or theatre of the absurd, if you prefer.
on every issue of importance to the country, from impeachment, to iraq, iran, fisa, doj, the list is interminable, the demoRATs continue to play the stupid.

pan troglodytes: arboreal ape of equatorial African forests [syn: chimpanzee]
is polling at levels that would’ve made nixon think he had a chance:
…Bush reached an unwelcome record. By 64%-31%, Americans disapprove of the job he is doing. For the first time in the history of the Gallup Poll, 50% say they “strongly disapprove” of the president. Richard Nixon had reached the previous high, 48%, just before an impeachment inquiry was launched in 1974.
and sinking faster than the titanic…what’s with that?
more below…
we get this, and this, and this, and more from the rats:
what do they do? they pander [stupid], mewl [stupider] , misunderestimate the opposition [inexcusably stupid], and get rolled [as a result of the stupid]. then they make a lame attempt to play the we tried, we just don’t have the votes card, praying to mammon that the whitewash will hold till the election…[more stupid], hoping that the american populace is stupid enough to believe them. not a bad bet in some times, but a loser now.
h.l.mencken’s admonition aside: “No one in this world, so far as I know–and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me–has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby“, it certainly leads to bad governance.
it’s past time for the people of this country to stand up and take back what is rightfully ours. beginning with holding all those responsible for the conditions that we are in, through gross negligence, malfeasance,illegal and treasonous acts, accountable. demoRATs and RATpublicans both.
for starters: lTMF’sA. sign the petition.
then tell your senators you’ve had enough!… contact information is HERE, your representatives should get the same message. all of them are up for re-election… contact information may be found HERE.
and don’t forget the DLC <gag reflex>, the DSCC, the DNC.
if the shit that today attempted to pass itself off as competence, and up to the task of leading this country forward, offended you as much as it did me then do as AG says: WAKE THE FUCK UP!, do something NOW or reap the whirlwinds of the next 14 months and end up weeping at the ballot box next november. it can’t, it won’t, happen without YOU!… and six months from now, it’s going to be all over but the shootin’ and stealin’ on election day.
bring a friend.
my 2¢
tips, recs, flames….comments even.
if this weren’t so tragically indicative of the lack of competence of our purported leaders, it’d be funny.
later…l need a drink.
I salute you sir…BRAVO
Bulls-eye…let us not make the mistake of being the stupid…..
You know my position on this, and have been preaching to everyone who will/will not listen…and some of the will not’s have done a turn around ; )
The only way this is going to stop…is in the streets shouting at the top of our lungs…NO MORE
It’s going to take comitment, and some loss of money from missed work, not taking that lil’ weekene trip, and refuse to pay the soaring fuel prices…we need to shut the country down for a week…yes I said a week. And during that week, we all need to be in the streets, in the news camera’s, on the mainline news, in force, all across the country, screaming NO MORE
I’ll be there ; )
thanks bro…I’ll be there with you.
It is a dereliction of duty not to impeach them.
chris floyd at Empire Burlesque starts the day with: Collusion Course: Dems Play Impeachment Farce as Republic Burns, quoting at length from arthur silber’s scathing: The Barren, Deadly Wasteland that Is Now Our Life.
and here’s the list of the demoRATs who voted against impeachment…h/t to AfterDowningStreet.
I agree that we are fast running out of time to affect regime change.
Remember, the Achille’s heel of heirarchical governments, such as we have, is the degree to which citizens obey.
If enough people refuse to obey, our republic’s democracy can be restored.
What’s “enough”? Who knows, but it’s likely less than you think. Nothing else seems to be working. I see no other way.
See link below, and my previous diaries for more info on the above concept.