You know what we need in the White House? A bitch.
We need a bitch facing down terrorists, Iran and Congress. A bitch to order around the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Come to think of it, there’s a bitch right now trying to save Pakistan. Golda Meir, Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher – all great leaders. All bitches.
It’s unlikely, of course, that the voter who asked John McCain “how we going to beat the bitch?” this week in South Carolina considered this. She meant it as an insult, and McCain, stupidly or ignorantly, called it a good question. When asked about it, Sen. Trent Lott, classy guy that he is, said, “the witch?”
My advice for Hillary Clinton? Take it as a compliment. I’m a bitch and proud – a Babe In Total Control of Herself.
The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. News Corp. has given Hillary Clinton $99,350 in campaign contributions. I hope she is enjoying their constructive advice.
I find it instructive that we are talking, albeit, uncomfortably, about Hillary being a b*tch. If the question to McCain had been had been about Obama and had included a word beginning with “N”, the conversation would be considerably heightened I think.
We don’t need a bitch in the White House. Nor, to use the rough male equivalent, do we need an asshole.
We need someone who is principled, wise, intelligent, well-educated, far-sighted, subtle, forbearing, compassionate, and knows how to handle people. None of which precludes being a bitch or an asshole when the situation demands it, but it does imply that the person in question has a wide variety of strategies for dealing with people and knows when to use them.
Most of all, we need an electorate that is mature enough to know that the qualities that make a good longshoreman are not terribly useful in a president. Of course, as long as we have a press that is operating with a high school mentality, we’re not going to make much progress on producing an educated electorate. It’s not that personality doesn’t matter, but it would be nice if, ever now and then, the press could look at some issues for a change, and whether Clinton is a bitch, Obama is black enough, or Edwards is a prima donna do not count as issues.
“We need someone who is principled, wise, intelligent, well-educated, far-sighted, subtle, forbearing, compassionate, and knows how to handle people.”
In short we need a feminization of the presidency, a person who when she, or he, hears that 25,000 children below the age of give DIE EVERY DAY around the world, he or she will act.
As far as I can tell, Hillary is looking for her own blow job to match Bill’s success, and failure. And right now there is nothing that would create an erection greater than the bombing of Iran.
Hillary is no bitch or witch. She just a lot of frustrated trouble that the US can do without at this time.
what we need in the white house, in government in general in fact, is some leadership. b*tches, assholes, corporate cronies, et al, need not apply.
l see none of that being offered by hillary, whose “2 for 1” campaign, more and more, seems to be based on a ‘been there, done that’ kind of regression…like that’s a qualification? going back to the failed policies, triangulation, etc. that in large measure paved the way for the position we now find ourselves in is not leading.
thank you, no!…not now, not in nov 08.