One of the more disturbing things about Ron Paul’s presidential campaign is how it is bringing to light a tremendous amount of overt racism. I don’t know how much is the responsibility of Paul, who isn’t focusing on racial issues, but you can see the racists’ aggressiveness quite clearly in their efforts to unseat South Carolina senator, Lindsey Graham.
It may be somewhat related to Graham’s closeted homosexuality…I don’t know…but Graham is now number one on the hit list of white supremists.
I think Graham is a dangerous man. But I hardly want to see him replaced by a Klansman.
I do hesitate in commenting upon this subject however.
Strike three for my WASP family in the left’s version of PC came in the form of my wife busting her ass at the nursing home while Patrick here hid in patient rooms avoiding real work knowing the company could not fire him without a long expensive process.
Strike two came in the form of a yuppie suburban PC correct bank firing my daughter over their “token” black manager. I only use the derogatory term “token” because of this man’s two prior complaints for discrimination against women and his assertion that a 19 year old beautiful and perhaps a bit naive suburban dweller was not comfortable travelling into an American city. This same child by the way felt completely safe while in the sixth grade during a stay in Berlin Germany.
Actually at this time I can’t recall strike one other than to say it did invole my wife and her acceptance of prescription motrin over having to lift patients while spanish only immigrants also hid to avoid real work.
The reactionary response? A klansman will do just fine, even though it disturbes me greatly so even say so.
Do I understand you correctly?
Are you saying that you would support a Klansman for a position in the U.S. Senate because you have experienced instances of blacks shirking work, hiding behind the threat of civil rights legislation, and because some random immigrant killed his wife somewhere in the Boston metro area?
It’s gettin’ ugly out there.
Even I can’t support blatantly deviant behavior. I am however going to continue to throw horseshit at what I consider extremes in the far “left’s” concept of PC.
I also only judge people on a specific case by case basis. My wife worked with this guy, actually she has worked with two people who have since become murderers. People shirking their jobs should not be protected based upon race classification.
I’m pretty sure the racism connection is only because RP is the one candidate that will not resort to government regulation of speech, even hate speech. That will naturally create a better climate for organized nasty folks to operate in. Is there any other known connection?
This comment is for lasthorseman….
Brother, you belong in the other “Big Tent”, you know, the one with the Dixiecrats and Republicans. When Booman questioned you on your statement that a “Klansman would be OK as US Senator”, you backtracked with a terse denial with no further comment or explanation. You excuse your racist remarks as just being frank about a perceived situation of widespread racial discrimination against Whites. However, all of your comments are based on antidotal information concerning some personal experiences that your wife may have had in her workplace.
However, the stench of your rhetoric has the distinct smell of Republican “talking points” and right wing propaganda all over it. Phrases like “far left”, PC or Political Correctness, supposed special advantages for the Black employees on your wife’s job, and finally some rambling unverified statements about the exploits of your State’s first Black Governor “hiding to escape work”. All this speaks volumes about your own personal racist sentiments.
Brother, you need to get real. Take a look in the mirror while espousing this right wing propaganda and you’ll certainly see a bigot looking back at you.
oops, one tiny apology to lasthorseman. I missed the
link which explained your reference to Patrick. So your reference WAS NOT the Governor of the Commonwealth. However, this is the only revision to my comments. The rest stands.