Just a day after the NIE Report on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program was released stating that the said program was discontinued in 2003 and that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons, Bush made a live press conference where he stated that this was continuing reason to mistrust Iran.

“I view this report as a warning signal that they had the program, they halted the program… The reason why it’s a warning signal is they could restart it… To me, the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) provides an opportunity for us to rally the international community _ to continue to rally the community _ to pressure the Iranian regime to suspend its program. What’s to say they couldn’t start another covert nuclear weapons program… I have said Iran is dangerous, and the NIE doesn’t do anything to change my opinion about the danger Iran poses to the world.”

Two years ago, after a comparable NIE report stated that Iran WAS conducting nuclear weapons development, Bush began his continuing rhetoric supporting an attack on Iran as a means of “avoiding World War III” by preventing Iran from crating a nuclear weapon.

In other words, although the NIE has changed its view on Iran’s nuclear presence, Bush has not and his attitude toward the Iranians still doesn’t involve diplomatic presence or positive approaches. And while he sees Iran as a danger, we, even more, see Bush as a danger as well.

Israel, through it’s defense minister, has also stated that it doesn’t believe that Iran’s nuclear development ceased in 2003. Bush, while not citing this statement, is clearly influenced by it.

As such, it should be considered that Bush is still ,leading us to more war… and one way or the other he is determined to get it.

Under The LobsterScope