Let’s stop parsing and ignoring the very basic heart of the NIE findings, Bush’s and Hadley’s comments over the past couple of days, as well as a number other facts that just so happen to be eerily similar to that other country that starts with the letters “I”, “r” and “a”. It’s the same exact playbook as last time around – make no mistake about it. Except, this time there is one major difference:
This time, they got caught lying.
You want a frame? There it is. Unsupported and unsubstantiated claims are once again being made with the knowledge they are false in order to scare the country into another war. And they’ve been caught doing it this time.
Plain and simple. It’s not like they haven’t lied before. It’s not like most people don’t think they will lie again. Even down to the splitting hairs about Bush’s choice of words (as my good friend occams hatchet pointed out yesterday), including something much worse than the “16 words” from the 2003 SOTU Address when Bush said this back in October(emphasis mine):
But this — we got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I’ve told people that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously. And we’ll continue to work with all nations about the seriousness of this threat. Plus we’ll continue working the financial measures that we’re in the process of doing. In other words, I think — the whole strategy is, is that at some point in time, leaders or responsible folks inside of Iran may get tired of isolation and say, this isn’t worth it. And to me, it’s worth the effort to keep the pressure on this government.
Now, as pointed out by emptywheel and the fact that the White House is still stonewalling the very simple question of “what did Bush know and when did he know it?”, it is getting closer to the point where we can see that certain people – many of the same certain people that did this very thing about Iraq were either lying or have no memory and should be removed from office from being unsuited to serve.
As much as it is tempting to choose the latter, I am going to go with the former.
Problems here are also precisely the same as they were with Iraq. False talk of “the hope for diplomacy” and the shoving of the Overton Window with the completely false and/or irrelevant “facts” of ties to killing Americans (like Saddam to 9/11) and being terrorist organizations (as Saddam met with Atta) or “slam dunk” evidence of weapons of mass destruction related program activities or the aforementioned “knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon are being trotted out relentlessly.
The NIE slams the door on another round of sanctions, which of course had proven to be so effective with Iraq anyway. And when there is talk of Bush telling Iran to “come clean” just as he did to Saddam, then you don’t even get a C- for originality. So, there is still no letting up, even as people at the American Enterprise Institute know that the NIE report means that Russia, China and whoever else is not going to agree with Bush to go any further in pressing Iran.:
Other countries may not see it that way, though, and diplomats said the report may cripple U.S. attempts to win a third round of U.N. sanctions against Iran. Just two days earlier, Undersecretary of State R. Nicholas Burns met in Paris with British, French, Russian, Chinese and German counterparts to seek support for a new Security Council resolution.
“You’d think that the effort to get a third resolution is dead,” said Bruce Riedel, a former senior official at the CIA, Pentagon and NSC now at the Brookings Institution. “This has got to be a very serious argument to be used by opponents of a third resolution. It will say America’s own intelligence community says Iran has halted its nuclear weapons program four years ago.”
Michael Rubin, an American Enterprise Institute scholar and a leading Iran hawk, agreed. “Certainly it makes diplomacy a lot more difficult,” he said. “It almost gives Berlin, Beijing and Moscow an excuse not to come together for a third round of sanctions.”
So other countries and even neocon wannabes know the gig is up. The same vague threats of Armageddon with no facts to support the threats or warnings. The dismissal of the entire United States intelligence community and its unanimous findings in favor of “good solid evidence and intelligence I’ve seen which the intelligence community isn’t privy to”. Which begs the question as to why the intelligence community isn’t privy to this kind of information when dangerous warmongering lunatics is.
But these words need to start being said, and not with any equivocating. They are lying, just as they were lying about Iraq. They must be stopped before it is too far gone. Hearings must commence. Impeachment must be back on the table.
The lying must stop.
But that’s the Beauty of the Big Lie — Bush knows his version of the “truth” will be seen by more people on TV than anyone refuting his position.
He will keep lying until the day he dies.
I used to think that he just wanted his term to be over, but this has given him new life.
The chance to say “fuck you” so many times in so many ways.
What an ass.
That’s correct. The big lie is more believable than the smaller one, and Bush has followed the example of a well known historical figure.
“…the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true. Therefore, something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick-a fact which all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs in this world know only too well and also make the most treacherous use of.” — Adolph Hitler, from Mein Kampf
While I agree with you clamster, most wholeheartedly, at this point either the President is an incompetent liar and needs to step down or face impeachment investigations immediately, or the entire US intel community is lying and needs to be sacked.
We know which one is the actual truth, but which one is more likely? Guess which one the right is calling for?
Seems to me that the NIE is being turned into an excuse to get rid of anyone in the intel community who would oppose an attack on Iran, which is the only reason it was allowed to see the light of day in the first place.
It’s like the adminsitration is a one trick pony.
Iraw: first they successfully lied us into a war. then, when there were no wmd, they changed the line to programs about WMD” and later still to “they wanted to have programs about wmd.”
The Iran debacle is the same thing. There are no nukular bombs in Iran, and all of a sudden it’s not actually nuclear bombs we were going to stop, but “the knowledge” to make one.
It’s really pretty pathetic. I’ll bet my three year old can come up with better lies than that.
They stopped trying a long time ago to come up with even a semblance of reasonable lies because the MSM has let them get away with their egregious lying. I sometimes think bush isn’t as stupid as he sounds and purposely tells these outrageous lies just to prove he can because in his nasty petty little mind he thinks it’s funny that he can say whatever the hell he wants no questions asked-then again I’m no doubt giving him too much credit for thinking.
“I sometimes think bush isn’t as stupid as he sounds and purposely tells these outrageous lies just to prove he can”
Yeah, like with his deliberate use of “nukular”. It’s not cute anymore, not that it ever was.
If our Constitution allowed for a vote of no confidence, like the English system, could GW remain “the decider” till the end of his term??
that is a real good question. Although, I would think it would be similar to censure, or would have the same effect as the laws that he issues signing statements to ignore.
If no one pushes back, then what is the difference anyway?
No no no… you liberals have it wrong — AGAIN.
When the President said Mike McConnell spoke to him, saying something very important was in the works, Mr Bush naturally did not ask him for any more information…. because McConnell also said…
“Stay tuned! Details on the 11 O’clock News!”
Clammy, the President knows if there is anything really, really important that he needs to know then he will find it out from Brit Hume.
Cause if Bush knows one thing, it’s this:
Scott Ritter is interviewed by the Detroit Metro Times about the probabilities of an attack on Iran and what lessons we can glean from the Iraq debacle, its relationship to the saber rattling on Iran and the Democrats role in all of this, including we Democratic constituents. Here is one question and answer from the interview that really struck me.
How I wish what he says was not true. Sadly, I’m afraid it is.
Go read the rest.
I’m afraid that even among those Democrats who would be willing to pursue this, they are concerned about opening up investigations that they cannot wrap up within Bush’s term.