
You know what we need in the White House? A bitch.

We need a bitch facing down terrorists, Iran and Congress. A bitch to order around the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Come to think of it, there’s a bitch right now trying to save Pakistan. Golda Meir, Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher – all great leaders. All bitches.

It’s unlikely, of course, that the voter who asked John McCain “how we going to beat the bitch?” this week in South Carolina considered this. She meant it as an insult, and McCain, stupidly or ignorantly, called it a good question. When asked about it, Sen. Trent Lott, classy guy that he is, said, “the witch?”

My advice for Hillary Clinton? Take it as a compliment. I’m a bitch and proud – a Babe In Total Control of Herself.

The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. News Corp. has given Hillary Clinton $99,350 in campaign contributions. I hope she is enjoying their constructive advice.