Good Morning, Boran. This morning it was 19 when I went out to feed my horses. Never mind frost on the pumpkin, it was ice on the tub today. Actually, after the unnaturally warm September and October we’ve had here, “normal” weather is very welcome.
It’s hard to adjust to the abrupt change in temperature; I feel like I’m freezing all the time, and then I have to remind myself that this is still a bit warm for November.
We had our rain yesterday. And now the leaves are changing quite nicely – finally.
Well I guess if you can have a deciduous jungle, that would count as one. It’s a shot I couldn’t normally get in the interior woods but 2 years ago there was a storm with 80-100 mph straight-line winds that came through this area and took out a swatch of trees for about 1/2 mile.
I guess the FSM was angry with us that blustery day, but it allows for many great shots.
[Readers’ Service: Regular tribbers are familiar with the FSM reference. The casual, ignorant reader can follow this link to brush up on pastafarianism.]
I know it’s an awful thought, but since we are reality-based we must recognize the fundamentalists on the other side. So I simply try to keep spreading the word.
I just got my first cup. I need one of the situations where as soon as I wake up someone brings me coffee. I wish the lottery would hurry up and come on through.
Yeah but the great things with kids is you can use that in later life to get a zinger in about how you sacrificed to make sure they got to school, etc. 🙂
I didn’t have to do much pestering today. CBtY did the extracurricular Poe seminar at school this month, so today he’s off to the Poe festival at the same place they have the renaissance faire. No classes.
It was funny, our local cool restored old-style town movie theater was showing Masque of the Red Death 2 weeks ago, and I offered to take him to see it, and he declined! Saying it wouldn’t be as good as the story.
No big plans, and it’s supposed be COLD here, but I just finished a big rush project yesterday (that had been hanging over my head over last weekend), so I’m looking forward to just relaxing and doing some stuff around the house. Maybe shopping for a winter coat for CBtY.
Nothing doing beyond the normal activities for us this weekend. I’ve got another trip coming up on Monday but for once I’m looking forward to it because the customer is in St. Louis and I get to go out to dinner with Mary! Jealous? 😉
Nearly short trip. Going Monday night, coming back late Wednesday night.
Well I did make quite a few trip to Philly but that was way before BT. I’ll just have to encourage the sales guys to hunt up a new customer in the area.
HI Andi! Great Moose’s Ass I’ve missed your pictures. I know, you just passed the Moose shots along, you rabble rouser. I agree with CG… make that a little northwest of Phili and I’m there too.
Love that woods shot. Georgous!
Catch ya later.
I can see that it’s a bit difficult to tell from the picture but since I was there, I can tell that was one turtle who sure which end was up … and down.
I’ve actually finish almost a pot, and I’ve been going through the house cleaning this morning. Relatives are coming today, and I didn’t feel like doing all that stuff last night. Of course from being up so early and doing all this work, I’ll probably be napping when they get here.
Morning, everyone. I’m still in bed with my laptop too, but it appears to be sunny and mild today. We’re supposed to be back up into the 70s early next week.
Ask, these trips with swimmer sound like a time both of you will remember throughout life.
FM…tell the rels you’ve got a new recipe for
Turkey a la e-Coli for Thanksgiving.
Actually I need to go to the library too, but I’m not sure I’ll make it before it closes today. On Saturday they close at noon. Actually except for a few businesses and fast food places you can’t find anything opened here on the w/e.
Well I hate to, but I’ve already have to get going. Still got to dust around the house. It’s amazing how much dust can accumulate after only two short years. I think I might have to start dusting more often.
It’s a warm 41 here at the moment. Can’t decide to stay up or go back to sleep. Of course having no fresh coffee, and drinking a cup of day old coffee isn’t helping.
I was having trouble earlier too. Decided to take a nap, but George had other ideas. Wish I could send them to do the shopping, but I don’t what the entire house filled with nothing but snacks. It so difficult being the sensible one sometimes. 🙂
We’re on a slight warming trend here. The low was well below freezing yesterday and today it’s going to be in the 40s and not get below freezing for at least through Friday.
Baseball season is over, and we’re now enjoying traditional late fall weekend activities, such as fantasy football, snuggling, making soup, and knitting…although the weather is actually nice enough to get outside today (a little chilly, but not rainy).
Their mother had a sudden change of plans 🙁
We just finished lunch at curly’s instead, including home made cauliflower soup. Now a stroll in the park and a quick stop at the Met.
Old cafe here.
Ohhh lovely Andi picture above.
You’ve got to love YouTube. I went off on a 70’s music adventure this morning.
Van Morrison – Tupelo Honey
Outlaws – Green Grass and High Tide
Oh for the good old day. 🙂
I remember the good old day……. it was sometime in 1975. It’s a little fuzzy though… I hope it’s not just one of those “false memories”.
How are ya, FM?
Hi Nag. It’s so good to see you. My memories are a little fuzzy from back then too. I think that’s the reason I only remember one good old day. 🙂
I’ve been doing OK. Hope you’ve been doing fine.
Damn, I’m sorry I missed you. I hope you’ll be stopping back by.
For an old fart you used to have good taste in music. 😉 Do you play these through your hearing aids now?
Nope cut the hearing aids off and lay down between the speakers. 😛
You’re tall enough that you could wear a Bose tower speaker on each ear and it wouldn’t look out of place.
Now that’s a damned good idea. I hadn’t thought of that.
Good morning froggies. It’s getting cold here and more rain (still needed) is expected, a lovely combination.
Cold and rainy. Some people have all the luck. 🙂
You are welcome to some of it. 😉
I’ll take it, but it would be nicer if it came in the form of snow. 🙂
Good Morning, Boran. This morning it was 19 when I went out to feed my horses. Never mind frost on the pumpkin, it was ice on the tub today. Actually, after the unnaturally warm September and October we’ve had here, “normal” weather is very welcome.
Good morning Nag. We had to scrape ice off the cars this morning, first time this season.
It’s hard to adjust to the abrupt change in temperature; I feel like I’m freezing all the time, and then I have to remind myself that this is still a bit warm for November.
We had our rain yesterday. And now the leaves are changing quite nicely – finally.
Ours are about half down already.
We still have ways to go for that…and I’m not looking forward to the clean-up.
Good morning, Andi!
That is a jungle!
Well I guess if you can have a deciduous jungle, that would count as one. It’s a shot I couldn’t normally get in the interior woods but 2 years ago there was a storm with 80-100 mph straight-line winds that came through this area and took out a swatch of trees for about 1/2 mile.
I guess the FSM was angry with us that blustery day, but it allows for many great shots.
[Readers’ Service: Regular tribbers are familiar with the FSM reference. The casual, ignorant reader can follow this link to brush up on pastafarianism.]
What heresy to suggest that there is anyone out there who does know of the awesome greatness that is the FSM. 😉
All hail the noodleness!
I know it’s an awful thought, but since we are reality-based we must recognize the fundamentalists on the other side. So I simply try to keep spreading the word.
Good morning Andi and Ask.
I definitely need coffee this morning. Not as cold here today as yesterday.
I’ve already had 2 cups but it doesn’t seem to be working. I’m still feeling really groggy.
I just got my first cup. I need one of the situations where as soon as I wake up someone brings me coffee. I wish the lottery would hurry up and come on through.
Better get coffee going here as well, curly should be getting up soon.
Oh, and good morning, FM!
Morning ask.
Yep better get that coffee going. I’m just waiting for it to kick in now.
Sign me up for that plan too. Onstead, I’m the fisrt one up, making coffee and pestering everyone else to get up.
Maybe a timer on the coffeepot? But then you lose the whole fresh ground thing…
Yeah but the great things with kids is you can use that in later life to get a zinger in about how you sacrificed to make sure they got to school, etc. 🙂
I didn’t have to do much pestering today. CBtY did the extracurricular Poe seminar at school this month, so today he’s off to the Poe festival at the same place they have the renaissance faire. No classes.
Good for CBtY! On the Poe festival – Are we talking Edgar Allen?
That would be the guy.
It was funny, our local cool restored old-style town movie theater was showing Masque of the Red Death 2 weeks ago, and I offered to take him to see it, and he declined! Saying it wouldn’t be as good as the story.
Good for CBtY! I’ve never found a movie to be as good as the book.
And you think you’ve got rels up the wazoo now — just wait till you win the lottery. 😉
Already figured that one out. I always wanted to move back to Europe.
That looks like a painting! Gorgeous!
And it’s Friday – thank FSM!
Morning CG.
It is Friday isn’t it. They just come up so fast. 🙂
Hi and thanks, CG. Got a good weekend to look forward to?
No big plans, and it’s supposed be COLD here, but I just finished a big rush project yesterday (that had been hanging over my head over last weekend), so I’m looking forward to just relaxing and doing some stuff around the house. Maybe shopping for a winter coat for CBtY.
How about you?
Doing nothing is always enjoyable.
Nothing doing beyond the normal activities for us this weekend. I’ve got another trip coming up on Monday but for once I’m looking forward to it because the customer is in St. Louis and I get to go out to dinner with Mary! Jealous? 😉
Hah! I already knew about that trip. A certain someone in St. Louis let me know, and I know I’m jealous.
I don’t think you can be jealous when you refuse to leave Alabama. 😛
I’m like CG – Why don’t you ever have a work trip here?
I admit I’m probably the only one with a computer here, but…… ;P
You come here first and then I’ll think about coming there.
Gotta get going. See ya later.
Ah hah! Trying to turn the tables on me. Nope you’re the traveler, and I’m the hermit. So there. 🙂
See ya later and have a good day.
Very! Why don’t you ever have a work trip here?
Will you be there all week, or is it a short trip?
Nearly short trip. Going Monday night, coming back late Wednesday night.
Well I did make quite a few trip to Philly but that was way before BT. I’ll just have to encourage the sales guys to hunt up a new customer in the area.
Tell them that the new client should be slightly west of Philly, so we don’t have to drive too far. 🙂
HI Andi! Great Moose’s Ass I’ve missed your pictures. I know, you just passed the Moose shots along, you rabble rouser. I agree with CG… make that a little northwest of Phili and I’m there too.
Love that woods shot. Georgous!
Catch ya later.
Missed you again. I hope this means, though, that you’ll be back my more often.
I’d love to take credit for the moose pictures but if I’d had ’em, I would’ve posted ’em. 🙂
Shoot, I’m found out.
everybody should know that I only have pictures of critters that actually know what they are doing.
Oh my,
Can you link to a bigger version; I’d like to see the look in his eyes…
I’ve just set the width down in the img tag so if you view the image or or copy the image url so you can go to it, you’ll get the full effect.
Well, I’m wondering whether he approached the right end…
I can see that it’s a bit difficult to tell from the picture but since I was there, I can tell that was one turtle who sure which end was up … and down.
I actually ripped it from here – credit due where it belongs (just scroll down a little).
It’s 8that8 time of the year in the forest…
(Andi passed these to me.. 😉 )
Oh my god…I think you should post a “Friday News Hump” today and use that picture…
Sure, but a bit later. Parent/teacher conference for young asklet coming up this morning. Need to get out early.
OK, I rushed one. Hope everyone can help out with news, fun or serious.
I already started putting stuff in. Thanks, ask.
That’s hysterical. Oh to be the lucky person who got to see that in person.
So Andi has graduated from slug sex to moose, er, sex now. 🙂
Good morning all. TGIF. Gotta run, see y’all later.
Morning Boran. Sounds like a non-slackerly day. You know my wisdom on that. 😉
Mornin’ everyone. The Noodly One has blessed us with another Friday. Go out and make it a saucy one.
Hellooooooo Nag!
I don’t think saucy and I have ever been used in the same sentence. But hey, I’ll give it a shot while I’m taking a nap. 🙂
It’s actually a warm morning here. We’re back up into the 50’s for a low.
Why didn’t someone tell me this is a 3-day weekend. I could have at least planned.
Good morning, FM!
Still cold here, 37 at the moment.
On my second cup of coffee.
Morning ask.
I’ve actually finish almost a pot, and I’ve been going through the house cleaning this morning. Relatives are coming today, and I didn’t feel like doing all that stuff last night. Of course from being up so early and doing all this work, I’ll probably be napping when they get here.
Any big plans for the day?
Hectic weekend ahead for you.
I have a slacker day ahead. The kids are with their mother this weekend. I’ll head up to curly’s later today.
Yep unfortunately it will be hectic. I still can’t convince the relatives that holidays are made to be spent somewhere else. 🙂
When’s the next college trip coming up?
It’s a mixed blessing, I guess.
Mine are an ocean away so we don’t get to see them enough.
Next trip will be next weekend (Fri/Sat).
It’s gray and boring outside; staying in bed w/laptop & coffee.
I complain about them all the time, but I’m glad they’re near.
I just looked outside and it’s very foggy here.
Morning, everyone. I’m still in bed with my laptop too, but it appears to be sunny and mild today. We’re supposed to be back up into the 70s early next week.
Ask, these trips with swimmer sound like a time both of you will remember throughout life.
FM…tell the rels you’ve got a new recipe for
Turkey a la e-Coli for Thanksgiving.
What turkey. We’ll look down the road to see if there’s any road kill possum for stuffing. 😉
Morning, SN – yes, great quality time for the two of us.
And an experience for me as well, since I’m not very familiar with the school system here.
My satellite connection is dow for maintenance until 8 and I’m back on dial-up and I hate it. It’s sooooo sloooow. 🙁
(Amazing how quick I’ve forgotten what I put up with 10 years.)
Morning, Andi!
It’s such a drag once you’re accustomed to speed. I get to have that fun in the Berkshires.
Yeah and I don’t even have the kind of speed you guys do and it’s just horrible. Ah, the suffering of modern life. 😉
So now that FM has reminded me of Veterans Day, I’m wondering — does NY have a parade or anything?
No parades or anything, but Victoria’s Secret has 20% off bras and panties to honor the veterans.
Good morning, you snarky thing.
Morning, Andi. Off to the library, are ya?
Yep. Big doings at the F’s. But first the dogs and I will go for a stroll.
Morning SN.
I just read an article yesterday about manbreast. Appears to be a lot of it going around. I wonder if Victoria’s Secret had that in mind. 😛
I think George Costanza invented the Bro for man breasts. Or was it the Manssiere?
Although I never watched the show, I think it was Manssiere.
Hah, that’s how it seems, no?
But actually…
Ah a parade and 20% off at Victoria’s secret. The holiday is complete.
Back on dial-up. Oh the pain, the pain.
At least you do have a back up system though.
Got any holiday plans for the w/e?
It took me a bit to figure out what holiday — sorry, mr. vet that I forgot about it. So more to the point, what are your plans?
Plans – the usual, absolutely nothing.
I’ll be running around cleaning up after relatives, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll get the lawn this w/e.
Sometimes I don’t know how I can take all this excitement. 🙂
Well I’m going to the library so I guess my excitement level is maybe a tad above yours.
Actually I need to go to the library too, but I’m not sure I’ll make it before it closes today. On Saturday they close at noon. Actually except for a few businesses and fast food places you can’t find anything opened here on the w/e.
Well I hate to, but I’ve already have to get going. Still got to dust around the house. It’s amazing how much dust can accumulate after only two short years. I think I might have to start dusting more often.
Everyone have a good day and w/e.
It’s a warm 41 here at the moment. Can’t decide to stay up or go back to sleep. Of course having no fresh coffee, and drinking a cup of day old coffee isn’t helping.
Morning, FM!
Our coldest so far, 32 now.
Are you out of coffee since you’re not making a fresh pot?
Morning ask.
We were just down to 29 the other day, but it looks like it’s getting back into the normal lows.
Yep no fresh coffee in the house. I’ve got another 3 hours before any stores here open, so that “time stretching out” thing is happening. 🙁
That’s a bummer.
I guess the FamilyFamily cleaned out the pantry.
Nope they haven’t yet because I didn’t go grocery shopping yesterday. However, today when I hit the store, coffee is top of the list.
Hmm, I’m having trouble with the server; slow/refuses to reload.
How about taking a nap and sending them out to do the shopping?
I was having trouble earlier too. Decided to take a nap, but George had other ideas. Wish I could send them to do the shopping, but I don’t what the entire house filled with nothing but snacks. It so difficult being the sensible one sometimes. 🙂
We’re on a slight warming trend here. The low was well below freezing yesterday and today it’s going to be in the 40s and not get below freezing for at least through Friday.
Morning Andi.
I’m going to have to have a talk with Olivia and tell her to send some of that cold weather down here.
I think I’m going to try for another nap. I really need some coffee here this morning. 🙁
See ya.
Am I too late? Is everyone already gone.
It’s a bright crisp morning here, perfect for a walk later. After coffee, of course.
Hi CG,
Yup – 8.30 is awfully late for a Sunday 😉
Crisp and cold. Meeting the kids for brunch in a bit.
Is baseball season over?
We had pancakes for lunch…
Baseball season is over, and we’re now enjoying traditional late fall weekend activities, such as fantasy football, snuggling, making soup, and knitting…although the weather is actually nice enough to get outside today (a little chilly, but not rainy).
Hope you have a nice brunch with the asklets!
Hay ask and CG. The b2 boy had his last soccer game yesterday. It’s definitely gotten too cold to go any longer.
Their mother had a sudden change of plans 🙁
We just finished lunch at curly’s instead, including home made cauliflower soup. Now a stroll in the park and a quick stop at the Met.
Morning CG, Ask and Boran.
I feel like I’m starting the day late, even though I was up early. It must have been that two hour nap I took.
In 72 hours, we’ll be on our way to New Zealand!
Who knew taking a vacation required so much prep-work?
Morning keres.
Heck in 72 hours you could have an ark built and sail across. 😉