We finally got around to bottling our Christmas brews last night, and I have one thing to say about the experience: THANK GOD FOR KEGS!

Bottling was something of a trip back in time, and a strong reminder about why we switched to kegs to begin with.  Number one (and most importantly) you don’t have to wait 3 extra weeks to enjoy your beer.  Number 2, you use MUCH smaller amounts of toxic chemicals.  Number 3, kegging generates SO much less mess.

Overall however, the bottling procedure went more smoothly than we’d expected.  And in the end, not only were we able to cover all our gift-recipients, we had quite a few bottles left over (and maybe even a couple for Mr. Booman).  Huzzah!

On the other hand, all this bottling has left me kind of at a loss for an extended entry.  It’s the first paycheck of the month, which means time to pay the bills.  I won’t be buying more brewing supplies for another two weeks.

I’ve never made a lager, a gruit, or any variety of mead.  With the mercury dropping, I’m leaning toward trying my hand at a lager, which needs to ferment at significantly lower temperature than ale.

What’re you experimenting with this weekend?