It’s an odd way for it to happen, but a federal raid on a company making coins with Ron Paul’s likeness has offered the mainstream press with perhaps the first opportunity to take note of the strength of the congressman’s presidential campaign.
The ardent supporters of Rep. Ron Paul, the iconoclastic Texas libertarian whose campaign for the presidency is threatening to upend the battle for the Republican nomination, got word yesterday of a new source of outrage and motivation: reports of a federal raid on a company that was selling thousands of coins marked with the craggy visage of their hero.
Federal agents on Thursday raided the Evansville, Ind., headquarters of the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and Internal Revenue Code (Norfed), an organization of “sound money” advocates that for the past decade has been selling a private currency it calls “Liberty Dollars.” The company says it has put into circulation more than $20 million in Liberty Dollars, coins and paper certificates it contends are backed by silver and gold stored in Idaho, are far more reliable than a U.S. dollar and are accepted for use by a nationwide underground economy.
It’s okay to advocate for the abolishment of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service, but you can’t print alternative currency.
In the affidavit, an FBI special agent states that he is investigating Norfed for federal violations including “uttering coins of gold, silver, or other metal,” “making or possessing likeness of coins,” mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and conspiracy. “The goal of Norfed is to undermine the United States government’s financial systems by the issuance of a non-governmental competing currency for the purpose of repealing the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Code,” he states.
The raid will add some energy into Paul’s campaign. More significantly, this is the first time I’ve seen the Washington Post take Paul’s candidacy seriously. Not only did they note that it “is threatening to upend the battle for the Republican nomination”, they also reported:
He raised a record-breaking $4 million in a single day this month and nears double digits in some New Hampshire polls.
Paul has enough money to compete for advertising time in New Hampshire. His anti-war ‘live free or die’ message has the potential to catch on in the Granite State, where independents can vote in the primaries. He’s already polling ahead of Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee…the two candidates most beloved by the press. Paul may not be able to win in New Hampshire, but he definitely can have an effect on the outcome.
I know you don’t believe but I take this as a direct result of the Illuminati. They want desperately to keep the old corrupted status quo. We routinely talk of Ron Paul on the anti-Illuminati sites yet most of us hold little hope. They will just bump him off.
No, I don’t believe that. But, then, I don’t think the term ‘illuminati’ really means anything.
Sorry, I’m counting a lot of dead Kennedys but not a lot of dead right-wingers. If Paul siphons off too many votes from the Rethugs then I could see him getting busted a la Lyndon LaRouche. I suspect that you wouldn’t know an Illuminati if it bit you on the ass. Scratch out Illuminati and write “oil company” or “corporate money.” You’ll get better results.
My concept of the “Illuminati” does include “the secret government”the global power of corporations/Zionists super rich individuals and European royalty. The very term Illuminati simply breeds misconception and clicks the off switch in people’s minds.
And who is the Illuminati? Kissinger, the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, the CFR and all of the other globalist organizations.
Now one could also remove the idea they are working together in a global conspiracy and explain it away as random chance events. Well, OK, being so rich and in possesion of an A-type personality they think it is their divine right to screw up other people’s lives to the greatest degree possible.
It has been said Kennedy was put down because he wanted to end the federal reserve. That would make him an Illuminati victim not because of ideology but rather rocking the establishment boat.
Since Kennedy though they discovered the value of established “left” paradigms can be just as useful to the agenda as the “right”. Problem, reaction, solution or Hegelian dialectic.
The very term Illuminati simply breeds misconception and clicks the off switch in people’s minds.
So why do you keep using it?
Ron Paul will finish in the top three on the Republican side in the Granite state. If you can win a vote in with a safety before rights platform among people whose drivers licenses say “Live free or Die”, then America is really in trouble. Even if it is only Republicans who are voting.
A safer bet is in the top four. But he could do as well an second place if he can get the press to treat him with even a modicum of respect.
What we have here with respect to Pauls entry into the race is a clear example of the strengthening desire on the part of the frightened legions that are losing any faith in the current group of embarassing candidates in this years’ run for the presidency.Most of these folks don’t even realize the positions that paul has regarding all of the basic needs of the citizenry of this country.
The new doctrine is “Overlook!” Even those that don’t accept the Paul candidacy– just look for a moment at what they are willing to”Overlook” with respect to the rest of the rest of the field. Every single member of this group willingly apply this concept. And, they create the needed false realities that are the necessities of these false gods. I won’t bother to list the absurdities that exist. They are too ridiculous and to list here. Suffice it to say that the driving force presently at work this time around is “FEAR”. That force is being reenforced daily by this administration and since they control the media in this country, this becomes an easy success.
The old adages the the people get the government that they deserve has never been so clear as it is now. And the “Overlook” position allows the demigods to achieve their goal. It so sad.
I think it is a common feature of the ‘protest’ candidate that their supporters are willing to overlook differences with and deficiencies in the candidate in order to ‘send a message’.
This was certainly true of Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan, and Ross Perot.
While the “Overlook” is in full force among the progressive side of Paul’s camp (“I only care about ending the war; whether we have a free country is NOTHING next to that…”), it’s important not to forget that his core group isn’t overlooking ANYTHING. They actually agree with him, as frightening and insane as that is.
We are constantly bombarded with Bush’s low approval rating; when you live in Texas, however, it’s hard to miss that a significant percentage of those who disapprove do so not because the man’s a sociopath, but because he’s not sociopathic ENOUGH.
And THAT is the real problem. Der Shrubbenfuhrer is a LOT closer to the political mean than we’d like to thinK. Awful lot of people in this country think we need to be kicking someone’s butt every ten years or so just to remind the others that WE are in charge here. Even more still think that if someone else happens to live on top of something We The People need, they should be smart enough to either give it to us or move elsewhere, and if they’re not that smart, well, too bad for them.
The main problem for Bush isn’t ideology, it’s incompetence.
But Ron Paul is not for kicking people’s butts.
There are many problems with Ron Paul’s record and his loony fringe base, but thoughtless imperialism isn’t one of them.
No, he’s not. At least not on the record, yet. But personally, I’m not of the opinion that throwing out proven imperialist fascists in order to install not-yet-proven imperialist fascists is all that great of an improvement…. and the philosphical stretch from Birchite Nationalism to Jingoist Imperialism ain’t all that great, especially when you’re dealing with right-wing Texan loonytunes. (Which I’ve been doing for closer to fifty years than I like to think about…)
And realistically you can’t leave his followers out of the question any more than you can those of Hillary or Giuliani or any of the other morons… and a bunch of his followers ARE rather more imperialist than otherwise, they just don’t want to have to PAY for this ruinously expensive war. If it were cheaper, they might well be in favor. The objection is practical and fiscal, NOT philosophical.
Ron Paul’s well-known extremist views on abortion give the lie to his platform of so-called Libertarianism.
He’s all for personal freedom and liberty….for men only. Oh yeah, and for fetuses.
I personally hope he runs, particularly if Hillary is elected. Then we can have a left third party candidate run, then it will be a 4 way race and those of us who want to vote for an antiwar candidate can do so without feeling bad. The two major parties suck anyway.
That is I hope he runs thrid party.
The law only forbids passing what you make as the current coin of the United States (counterfeiting) or pretending that what you print is legal tender (no gold clauses in contracts).
It is perfectly legal to issue minted pieces of commodity priced at their market weight and to barter such pieces for other things.
The Liberty Dollars were not counterfeit, nor were they pretend legal tender. They were just gold pieces, and that’s what threatened the government so much.