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Yep, I’m cold and wish I were at the beach…
Here’s the link to the old cafe – everyone was so chatty today! 🙂
and it’s goin’ green and retro…12′ wooden boards are all the rage among the bohemian surfing set…Surfers go back to Hawaiian roots
the more things change…
have a good one!
I’m imagining running across the beach down to the water with a big solid wooden board…too much like work. 😉
Only another 6-7 months…

That looks like such a wonderful place. Is all of the coastline rocky, or do you have some beachy areas too?
A few beaches, mostly ground rock polished by the sea, or rolling rock beaches.
We’re lucky to have our own little beach.
Geeze it’s not even full winter yet and ya’ll are dreaming of beaches.
This is what I rather be doing.
OK, then!
OK you’ve got me there. That’s just a little bit too much. 🙂
Sauna & snow bath, very invigorating.
(Or stupid, drunk idea.)
I can go with the stupid, drunk ideas. I’ve had many of those.
is a bit difficult, even with ask’s bountiful supply of intoxicants…
clik to make big
some of that warm german beer might be good, eh
With scenes like that I think I would like some hot Gluvine. After 3 or 4 of those, I’d be laying in the snow not caring.
dada, as I scrolled down this thread, I initially only saw the top line of your comment (above the image).
I was certain that the rest of the message would be pepper from curly… then, relief.
Is that in your back yard?
my kitchen deck…which spent over 2 months in that condition last winter…starting about t-day…fortunately. we’ve not had that yet…8″ max at one seating to date.
Must be a great place to sit in spring/summer.
Our big storm in Feb. 2006 – 27 inches in 20 hrs, as I recall.

I feel bad for you guys now. It was 70 here today and our low is supposed to be in the 50s tonight. I think Tuesday we’re supposed to get a low of 27. I’d rather it just be cold all the time or warm all the time. I don’t like these big changes.
Kept having internal server errors this morning.
We’re at a blistering 60 degrees and supposed to go up to 76 this afternoon. Ain’t winter great!
Morning FM. It’s going to get to the 60s here. It’s a little too toasty in the house right now as it takes awhile for the woodstove to stop putting out heat.
Morning Andi.
Actually it’s the opposite in the house here. I knew it wouldn’t be that cold, so I cranked down the thermostat. It feels a little chilly in the house right now.
Yup, server error all morning.
It’s 21 and snowing!! About an inch on the ground now.
I like snow — especially when it stays in 2-4 inch range.
It’s going to be in the 60s today but below freezing tonight (just a slight drop in temps) and then it stays cold so there’s some chance of snow during the week.
Morning Ask.
Ya got snow! Some people are soooooo lucky.
Ah, server error…that explains why I wandered in here earlier and no one was here. And I thought I finally got up earlier than everyone else…
Morning SN.
The day is already half way gone. Where ya been?
Feeding dogs and cats, cleaning up the kitchen from some late night teenage snacking, making coffee, trying to figure out the damn timer on the Christmas lights. How about you, FM?
Just trying to get some coffee down so I can get going this morning. Already did the dog/cat thing and I’m fixin’ to go and see what we have for B’fast.
After you eat breakfast, can you bop on over here and figure out why the Christmas lights are still on even though I set the timer for midnight?
Sorry but I haven’t done X-mas lights in a long time. My s-i-l usually puts up everything around here.
I’ve decided what I want to be when I grow up. A truffle hunter – Big Truffle
You and Arnold Ziffle. 😛
Nope Arnold went off to college and he’s a little too high and mighty for that now. I wonder how I can teach George to sniff more than another dog’s butt.
That’s a lofty goal, FM. Hopey sniffs dead things too, but mostly butts.
Well I figure I’ve never been able to teach him not to yap, so the sniffing is going to be a very far shot.
Good morning everybody. I’ve been up and about for hours. That’s life with the elderly – both human and canine.
I guess we have no news bucket on Sunday, but I was so very cheered by these stories on Buzzflash that I must put them in the café:
In Kansas, GOP abandons abortion focus
Ex-Rocker is Australia’s new Minister of Environment
Of course the news from DC isn’t all that good:World Aids Day
A Jolly December to all, snow or not.
Morning Alice.
I know exactly what you mean on life with the elderly – human and dog.
Thanks for the news post.
Hope your Dec. is going well so far.
Morning all! I slept in until 9:45 after staying up late last night to watch Fur, a rather bizarre imaginary portrait of Diane Arbus.
Morning ID.
You must have been up pretty late to sleep that long. 9:45 is usually about my second nap of the day time.
IIRC, it was sometime after 1 am. After the show, I was drawn to explore the real Diane Arbus’ extensive collection of portraits on the web.
I just looked through a lot of it. She had some extraordinary pictures.
Argh. It’s snowing here with a fair amount on the ground already. Good thing I put my snowtires on yesterday. BTW, good morning all!
Morning boran2! We have a very temporary heat wave into the 50’s. Northern Indiana got it last night with sleet & icing conditions. We escaped with only rain.
Good morning ID. Sounds like you got lucky. I’d be happy to pass along some of our “gift”. 😉
I’d love to take some off your hands. Mrs. Dem works from home and I only have 2 blocks to trudge to work, so its not an impediment to our lives. Our favorite coffee shop is only about 1 1/2 blocks. Urban dwellers are we in our little village of 900+ souls;-).
I envy your commute. I’ve got about an hour’s drive each way. More than 80 miles round trip. Ugh.
A nearby golf course a few winters ago.
Morning Boran.
You mean you actually have a second set of tires just for the winter. Geeze what will those people up North think of next. 🙂
I’ve got one set just for Tuesdays as well. 😉
You’re lucky. I find it hard to get tires for our vehicle.
I’d check ebay for those tires..
I think a rich uncle of mine has a place he can find them out in Beverly Hills. At least that’s what Mr. Drysdale says.
and I still have joined FM in the ranks of the retired.
But I do have frost flower pictures to share.
Good morning, Andi!
Another great image. I think you explained last year how the flowers form, but my memory of that is a bit hazy – could you repeat?
It’s ice emitted from the stems of plants. This article is the best explanation I’ve found.
oops. I should have (a) read the whole thread or b) had my coffee before I asked the same question.
Or maybe it’s my dental anxiety this morning.
Oh CG, my sympathies are with you going to the dentist today.
Thanks, FM. It’s just a cleaning, but I hate lying in that chair no matter what they do. Plus my dentist was a bit testy the last time I saw her, annoyed with me for not wanting novocaine to fix a broken filling, and then annoyed with CBtE when he had his cleaning too.
If she’s grumpy again today (during the 2 minutes it will take to look in my mouth at the end), I’m going to be shopping for a new dentist…
Glad it’s nothing major and I know what you mean about the dentist. The last two I’ve had were horrible. I figure after New Years I’ll go dentist shopping again and hope to find a decent one.
Well you got here before I did a comment telling you to get here, so it’s all good. 🙂
Is it just teeth cleaning or are you having some work done?
And I think it’s my turn to get to work.
Good morning Andi and Ask.
Lovely picture Andi. Just waiting for coffee at the moment.
Apparently I should have waited longer for my coffee to “take” because I left the not out of the sentence about you and retirement. Hey, maybe it’s an omen and I’m going to retire sooner than I think!
Well retirement isn’t all it’s cranked up to be. Yeah who the hell am I kidding. 🙂
I’ve got to be thankful we’ve had a little warm spell down here. Our heater went out yesterday. We’re supposed to go down to 27 tonight, so I’m hoping the repairman comes by today.
I hope so, too. Do you have some place to stay if they can’t get it fixed right away?
Yep my sister lives across the street, and I’ve got an electric oil heater I can use. It seems every time something goes wrong in the house, I keep thinking, maybe as a kid I should have gone into this line of work. 🙂
Well knowing that I can stop worrying about your having heat and start worrying about when you’ll finally get some snow.
Snow is a once maybe every decade down here. It’s funny but there seems to be a cut off line about 30 miles north of here, to where if we do get snow, it stops there.
I’m working on a plan to send you all our snow that would lead to an accumulation of more than 4″. It involves the Pack turning their butts south and doing the full-body waggle in unison. I’m sure it will work.
I appreciate you and the pack thinking of us. However, with the packs butts pointing down this way, I’d be more afraid of silent killers making their way down here. I get more than enough of those from George already. 🙂
Okay, okay, I’ll leave Hopeful out and that should solve that problem.
Well since I’m not retired, I have to get going.
See ya later.
Yep I’ve got to get going too. George is letting me know it’s time to go out.
Oh and we appreciate Hopefuls non-participation. 🙂
I hope he comes too. Weren’t you cold last night?
Nope it’s only 49 here at the moment and the house is pretty good about keeping the heat in. My inside thermometer says it’s 71 right now.
Believe it, or not; I understood what you meant even before coffee intake.
Time to put the kettle on now, curly is stirring.
Very cool picture! How do those things form, anyway?
I’d say ‘Good’, but I have a dentist appointment this morning and a tedious work project awaiting me.
At least the rain seems to have stopped.
Good morning all. It’s a festival of slush here this morning.
Good morning, boran!
It all rained away in the city.
Mornin’ everybody! What beautiful beach shots above! I especially like the naked snow man. I could go out today and take a nice shot of leftover snow, slush, and my perennial favorite, dirty slushy snow.
Andi, I COULD go get a shot of dirty horses in the slushy snow, but I’d rather just describe the scene. 🙂
Morning, Nag! I’d love to see pictures of dirty horses in the slush. Down here we’re enjoying a gorgeous extended fall. Today is windy and warm and smells like dried leaves and the rain from last night.
Nag, I think it’s unfair of you to tease us with the pics of slushorses and then not give us at least one. 🙁
It’s definitely not fall here, SN. No snow but the winds blowing at 25 mph to give us a chill factor of 15. My face feels like I’ve been holding ice packs on it.
A Pukeko, which is probably the second most iconic bird in New Zealand – it’s on almost as much stuff as the Kiwi bird.
It’s time to go pick up Luna. More (much more) later.
Can’t wait to see and hear all about it.
I’ll bet Luna is going to be a whole world of happy.
If we get some, it will probably only be about an inch but I’m still looking forward to it.
Morning Andi.
We’re at 29 at the moment, but no snow. The repairman fixed the heater yesterday thank goodness. Otherwise I’d be an icicle right now.
Glad to hear you could get somebody there right away. We wouldn’t want George and Cat to have frozen whiskers.
George and Cat had sense enough to grow winter coats. I guess I’m not far behind. I need a haircut pretty bad.
Ah, those lucky guys with heavy back hair. 😉
Yep but I’m thinking of getting George a haircut. I figure with the cold outside and less hair, he’ll be more than ready to come in the house when I call him.
That’s just mean — you’d better watch it or it won’t only be Cat that pees on your bed.
Nah that’s not mean. If George was an outside dog then it would be. Plus George is smarter than Cat. He knows if he did anything inside, I’d be mad at him. Well maybe not smarter, I think Cat just doesn’t give a damn. 🙂
I were going to get some, I think I’d be wanting more than an inch.
Oh, you mean snow…nevermind.
Do we need a new cafe?
Morning CG.
Are you sure you’re not SN posing as CG? 😉
Sure a new cafe will probably make it easier.
It’s me, but I was definitely channeling SN. Where is she anyway?
Meet you at the new cafe shortly…
Hey, how did I get the reputation as the resident perv?
And are you “wanting” more than an inch? ;P
Yeah, lewd comments before 8 a.m. probably are a sign that a new cafe is needed.