Now, I have a couple of problems with Obama.  He’s a nice guy, but I don’t agree with him on a number of things.  However if I was the GOP, my plan of attack against Obama would probably not include going after the man for being too honest with people.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama started the debate when he admitted to a high school audience in New Hampshire that he had experimented with drugs while he was in high school.

“There were times when I got into drinking, experimenting with drugs. There was a stretch of time where I did not really apply myself,” Obama said.

He added that when he left for college he realized he wasted a lot of time using drugs.

“It’s not something I’m proud of,” Obama said. “It was a mistake as a young man.”

What a change from Bill Clinton’s 1992 admission that he had smoked marijuana a time or two and didn’t like it. “And I didn’t inhale and didn’t try it again.”

“I never understood that line,” Obama said, who said he did inhale marijuana when asked by a student. “The point was to inhale. That was the point.”

So yeah, the guy’s up front about drug use.  He was a slacker, admittedly.  He turned himself around.  But then Mitt decides to take Obama to task for the admission.

Clinton’s admission has become a cultural joke. Obama’s comments? If you ask Republican rival Mitt Romney, Obama’s comments were too honest.

“I think in order to leave the best possible example for our kids, we’re probably wisest not to talk about our own indiscretions in great detail,” Romney said.

Hey, Mitt, bro…news flash.  Your party has in fact made institutionalized obfuscation of the truth a way of life.  Lying is standard operating procedure for the GOP.  I’m thinking as a Republican, the last thing you want to do is remind everyone that you publicly believe that honesty about admitting past “indiscretions” is not the best policy when setting examples for the kids, or anyone for that matter.

America has been lied to by your party, repeatedly, for a very long time.  We’re sick of it.  A little honesty about past foibles would in fact be a very refreshing change of pace, Mitt.

You might want to try the truth once in a while.  Not to say that the Dems are saints, but dumping on Obama for telling the truth is pretty far down the “asshole GOP scale of assnosity” ya know?

Maybe it’s me.  We’ve arrived at the point where it’s news that a politician is telling the truth, and he’s in fact being publicly attacked for doing so.  The political process in this country is beyond broken, it’s screwed.