Anyone care to diagnose Maureen Dowd’s sexual hangups?
The debate dominatrix knows how to rattle Obambi.
Mistress Hillary started disciplining her fellow senator last winter, after he began exploring a presidential bid. When he winked at her, took her elbow and tried to say hello on the Senate floor, she did not melt, as many women do. She brushed him off, a move meant to remind him that he was an upstart who should not get in the way of her turn in the Oval Office.
He was so shook up, he called a friend to say: You would not believe what just happened with Hillary.
She has continued to flick the whip in debates.
She is a sick, twisted person. Someone needs to stage an intervention.
Kahli’s diary-I enjoy being a girl-had a link to MoDo’s article that I just finished reading…
I don’t know what her problem is but she obviously has some sort of problem besides not being able to write. Instead of writing something/anything that might give some insight into a candidate she had to instead come up with this piece of titillatingly fictitious infotainment garbage….all that red hair dye is affecting her brain cells. She keeps writing stuff like this as if to prove how hip/cool and funny she is when all it proves is how lacking in any insight or writing skills she has. I always get the impression she thinks she’s just the coolest kid in the room…the cat’s pajama’s daddyo.
You’re right Boo, someone at the Times needs to tell her if she wants to write this kind of bullshit she ought to go work for the Enquirer..or maybe Playboy.
I want the firewall back.
as little use as i have for modo, and as patently flatulent as her writing is, she may have a point… even through the filter of the media, i have often had the urge to protect my privates when i watch hillary in action, no doubt reflecting on my childhood experience with a strong, controlling, utterly emasculating woman… i had precisely the same reaction to condi when she made one of her first trips to europe as bush’s new secretary of state, flashing her black leather, knee-high boots at a diplomatic conference in full view of world-wide media… it’s possible that maureen is merely engaging in thinly veiled jealousy, all too sordidly laid bare on the nyt op-ed pages…
The point is that Obama has manners, Hilary it seems does not.
It is only polite to treat your fellow candidates with respect and encourage congeniality amongst them. That was why people dissed Gore at the debates in 2000, for being haughty and not treating GWB with respect. At the time he deserved it as both the Nominee and as a human being.
It means that Hilary is not above minor acts of incivility towards her competitors and colleagues, and that she thinks it will give her an advantage. It leaves me to wonder how she will lead the country and unite it if she cannot even shake the hand of her fellow Democratic candidates for President. Will she do the same thing to other world leaders if she is elected.
It means that Hilary is afraid that she is going to lose and is resorting to even the most personal of uncivil tactics to try to find vicotry.
It also means that Dowd is not a feminist. She is uncomfortable with strong men being around strong women and is uncomfortable with strong men showing respect to strong women.
We are in such fucking trouble in this country. I mean REAL trouble. It’s not what Dowd writes that is a problem. It’s that she does not get fired immediately for writing it.
And ‘I feel the need to protect my private parts’ in the post above. What?
I hope women are paying close attention when it gets REALLY bad after the conventions. This nonsense is setting the tempo for what is coming. The MSM is going to make this stuff the meme of the elections. No women can possibly hope to attain success without this stuff.
It’s sick. Our country is sick. We have crazy people at president and vice-president right now, our country is going down the tubes, and people are worried about the ‘bitch’ going after their private parts.
We are in such fucking trouble. For the first time in my life I am scared for us. The fucking right wing and their ‘talking points’ buddies are going to tear the country apart.
Just to be clear;
They are going to TEAR THIS COUNTRY APART.
Remember that when you worry about little crap like demos doing push polling.
This country is in a life threatening struggle for its soul. No weapon can go unused.
I didn’t realize it until Somerby pointed it out, but Dowd is nothing but a upscale Ann Coulter.
Somerby has Dowd’s number: -0.
Hey, lighten up a little, kids. And no, the following link is NOT “OT,” you just have to get to 6:12 before you will begin to see why. I trust most of you will not mind watching the first part, either. And remember, laughter is the best medicine.
somehow i feel particularly qualified to comment on this diary.
a real dominatrix does what men pay her to do
and most of the real dominatrixes i know are truly bitches in real life….and i dont mean that in a good feministing bitch phD kind of way….but they are bitches because MEN MAKE THEM THAT WAY!!!!…..fucking worms… a dominatrix for a few weeks and you will understand why men should always pay for sex(ual gratification)…one way or another.
as for maureen she is just doing what is expected of her…using sexual innuendo and imagery to sell something…whether its an idea or more advertising or whatever…..she is….i hate using this word….the worst kind of whore and no different than any of the other whores in the media and congress.
they give real whores a bad name.
as far as hillary goes….every time hillary is referred to as a bitch she gets more female votes….women do not like being referred to as bitches…especially by men…..i dont think they will like being referred to as a dominatrix….especially by another woman.
can you imagine what would have happened if that person had asked john mccain “how are we gonna beat that nigger down?” referring to obama? there would be a bloodbath.
off topic but did anyone read the rove/moulitsas essays in newsweek? maybe im on a tryptophan high from having my thanksgiving dinner today but i thought rove wiped the floor with moulitsas…..rove’s essay was well constructed and had so many easy to understand frames that will appeal to many righties….i can see how he motivates them now….moulitsas on the other hand was short, trite, and kind of empty with the insight…..i was really disappointed….even after getting banned for the 4th time last week from DK i still hoped to see something of value from this opportunity…..if i had a dick it would be totally limp after reading those essays.
This fool writes:
Thank GOD for small favors.
She has real Presidential possibilites.
Why WOULD she “melt”? Because Barack Obama appears to still be capable of being in some state of masculine sexual activity?
Vladimir Putin looks to be a virile male. He is a world class judo expert and lived a real-life James Bond existence as a KGB spy in East Berlin for many years. Is she supposed to melt when HE acts in some sort of polite, male-female manner towards her during negotiations?
I hope not, because that man is a PREDATOR and he works for the opposition.
Deeply shallow.
I hate the New York Times.
I really do.
What a load of good grey crap it is.
Maureen Dowd is fluffy. It’s like people magazine doing politics. Just put her on ignore so her froth doesn’t take up room in your brain from more important things.