Why are Hillary and Obama the Democratic voters’ leading presidential candidates — 65% of likely primary voters choose them –when they’re so obviously bipartisan police-state corporate-whore imperialist Republicans?

My sane way of choosing a candidate or deciding to say fuk `em all is to look at their positions on the major issues of the day. I don’t ask much anymore, I just ask, “Hey, if she/he would do the right thing on even ONE of the big issues, maybe I could see myself giving her/him my vote.” So here are my six major issues and best guesses on what Obama/Hillary’s real positions are (I know Hillary & Obama don’t actually say the following, but their money has the following `bipartisan’ & `responsible’ positions, and neither has taken a strong and (especially) clear enough position contrariwise to make me think they will disobey their money):

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I could go on (for example, under either Obama or Hillary the Pentagon would get its regular budget boosts, the rest of the budget would be subject to `responsible’ drastic budget cuts, and the Bush police state measures would continue on), but you get the idea.

So, Obama and Hillary (pre-1980s thinking alert) simply are not Democrats the way I used to understand what that word meant. They will mightily screw over the bottom 80% of the population and do their best for the top 10%, even as the economy slides deeper into decline and the suffering of everyone (except upper-middle class and rich assholes) worsens. And, Hillary and Obama will continue the worldwide imperial war for oil, Israel, and corporate globalization — whether it requires hot or cold wars or coups in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Venezuela, Bolivia, Sudan, or who knows where — and no matter that it `requires’ throwing ever more money at the military when we need instead to drastically redirect government spending toward rebuilding our real economy, giving everyone health care, and saving the safety net.

I don’t get it! How is it that these two turkeys get away with offering real Democrats nothing except wordy fluff while their substance is `bipartisan’ aggressive corporate globalist Republicanism? In other words the same old same old that is driving the people down and the economy off a cliff.

Instead of 65% of Democrats choosing Hillary or Obama, why don’t most Democrats answer `none of the above’ or, maybe, Kucinich or Gravel? Are the Democrats polled — `likely primary voters’ — not really Democrats anymore?

Anyway, if next November all we’re left with is two of Obama/Hillary/Giuliani/Huckabee/Romney, all real Democrats must piss or poop on such a ‘choice’. But maybe we should start the pissing & pooping early when and if the Democratic race boils down to Obama and Hillary. Like now.

Also at http://politicalfleshfeast.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=1239