Wanker of the day? Chuck Schumer:
The most amazing quote was from chief Mukasey supporter Chuck Schumer, who, before voting for him, said that Mukasey is “wrong on torture — dead wrong.” Marvel at that phrase: “wrong on torture.” Six years ago, there wasn’t even any such thing as being “wrong on torture,” because “torture” wasn’t something we debated. It would have been incoherent to have heard: “Well, he’s dead wrong on torture, but . . . “
Now, “torture” is not only something we openly debate, but it’s something we do. And the fact that someone is on the wrong side of the “torture debate” doesn’t prevent them from becoming the Attorney General of the United States.
Too bad Mukasey won’t enforce congressional subpoenas either. It was nice when we lived in a Republic.
Yep. I don’t know what to do anymore, Booman. Like Thom Hartmann suggests I keep calling my congressional delegation, but.. oh shit. You know in detail how morally repulsive they’ve been. Nothing is effective.
I’m going to go walk my fence line and find a local farmer to support. I need to make something in the world better.
enjoy your walk. It’s cold here today.
What else is there to say?
Charles Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, and the Presidential Candidates who didn’t show up to vote just threw away our birthright.
There’s A Revolution Calling You
I wish I could get out on the campaign trail and every time Clinton or Obama or any of these assholes starts talking about the right to vote and how every vote is sooooooooooo important I’d like to start asking them if that’s the case then why aren’t they doing Their job in Congress and showing up for votes themselves…same thing ain’t it? If they can’t do their job then I guess maybe I won’t do mine either at least not voting for any of them. I suspect after the primaries I’ll be reduced to writing in my sister’s name for president.
Still think my comments about Schumer were outrageous?
And how do you think the wiretapping vote’s gonna play out?
The true reality is that the Democrats, as a whole, are now totally complicit in the creation of this nightmare scenario that we now have. Anyone who believes they have any intention or desire to attempt any substantive change to the course of this administration is, to put it mildy, an absolute and unapologetic fool. I don’t know, maybe they are banking on the political calculation that the voters will hand them the Holy Grail of a super-majority in 2008. And it may well happen for them. And if it does, it will certainly not be because they deserve it. It will be purely by Republican attrition and self immolation.
These men and women, at their core, are probably very decent and well intentioned individuals. And from a purely political standpoint, they are likely sitting pretty. But the damage they are willingly inflicting on the character and soul of our country is, to me, an unforgivable act. These people, at some point, have to be made to pay a price for their willingness to prostitute their responsibilities away to the most vile, corrupt and dangerous administration in our history.
To paraphrase Special Counsel for the Army Joseph N. Welch to Joseph McCarthy in 1950, “Let us not assassinate this country further, Congressmen and women. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency people, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”
‘Anyone who believes they have any intention or desire to attempt any substantive change to the course of this administration is, to put it mildly, an absolute and unapologetic fool.’
Yes, but even worse. They are not intending to change the course in the next administration which they are sure will be HRC. (HRC: sounds like an illness or a bank.)They are in for some very bitter surprises.
Yes, even if Hillary is elected, torture will still be a practice officially sanctioned by the United States government. We have now crossed over the line and have thrown our lot in with those states we have long abhorred, condemned and have even sent American soldiers to topple.
What an abomination we have become.
One observation:
Why didn’t they need 60 votes to pass?
This could have been filibustered, couldn’t it? Republicans have been filibustering everything they can – couldn’t a Senator have invoked a filibuster? Am I expecting too much from Senator Feingold?
Or am I missing some arcane bit of Senate procedural rules that prevents the filibuster from being used in this situation?
Or was it just that there fools who would have voted to close debate that didn’t actually vote for Mukasey in the end? I suspect that this is the case – and I’d like to know who they are. Casting a “Nay” vote for Mukasey may make their consciences feel better, but if they were willing to vote “Yea” to end debate, it’s the same as passing him.
Also – when were the Senators informed of the vote? Did Reid purposefully pull this vote on short notice in the dead of night so that Clinton, Obama and Dodd wouldn’t be around – either to provide cover for them or to prevent them from interfering?
4 votes shifted from Yea to Nay would have made the difference here. Couldn’t anyone have done some arm-twisting? It’s like Reid wanted this to just barely pass. Grrr.
they could have filibuster it. They chose not to.
The dems are content to let Bush run out his term; they don’t really want a big confrontation because they think that way, nothing will happen to derail the coming realignment. It sucks, but they don’t think they really need to do much during the current Congress because the Republicans own the whole pottery barn right now.
Schumer, Feinstein, et al, will be seen historically as the people who made torture legal in the United States. Their collective legacy is now secure.
The person who really disappoints me, however, is Chris Dodd. I realize he’s campaigning in Iowa, but showing up to vote “no” was an important gesture, however futile.
Shame on Dodd for choosing politics over morality.
I don’t but these critiques over attendance.
The way it works is that Reid gets his whip count and then he tells the presidential candidates whether he needs their votes. If he does need their votes, they come back to DC. In this case, their votes didn’t matter (they couldn’t prevent 50, and they weren’t needed if a filibuster were launched).
There was no reason for Dodd to leave Iowa for this vote unless he intended to filibuster it. And, evidently, the caucus decided they would not support a filibuster.
I understand that; as I stated, the vote was futile. It was, however, a chance for Dodd to go on the record against torture.
I realize I’m talking pure symbolism here, but that’s all we have, apparently.
I’d have flown back to D.C. if I were in Dodd’s shoes.
It’s not a critique over attendance; it’s a critique of the message, or lack thereof.
the real battle is over FISA, not this miserable prick of an attorney general. Once the Dems decided torture was okay it really made no sense to throw a fit on Mukasey. That ship sailed right off the table a 11 months ago.
“the real battle is over FISA…” and “this miserable prick of an attorney general” is going to be right in the middle of it.
what do you think was his first priority, after a quick, “private”, swearing in ceremony?
people, we been had…again.
this whole democratic experiment…republic, if you will…just sailed right off the edge of the flat earth.
fuck’em all!
i’m sorry but every issue has been a real issue. and it certainly was worth a hissy fit and even a fillibuster to stop mukasey and make several conditions for appointing any future attorney general or anyone to the injustice department: among them, follow through on all the subpoenas issued by congress and turn over all the documents to the committees. otherwise, frankly, you might just as well recess or abolish congress. which is what Darth cheney has done anyway. i guess i have gone way beyond cynical but i don’t see how what the democrats have given bush is that much different than if the republicans still controlled congress. yeah i will go that far, the white house, with one override exception has gotten just about everything. congress is a big debate club now that the US is an out and out robber Empire occupying the persian gulf and since reid won’t fillibuster nor will they impeach, cheney will do just whatever he wants and congress will go along, right up to and including using tactical nukes against iran. (with another rubber stamp vote from the demorats) that’s how far down into Dante’s hell the US now is. it’s not a Republic, booman, bush is a Caesar. the rubicon was passed in 2004 and when they kept throwing money at the two lost and useless wars in iraq and afghanistan. and are totally prepared now for the 3rd one….
every time the demorats give in to emperor george and Darth it further emboldens them. has there ever been a more ineffectual majority ‘opposition’ party? and the poll numbers, does anyone in that party read how many people are against this war and want a timetable or a pullout now? of course they know, but they don’t give a rat’s *ss or they’re afraid or they want to win in 2008 or blah blah blah.
given the present track record i consider the FISA to be a foregone conclusion as well. bush will get what he want, with maybe a few minor adjustments here and there.
sorry for the long tirade but this debate club i mean rubbeer stamp club i mean congress has made me extremely cranky.
I spoke to Dodd’s campaign about this just a few moments ago.
They told me that Dodd was unable to sschedule a flight back to DC on such short notice.
Wasn’t this vote supposed to be NEXT week anyway?
Curiouser and curiouser…
So next time Senator Schumer is up for reelection, I might just close my eyes and vote. (He is one of my two senators.) Is there really any difference between those who support torture and those who enable the supporters?
Don’t close your eyes and vote: refuse to vote for schumer.
Better yet, find a primary opponent for the nazi.
To hell with that. I didn’t vote for DiFi in 2006 and she will never receive my vote again. If anyone else has the guts to take her on a primary, I will donate time and money. Hopefully, this will be her last term anyway. A vote for Schumer is a vote for torture. A simple mantra that we should dog him with every chance we get.
I’ve been calling his office all day and asking them to pass messages along to Senator Torture.
And I’m gonna keep doing it too. Every single fucking day.
people should be meeting his campaign appearances with buckets of pig blood and rotten eggs.
and who could possibly be better protected against a primary challenge than Chuck Schumer?
there’s gotta be a dead girl or a live boy SOMEWHERE.
Shit, if it comes to it, I’ll call the NY Post and say he offered to suck me off for a five spot.
who was going to get paid in that scenario?
i think I would be the one getting the five-spot, Chuckie’s clearly better at sucking than I am. And wanking for that matter.
Goddammit, I’m pissed off today. It’s also leaking out that this decision for a late-night vote was Harry Reid’s baby. TPM has a lot.
Enemies of the People: Never Forget Their Names And Their Crime.
Senator Chuck Schumer, New York
Senator Dianne Feinstein, California
Senator Evan Bayh, Indiana
Senator Tom Carper, Delaware
Senator Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
Senator Ben Nelson, Nebraska
Senator Joe Lieberman, Vichy
Seriously, there must be someone willing to go after Schumer and Feinstein. If not a congressman, then maybe a NY and CA celebrity. Isn’t there another Al Franken who would like to be Senator?
when W submits himself to a waterboarding test, the I’ll consider it not to be torture. But I heard yesterday on MSNBC that your lungs actually fill with water…to simulate drowning.