good sheets and blankets. My down comforter was just dry-cleaned and the smell was really bothering me, so until it airs out it’s the Chris Madden micromink for me.
Okay tactile snob, I’m in the market for a featherbed…any suggestions?
(pardon me while I go google the micromink)
Featherbeds are pretty easy to find these days…but some of them have that chicken-feather smell which is a deal breaker for me. The Company Store has good ones but they’re pricey. I bought mine at TJMaxx.
Do what we do and throw more corn husks in the mattress. Geeze ya’ll get so fancy.
Hmm. I haven’t been to TJ Maxx in a while. We have some nice down pillows that we got from JCPenney, so I was thinking about seeing if the same company makes featherbeds.
Of course, I may never wake up in the morning if I have one of those…
I do like the feel of fleece blankets — we have a very nice feeling one from Lands End and in winter we put in our comforter in a flannel comforter cover. And we don’t use a topsheet with either one.
Morning SN.
Yep I’ve wondered sometimes why people wear sun glasses at night. Modesty I guess. 😉
yep…I’ve found that people who wear sunglasses at night are definitely the modest kind.
I didn’t know modesty went along with blood shot eyes. 🙂
What are you going to do to celebrate the season’s first grass-killing frost?
Not much really. Although the grass won’t be growing, I’ve still got everything falling from the trees to clean up. Matter of fact, I think I’m going to give it a shot at cleaning up the yard today. Although in two days you won’t be able to tell I did anything.
FMom is up early and George wants to go out again. Got to start the day.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Have a good slackin’ day, FM.
Boran I never have anything but a good slackin’ day. 🙂
I should know better by now.
Good morning Andi.
It’s past chilly to cold down here this morning. We’re at 30 right now. I might have to throw a degree or two on the thermostat.
Hey, if that keeps up the grass will be brown in no time.
From one problem to another. Yep the grass won’t be growing, but leafs, pine cones and pine straw are falling. I was going to give it a shot at cleaning it up yesterday, but looked out and thought nahhhhh.
Why do you have to clean up leaves and pine cones — they make nice ground cover for the winter.
Trust me, it’s not my choice. One of the little perks of living in a neighborhood I guess. If I’m really lucky, I can put it off until Thanksgiving.
Oh okay. I guess it’s not nice to piss off the neighbors. How about having that nice nephew who mowed the lawn for you come back to do the raking?
I think with the nephew that was a once in a lifetime deal. I’m really kind of surprised he had time to do it. It seems he’s constantly doing something – from school to sports. I can’t imagine at his age that I would have been that busy. I honestly don’t know how kids today keep up the pace.
Well yes, when you’re young you have lots of energy and can run yourself ragged. Fortunately, we do outgrow that stage. 😉
I don’t think I was ever in that stage. Slacking just comes naturally to me. 🙂
Good morning, Andi and FM!
Cold here as well, dawn in progress.
Morning ask.
Still waiting for dawn here, and drinking coffee to try and open my eyes to see it.
Morning ask. Looks like you’re still sleeping in.
Have you and swimmer finished up the campus visits?
Hi Andi,
6.10 today, pretty good (yesterday was 4.15).
We have a couple to go; McGill in Montreal in about a week + one, or two upstate NY.
I see she’s not interested in escaping cold weather. 🙂
I guess.
Her younger brother would often refuse to get properly dressed in winter; ‘I don’t need a sweater, I’m Norwegian!’
(In spite of never having lived there and the fact that half his gene pool is Eritrean/Ethiopian.)
I guess he hasn’t noticed that Norwegians make great sweaters.
That’s true, he had one similar to this (outgrown now).
Really handsome. I don’t see how he can resist having another one.
I thought the trip up to Maine was the last one. It’s good that there are a lot of choices.
No, there was more to come – but we took a break, she needed to recover from quadruple wisdom tooth extraction a couple of weeks ago.
Oh man quadruple extraction. Years ago I had two taken out and that was damned painful.
She was warned, but wanted it that way (too much going on, no time to take two weekends for recovery).
Incredibly, mine are all intact.
I would much rather give birth than go through dental surgery again. And now we know why you are so wise, ask.
Morning SN.
Yeah I’d rather give birth than dental surgery too. Oh wait, I can’t. 🙂
A convenient excuse you got there. Morning, FM. How are you liking the frigid weather?
You know me, I love cold weather. Now if I could get a couple of feet of snow, I’d be in heaven. I see ya’ll have a freeze warning too.
Yeah, I had to turn on the heat. Seems like we went straight from AC to heat in the span of two weeks.
Same here. Very short open door/window time. I think it finally bottomed out at 29 here this morning.
So is it cold enough to make you feel like you’re back in Cleveland?
It’s cold but there is far too much sun and daylight to be Cleveburg. They got snow there yesterday and I made sure to email all of my sisters to hang in there, spring is just around the corner… six months. 🙂
Let’s hear it for lake-effect snow. We got down to 25 but but now we’re staying above freezing for at least the next week.
This is actually my favorite weather – cold nights and sunny days in the 60s. This is why I suffer through the horrid summers down here. It’ll be like this most of the winter.
I won’t be jealous of you until we start getting lows in the teens. But then I’ll console myself thinking about how many more day of high heat and humidity you get.
And now I have to think of a way to console myself about needing to get to work. Ta.
Hah, I’m with you all the way on that one. My wisdom tooth extraction was nightmare. The pain of birth ends in 6 hours, and you can eat afterwards…dental surgery, not so much.
comments already? Shall I put up a new cafe with a link back to the conversations in this one?
Morning CG. Yep why not. Seems the last couple of days we’ve been talkative.
I’m off to work but I’d still say go for it.