Welcome Wagon Wednesdays
Question for everyone:
what’s your favorite winter smell?
what’s your favorite winter smell?
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Hi mariamwalter! Welcome to the pond. Be sure to stop by the Cafe/Lounge and say hello.
Welcome mariamwalter!! Glad to see ya in the pond.
My favorite winter smell is really something I don’t smell. The smell of fresh mowed grass. Hah! 🙂
And I was going to say fresh mown grass IS my favorite winter smell. Of course, it took me years to figure out what the term “as soon as the ground can be worked” meant in gardening books.
pine needles.
mine is cinnamon, usually due to the hot tea brewing on the stove.
Eight people have voted in the poll, where are the lurkers at in the comments? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Snowboard wax. Let’s see if I can actually get out there this year.
never would have thought of that one.
envious. I’d have to drive at least four hours to get to use one of those snow-thingies.
Hi Manny. The place that I go to is no more than a half hour’s drive away. Still, I didn’t get there last year.
Where Boran2? I may have taken my kids there to ski and board since I am not that far from you.
Hay, CM. At Thunder Ridge.
Aren’t there some slopes in the heights near Tucson?
Mount Lemmon towers over us but “Snow Valley” is more manufactured white stuff, I think.
The needles of the fraser fir we always get for christmas. The needles smell sort of like grapefruit when you crush them.
Just save a little time and crush a couple of grapefruits around the presents. No one will know the difference. 🙂
I voted other… Wednesday is really hump day. I am not sure the newcomers want an official hump day welcome? I could be wrong, but it could scare them off. Please adjust your snarkometer to the upright position as we prepare to take off…
Not only does it smell good but it means that we’re going to be nice and toasty since nothing heats like hickory.
Winter is feeling closer — the leaves are gone which means that I get to see sunrises and sunsets again. Here’s tonight’s sunset (not much on the Tucson scale but nice for around here).
Hi Andi.
Beautiful sunset. Looks like little fingers of red shooting up from the ground.
I was going to say that we don’t get many nice sunset around here but actually I can’t see them from april to mid-november so we might have more than I realize.
Nice sunset, Andi. I missed it completely due to napping activities after work. Had to go out later for a 50th anniversary party (not Mrs. Dem & I).
Two very different smells, both from early childhood. My grandfather always burned the autumn leaves in the gutter in front of their house. I still associate it with hanging out with him and jumping in the leaf piles. The other, strangely enough, is train diesel exhaust. We did a lot of Christmas train traveling when I was little. It was always an exciting event and it also meant that we would get to see our grandparents who were left behind in NY when my parents moved to the midwest.
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.
hi NancyImpeachBush, thanks for implanting the song in my head for the rest of the day 🙂