I’m a girl, and by me that’s only great!
I am proud that my silhouette is curvy,
That I walk with a sweet and girlish gait
With my hips kind of swivelly and swervy.
I adore being dressed in something frilly
When my date comes to get me at my place.
Out I go with my Joe or John or Billy,
Like a filly who is ready for the race!
When I have a brand new hairdo
With my eyelashes all in curl,
I float as the clouds on air do,
I enjoy being a girl!
When men say I’m cute and funny
And my teeth aren’t teeth, but pearl,
I just lap it up like honey
I enjoy being a girl!
I flip when a fellow sends me flowers,
I drool over dresses made of lace,
I talk on the telephone for hours
With a pound and a half of cream upon my face!
I’m strictly a female female
And my future I hope will be
In the home of a brave and free male
Who’ll enjoy being a guy having a girl… like… me.
Flower Drum Song
Who wouldn’t enjoy it?
Perusing the free press, I found these gems in the last forty-eight hours.
Don’t you dare make a fuss about being gang raped! A Saudi woman’s punishment was increased when she complained that her attackers’ sentence was too lenient.
Watch your balls. Strong women are so scary/sexy. Breaking my own rule, I read the emotionally challenged Maureen Dowd and found her portraying Hillary Clinton (and Michelle Obama) as sexual sadists.
There will be no omelet making in Colorado. The eggs will soon become sacred. A ballot proposal is working its was toward becoming part of the state constitution.
The measure, just one paragraph long, would ask voters whether inalienable rights, due process rights and equality of justice rights as defined in the state Constitution should be extended to “any human being from the moment of fertilization.”
And for those of you considering having a miscarriage, think again. It could land you in jail.
The price of contraception in campus health clinics and low-income clinics is rising to 5 times its current cost.
I’d love to say more, but I must go get my pedicure!
the Dowd piece made me ill.
Me, too.
Really telling compilation, kahli. I was going to say ‘thanks’ but that isn’t really the right word but I do have a deep appreciation for those who keep raising awareness that the “gender card” isn’t one the women hold but rather is part of a stacked deck that keeps getting played against women the world over.
Well put, AndiF. Sometimes I tell myself that a litany of vicitimzation isn’t helpful. But sometimes I feel the need to hold up the mirror and reflect what is going on. What is frustrating is that sexism seems to be taken in stride. It is so ingrained that people don’t even see it.
great article, my compliments.
I just have to shake my head in disbeleif, as to where our world is heading….that’s scary.
It is scary. But I am grateful for a community such as this where we can at least discuss these things and draw strength from one another.
Love your diary! Even tho my age is getting the best of me, there was once upon a time that I was a filly ready for the race too…:o) Now it seems that I just gallop along with the rest of the old gray mares in the pasture.. Anyhow, we are the ones who really do matter, to us anyhow…..I love for a door to be held open for me or a chair scooted up under my rear end, I love the fact that the male will help me to the door of the car and hold it open for me, but there is lots more that I love. I love the fact that I am and will always be a fighter for my own rights in the world. I love it that I am a nurturer, and a lover and a minder of things. I lover it that I am others like me are, the ones who rock the cradle. I am one who will always be for peace and not war as long as there is another way to get to plan a to plan b..if you know what I mean. Thanks Ms. K…you are the best…hugs
Men love it when there is a great woman beside them in their travels on this old earth,. In doing all of the above, I want, is what Aretha Franklin said,,,,,,,R-E-S-P-E-C-T! that is what the men want from us too…so this 2 way street is going to be busy doing all of the above mentioned.
Hugs to you, too, Brenda.
well said.
re: the colorado constitutional issue regarding zygote rights has a great deal of opposition…not that that should be taken as a reason to ignore it. it’s been in the works for sometime, and has been challenged at every step. to date, they haven’t even begun the process of gathering the signatures required to place it on the ballot; which will, no doubt, be challenged.
this is seen by a large number of people here as nothing more than a divisive tactic, financed by people, many out of state, associated with dobsons’ group in c.sprgs. basically an attempt to muddy the waters in an already difficult election cycle here.
it has not received a great deal of publicity, which, frankly, rankles the supporters. in light of that, it’s interesting that the nyt has picked it up.
should it make it’s way to the ballot with the language currently in it, and pass…sadly, not all that unlikely in colo…then l would anticipate a challenge all the way to the supreme court, much like the previous amendemnt 2 brought forth by the fringe.
it’s a damn shame we have to keep fighting these battles over and over.
Thanks for providing more detail than NYT did! I’m glad to hear this odious proposal is not sailing along toward passage. Best not to let our guard down, though.
good lord, I don’t know I held onto my lunch after reading those links. And that song…..just. ick.
I second that, Second Nature.
I have been fighting this crap since I was 5 years old, and maybe before that. Sixty + years is a long time to fight the same fight over and over again.
I hope SOMEDAY we can change that thought and that song to I ENJOY BEING MYSELF.
No, I never wanted not to be female in the sense of self-identity, but I most certainly wanted the rights and privileges that ALL males have, without giving them a thought.
This fight is tiring, but I will never stop being who I am and I will never stop raising the issue.
Thanks for keeping it front and center, Kahli.
Hugs all,