What do you put in your leftover Thanksgiving sammwiches?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
sliced russert and matthews stuffings!
what were those idiots blathering about today?
No, don’t tell me.
The horserace?
thousand island dressing
Turkey sucks.
Leftover turkey sucks worse.
all I can say is that, markos’ purging of the community blogs has almost demolished them, was this his intent?
There use to be a time when the first place I visited was daily kos, then clicked on links to booman and mlw. How times changed. There was so much community and optimistic energy, where has it gone? I am truly beginning to think two parties work for the same elites. And to hell with the rest.
What leftovers? Satchmo managed to polish off this household’s and now he and his turkey farts are banished to the cold outdoors.
the newf stole them?
Satchmo never considers turkey leftovers anything but fair game. My first hint that things were amiss was when I saw him slinking past me (as if a Newf can slink) with the turkey breast in his mouth. Oh well, there’s always Christmas.
there is no counter high enough…
The really pathetic part is that I retried the turkey, then spent an hour de-boning it, gave him part then put the rest in the refrig for his dinner the following day. No way am I taking the chance of a choking Newf…oh yeah, would that mean he would be Huck’ng?
Turkey tacos with salsa and guacamole.