Some thoughts from last night’s CNN/YouTube Debate:
- Republicans are running on their adherence to and belief in The Bible. I don’t recall if Democrats have been asked to reiterate their firm connections to “the Word of God” as the Republicans were in the debate. And though Huckabee has made the statement that Jesus never ran for office, it should be pointed out that The Bible at no time describes a democracy.
- Republicans are convinced that we stay in Iraq to keep Al Quaeda and their friends from invading Des Moines or Newark. Again, this is something I haven’t heard the Democrats espousing. And, since the Islamic Terrorist Army hasn’t shown up in my hometown of Shepherdstown, WV, we are supposed to be congratulating George Bush for keeping them away. We haven’t even had to post a guard on the Rumsay Bridge coming into town. Thanks, George.
- Republicans are running on their tax cutting and limited spending policies, although in offices such as Mayor of New York and Governor of Massachusetts they have raised budgets and spent more money (sometimes on girlfriends in 9/11 firemen’s recovery apartments) than anyone expected – of course they blame Democrat assemblies and councils.
- Republicans are running against the occupation of our country by illegal aliens… some working in their own houses! If someone has a strange accent, bump them out of the country now! And ignore anything you might have said supporting aliens in your past political life.
- Republicans are NOT running on platforms about Education, National Health, Jobs, Businesses destroyed by “fair trade”, or any of the issues that directly face the US. Democrats seem caught up in these issues. Time will tell which party is more concerned with the real needs of Americans.
Sure it will.
l’m tempted to say “empty”, but the reality is they’re running on fear.
whether it’s manifestation is xenophobic, racist, religious, economic, or all of the above in the spectre of OBL and the bugaboo of islamofascism.
they just wrap it all up in the flag, and sell it hard with the assistance of the msm…but at the end of the day, it’s still fear at the root.
dada I’m running off at the mouth tonight, but forgive me if I thing you’re wrong. I don’t think the repugs are worried at all. Yep they’ve got all sorts of crap hitting them right now, but it’s only short term. Many things can happen in one day, but in one year a millions things are forgotten. The ones dropping out now are just opening it up for the new generation coming up. Some are already there.
Fear will always be the root, but on which side will fear be most effective. It’s really difficult to decided where to place your fear. There’s just so much of it.
not a problem fm.
l didn’t meean the RATpub’s were afraid, l meant that it’s the basis of the strategy…to appeal to, accent, and take advantage of the “fears” of the people they’re trying to reach.
l hope they’re not successful, but there is no other basis for them to run on. they sure can’t run on their record the past 7+ years.
and l may well indeed be wrong in that interpretation…we shall see.
dada you’ve followed this much closer than I ever have, but every once in a while it good to say “AH HAH”, even if it wrong. I just have to thank you and everyone here for listening to a total dunce that has no idea and that I’m trying to learn. Thank!
You are so NOT a dunce, FM.
FWIW, I thought it was interesting how the right-wing sites are accusing CNN of choosing the question topics to make them look bad, and leaving out education, health care reform, and the environment. Why would they include those things when none of their candidates are really running on them? So that they could all denounce the idea of economic justice as just another ‘entitlement” that needed to be eliminated?
Last night while watching, I got the distinct impression that most of those guys would be just fine if they took away social security, medicare, and the like, and we wound up with the poor children, the disabled, and the elderly homeless and freezing on the streets, in fact, even proud to have eliminated those “entitlements”.
Culture of life, my a**.
cg’s right fm. we’re all in this together, and the only way we’re gonna get out is by helping one another.
l’m confident you’re gonna call ’em like you see ’em.
keeps me on my toes…:{)
You’re not trying to run the old “I’m just a poor country boy” routine on us, are you? There aren’t any dunces around here, except maybe for the occasional troll-by;-)
How about Xenophobia,Racism,Deliberate Impoverishment of the people to divert resources to wars?
Almost forgot. Sexual fears.Fears of becoming irrelevant and fears of hegemonic dreams hitting the rocks.
Klatoo I hate to say this, but could you make this a little easily more understandable for Moi.
Sorry to have strung together words without accompanying explanations.
Here we go.
Xenophobia: Fear of Aliens.
Racism:Fear of people who look different with skin pigmentation different from our own.
Deliberate Impoverishment of people in order to finance wars: Self explanatory.
Sexual Fears: Fears that women, gays and transgender people might usurp your authority role.
Fear of becoming irrelevant: Like the GOP itself, as its entire reason for existence dissolves and even your own kids hate to be seen in your company.