The talks are about to begin in Bali to create the framework for a new global climate change treaty. Al Gore will be speaking there (from Al Gore’s mail to supporters of his efforts).
In Bali, Indonesia thousands of delegates from nearly 190 countries have gathered at the UN Conference on Climate Change. In ten days, I will address the conference to urge the adoption of a visionary new treaty to address global warming and I want to bring your voices with me.
Joyhn Edwards today pledged “to meet with world leaders in my first 100 days in office to personally offer America’s support for a vigorous and comprehensive effort to halt global warming.”
Come around after the fold and let’s talk about saving our planet.
X-Posted from Daily Kos..
The 13th United Nations Climate Change Conference started on December 3 – two weeks of talks taking place in Bali, Indonesia, between representatives of about 180 countries, some of which have ratified and some of which have not yet ratified the Kyoto Protocol.
Good news at the very beginning of the conference came from Australia, whose government decided to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. New Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd signed the instrument of ratification of the protocol on December 3 and the country will be a full member to the agreement by the end of March 2008. (The Kyoto Protocol is an international legally binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the world, which came into force on February 16 2005).
According to the European Greens, Australia’s decision will “intensify pressure on the US, now isolated among wealthy countries in rejecting the international global-warming pact”.
And you all know this:
The U.S. is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and is home to the globe’s largest economy.
Indeed, we are among the worst:
Indonesia: The United States and Saudi Arabia are the world’s worst “climate sinners,” environmental groups said Friday, citing their high and mounting greenhouse gas emissions and inadequate government policies to combat global warming.
AP: US on Defensive at Climate ConferenceHerald Tribune
But it’s okay. Notwithstanding our terrible record, the Bush administration says it will not be a “roadblock.” Right. And Iran has a nuclear weapons program. Can anyone believe anything they say?
“We’re not here to be a roadblock,” Harlan L. Watson, a top U.S. climate negotiator, told reporters. “We’re committed to a successful conclusion, and we’re going to work very constructively to make that happen.”
But a roadblock is as a roadblock does.
American negotiators at a climate conference came under mounting pressure Thursday to back mandatory caps on greenhouse gases, after Australia threw its support behind deep emission cuts and anti-global warming legislation passed a crucial test in the U.S. Senate.
Despite the pressure, Washington stood firm on Thursday in its refusal to sign the agreement, with Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns, the No. 3 American diplomat, reiterating its stance in a series of appearances and interviews in Australia.
“We do not see eye-to-eye with Australia or many other countries on the signing of Kyoto, that’s obvious,” Burns said in a question-and-answer session after an address in Sydney.
John Edwards pledged a new way when he is is President. He’ll meet with foreign leaders to work on global warming. Yes, global warming is a, if not the, major foreign policy issue facing America. Why? Because if we have no planet on which we can live, the rest does not matter much, does it?
Remember Al Gore’s movie? Gold bars vrs. the Planet. John Edwards chooses the planet.
“Global warming is an emergency that requires immediate action from the world community. I applaud international leaders who are starting work in Bali to create a roadmap for a new binding global climate change treaty and urge them to hit the ground running with the knowledge that when George Bush leaves office, America’s next president will be there with them.
“Our government should be offering the world more encouragement than the inadequate remark by the U.S. representative that our country would `not be a roadblock.’ America should be a leader in development of a new treaty that arrests climate change to block the worst effects of global warming. That means binding emission reduction targets, protocols for technology transfers to support efforts by developing countries and an aggressive approach to stopping deforestation.
“As president, I intend to meet with world leaders in my first 100 days in office to personally offer America’s support for a vigorous and comprehensive effort to halt global warming.”
Edwards To World: Start Working And We’ll Be There
I wrote a diary a month ago about my interview with Dr. Brent Blackwelder, President of Friends of the Earth and FOE Action that I titled: John Edwards will be our First Green President
Q: You have been President of Friends of the Earth and Friends of the Earth Action since 1994. In that time, you have witnessed the buying of the American government by corporate power and their lobbyists. How important is John Edwards’ willingness to take on these entrenched interests to you in making your endorsement?
A: This played a big part in our decision. John Edwards has taken a stand against the lobbyists and special interests that have so driven environmental policies in the Bush Administration. Only when candidates refuse to take money from the lobbyists for big oil and big coal can they pursue the kind of environmental polices that protect health and safety of our families. Of all the leading candidates running, we believe John Edwards has the greatest potential to stand up to corporate special interests in the White House.
I agree with Dr. Blackwelder:
Of the leading Democratic candidates for president, John Edwards is most committed, and best prepared, to halt global warming and promote a healthy, livable planet for our families and our future. Friends of the Earth Action feels John Edwards has set the paces among all of the Democratic candidates by putting forth a plan that provides real action to combat global warming.
My Interview of Friends of the Earth Action President Dr. Blackwelder
More on Friend of the Earth Action’s endorsement of John Edwards and independent campaign to elect John Edwards’ is here:
Friends of the Earth Action Endorses John Edwards
More on the Edwards Plan to combat global warming is here:
I’ll end with this:
“Our generation must be the one that says, ‘we must halt global warming.’ Our generation must be the one that says ‘yes’ to renewable fuels and ends forever our dependence on foreign oil. And our generation must be the one that builds the new energy economy. It won’t be easy, but it is time to ask the American people to be patriotic about something other than war.” – John Edwards
Meeting foreign leaders in the first 100 days to start work on a global warming treaty that we join. That’s exactly what we need: real action. The planet and we simply cannot afford half-measures. Real change is necessary to survive.
Tips to save our planet!
If I could give more tips I would, and this message needs to be spread far and wide.
the voting public must be made award of the true facts, not just the blinding light of the idiot box, and the main stream coporate media.
keep up the good work…KUDOS