Charles Johnson wrote this brief post a day ago in response to an essay on Booman Tribune and My Left Wing: Palestinian Enablers Hopping Mad at Kos

Pro-Palestinian activists are hopping mad at Booman Tribune – A Progressive Community, where the logo is a pathetic frog in handcuffs, too oppressed to hop.

And the target of their rage is Daily Kos, if you can believe that. Apparently, Kommandante Markos is a right-wing Zionazi after all (Charlie missed the same essay on My Left Wing.).

Charles Johnson, the well known and highly criticized antiArab, antiMuslim, and antiPalestinian racist owner of Little Green Footballs, finally ingratiated himself to become an advocate of Daily Kos. That change occurred when Daily Kos made the decision to follow Charles’ trajectory into right wing Zionism as the wisest and most profitable decision: getting the Palestinian advocates off his site.

Charlie, continually berated as an antiArab/Muslim/Palestinian bigot, wrote this, paraphrasing an essay about the pending censorship of a Palestinian peace activist, Sabbah, whose family was exiled during Israel’s ethnic cleansing of 1948.

Charlie went on to say,

Who knew?

The kind of censorship I am about to describe can only occur in America, sadly to say, in the freedom of speech capital of the world.

When Daily Kos, the largest left wing Democratic site on the internet, made a decision earlier this year to ban advocates of Palestinian freedom and self-determination, it did so at the behest of a cabal of right wing Zionists that monitor the site.

Administration even worked with this cabal to eventually purge over twenty bloggers, including Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans, Israeli and Jewish American peace activists, and a host of advocates for Palestinian human rights (see Is Daily Kos a “Zionist Occupied Zone?”, Two Peace Activists Banned From Daily Kos, Daily Kos Bans Two Palestinian Peace Activists, and Jewish American peace activist banned from Daily Kos) (see this essay for links to these essays: Will Facebook censor a Palestinian human rights activist? UPDATE).

A portion of the 20 or more bloggers banned from Daily Kos were also featured in this British cartoon:

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Charles Johnson and LGF were undoubtedly approving of Kos’ actions. Most interesting to read were some of the comments from LGF racist hate mongers, who replied to Charlie’s post, and who saw an issue upon which the Daily Kos community could join the LGF crowd. Here’s just the first 20 of those comments and the last one. You will get their drift.

Sharmuta 11/17/07 5:46:27 pm reply quote report

When Daily Kos, the largest left wing Democratic site on the internet, made a decision earlier this year to ban advocates of Palestinian freedom and self-determination, it did so at the behest of a cabal of right wing Zionists that monitor the site
Hey- we’ve been called worse.

#2 Don Miguel 11/17/07 5:46:48 pm reply quote report

I really liked that “advocates of Palestinian freedom and self-determination” line. LOL!

#3 Noam Sayin’ 11/17/07 5:48:30 pm reply quote report

Of course, the Kos/Rove Newsweek pairing seems to make a little more sense, now. Has Kos been a false flag operative all this time?

#4 song_and_dance_man 11/17/07 5:49:13 pm reply quote report

When does MarKOS start getting his checks. That’s what I want to know.

#5 juan 11/17/07 5:49:16 pm reply quote report

Whisper — Karl Rove.
Brilliant strategy, Karl.
Right Wing Conspiracy, of course.

#6 Killgore Trout 11/17/07 5:51:34 pm reply quote report

I’ll give Kos credit on this one. Antisemitic rants and open support for terrorists used to be almost daily occurrences over there. They’re cleaned up there act pretty well.

#7 Dr. Shalit 11/17/07 5:51:42 pm reply quote report

re: #1 Sharmuta
When Daily Kos, the largest left wing Democratic site on the internet, made a decision earlier this year to ban advocates of Palestinian freedom and self-determination, it did so at the behest of a cabal of right wing Zionists that monitor the site
Hey- we’ve been called worse.

“Sharm” –

Are they alleging that:

  1. Markos Has A BS Detector
  2. That it is turned ON
  3. That He USES it

HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, – SILLY Boychicks!

#8 rightwinger3 11/17/07 5:51:51 pm reply quote report

Are we talking about that ultraconservative reichwing site Daily Kos?

#9 Charles 11/17/07 5:52:41 pm reply quote report

“Shergald” was banned from LGF too, by the way.

#10 abu_garcia 11/17/07 5:54:09 pm reply quote report

Can you imagine what those freakazoids had to say to get the ban stick from Kos?

I’m not gonna look, but if someone does, please post it here.

#11 Charles 11/17/07 5:56:04 pm reply quote report

In fact, a lot of the people you see in that little illustration above have been featured at LGF, some as part of our “Protocols of the Daily Kos” series.

#12 jaunte 11/17/07 5:56:23 pm reply quote report

re: #1 Sharmuta
Cabal is one of those words that tells you to be on the lookout: ‘oppression’ “silencing of dissent” and “jackbooted” may soon make an appearance.

Well, I was a little off: actually reading down to the bottom of the page yielded this gem, hyperventilating bolded:

A warning that your site has been falsely deemed an anti-semitic hate site gives food for thought here, and whether Sabbah will be guillotined by the right wing Zionists, who have stalked his site, remains to be seen.

#13 Kragar (proud to be kafir) 11/17/07 5:56:43 pm reply quote report

/William Shatner mode

#14 slartybartfast 11/17/07 5:57:12 pm reply quote report

…a cabal of right wing Zionists that monitor the site.

“monitor” = I’ve been dumpster diving.


(My check is late this month.)

#15 rightwinger3 11/17/07 5:57:52 pm reply quote report

where the logo is a pathetic frog in handcuffs
Lizard drinkin’ margaritas or frog in handcuffs, tough choice.

#16 rightwinger3 11/17/07 5:59:18 pm reply quote report

re: #11 Charles
Charles, please tell me you’ve also banned them all.

#17 gman 11/17/07 5:59:35 pm reply quote report

Some positive news from Daily Kos. I don’t agree with amost everything they do, but this is a step in the right direction.

#18 Canadian Guy 11/17/07 5:59:40 pm reply quote report

That post used the word “zionist” 12 times. Holy zionists, Batman!

#19 song_and_dance_man 11/17/07 6:00:16 pm reply quote report

MarKOS probably dumped these guys (gals) for cough respectability in light of his new gig.

Can’t have that baggage when he’s moving on up to the East side.

#20 Maine’s Michael 11/17/07 6:00:17 pm reply quote report

Anna Baltzer, Richard Silverstein – advocates of ‘Palestinian Freedom’ (to murder Jews)?

They obviously skipped ‘World Zionist Conspiracy 101’.

#21 Kragar (proud to be kafir) 11/17/07 6:00:36 pm reply quote report

advocates of Palestinian freedom and self-determination = Palis get to lie and shoot Israelis at will with no repercussions

Palestinians = trouble wherever they go.

There isn’t a government in the world that wants any of them. Even their muslim brothers don’t want them. Lebanon hates them. Syria kills them. Jordan doesn’t want them. Egypt wants them to go away.

#147 rorschach 11/18/07 9:48:06 am reply quote report

It’s a cryin’ shame when Jew-hating, child-murdering advocates aren’t free to proselytize.

Life is so unfair.

You have to appreciate the power of the Israel Lobby in its efforts to censor not only the American press but the blogosphere, where until now it was considered an avenue of truth and reality. Not any more. Daily Kos, a so-called “liberal” blog, the left wing of the Democratic party, made that clear not too long ago.