As a measure of how much Israel is unwilling to give up the West Bank for the establishment of a Palestinian nation, this report from England makes clear that Zionist organizations in that country have the go-ahead to sell West Bank (Palestinian) property to investors or potential home owners, all equipped with cheap serfs—no not Arabs—imported from far Eastern countries. The last time we heard about West Bank property for sale it was in New Jersey, and it caused quite a stir, with peace activists confronting Zionist supporters on the streets. Earlier sales in Britain have also been advertised. The stories then were not picked up by mainstream US media, which avoided the controversy like the plague, of course.

This sale like the previous ones refers to the sale of Palestinian lands.
Mark Elf of Jews sans frontieres provided this account of the latest sale. No Arab clients need apply, we are told.

All theft is property!

I wish I’d have thought of that headline, but it wasn’t me, it was Charlie Pottins referring to the fact that Brent Town Hall is hosting a Trade Fair put on by the Zionist Federation. Here’s Charlie, on the Random Pottins blog in more of his own words:

FANCY a villa in the West Bank? Looking for exciting investment opportunities in some really ‘hot’ real estate? Then the place to go is Brent Town Hall, in Wembley, this weekend, when Israeli property companies will be exhibiting among the canned goods and bric a brac at a trade fair organised by the Zionist Federation.

The Israeli Defence Forces are securing more properties for development, and we are assured that whatever you may have heard in the media, this process won’t be affected by any international negotiations – quite the opposite. Yes, when we say Two States we mean you can settle in both of ’em!

You can rely on the Israeli Defence Forces to secure your investment, and remove any nuisance neighbours who spoil the view. Settlers enjoy separate roads and transport – you can go where you like, and do what you want, no need to worry about checkpoints; and if you’ve heard about Palestinian villages being short of drinking water, don’t worry, it won’t affect your swimming pool!

You might like to take part in exciting developments in the Negev, where the Green Patrols are encouraging Bedouin to resume nomadic life by bulldozing their homes. But if you choose the West Bank you’ll have the advantage of Israeli military protection without having to worry about laws protecting any labour you employ. Thais and Filipinos are available cheap, and if you time things right the authorities will find things wrong with their papers and send them home – they can always be replaced – before you’ve paid their wages!

You can visit those ancient sites you’ve seen in Cecil B.De Mille movies, or practice gun-toting like in the Westerns, ready to take a potshot at pesky A-rabs! And junior will have great fun with his pals demolishing Hebron market stalls while pa with his gun, and the soldiers look on!

Yes, whether you want to settle or just invest, this is your chance to get involved in aggression, colonisation and ethnic cleansing! So come to Brent Town Hall this Sunday,

(Normal terms and conditions – no Arabs need apply).

NB When we say “Israeli property companies” we just mean companies based or operating in Israel. We can’t guarantee provenance or that what you’ll be offered is Israeli property, in the conventional sense. But what did old man Proudhon say, “Property is Theft”? Well, we say THEFT IS PROPERTY!

Here are some of the delightful locations which had properties available for purchase by visitors to an earlier property fair at Kinloss Suite, Finchley Synagogue, London, 27 October 2007:

Ma’ale Adumim – a town of 30,000+ inhabitants (in 2005) and a key part of the E1 plan to expand the suburbs of Jerusalem several kilometres into the West Bank. The planned route of Israel’s Separation Barrier would encircle the town, reaching approximately 10 km into the West Bank. The effect would be to:
· isolate Palestinian East Jerusalem from the rest of Palestinian territory;
· cut the West Bank into two, requiring lengthy detours to get from one part to another;
· both of the above would severely curtail the economic viability of a future Palestinian State, restricting access to the Jerusalem markets and to movement of goods.

Betar Illit – an orthodox settlement established in 1985 with around 25,000+ inhabitants (in 2005), east of the 1967 Green Line, to the west of Bethlehem. It is located inside the planned or constructed route of Israel’s Separation Barrier.

Har Homa – a 2002 development, built on land confiscated from Palestinians. The original plans for 3/4,000 homes resulted in the suspension of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in 1997, leading to a suspension of the plan, later resumed by Israel. (British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook raised objections to this development but look what happened to him!)

Nof Zion – a 2006 development in an Arab area of southeast Jerusalem, captured by Israel during the 1967 war and part of “an effort to erase the Arab presence” according to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions(ICAHD).

If you check Charlie’s site, he also has a nice map.

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The brown areas are considered open territory for settlement and investment.

As the Annapolis Conference draws near, if it ever meets at all, we have to wonder if these investors will be protected. I suspect they will.