Why do women vote more than men?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Why do women vote more than men?
if you ask the question the other way…why do men vote less than women….i think its easier to see a possible answer to this question….men already generally have at least the illusion that they, as a group at least, have power…so they can afford to be lazy….start threatening what they perceive to be their basic rights like to get more of the pie and to be able to have pie whenever they want it….then they would probably be more motivated to vote.
what i dont understand is why people vote against their interests…my only conclusion is chronic stupidity.
chronic stupidity is as good an answer as any.
anna basically got it.
Why do we not vote? For the same reason we don’t put the roll of toilet paper on the spindle–we don’t have to.
I don’t think that a feeling of empowerment can account for it. The opposite is generally true as is often seen in minority groups who feel disenfranchised and therefore do not vote.
My guess is that the issue is twofold. The first is that women are more community oriented than men are, the second is that women are more likely to be at home during the day.
When I canvass on election day, it is a simple fact that more women answer the door until at least 6:00pm.
When I go to the polls, I only vote once. Any more than that would be cheating.
We had more snow last night. Demetrius and I read this article in the Straight Dope years ago. It’s turned into a sort of shorthand–one of us will just say “Observe the snow”, and we both know what is meant.
By the way, in the original version we read, it wasn’t “freaking” snow, but the more colorful term.
In other news, I got grades submitted yesterday. Today I spent a couple hours at a local retreat center. Was long overdue for a little bit of silence.
freaking snow
the puppy and i will be in florida in 10 days
and we are definitely going to key west for new years eve….but we couldnt afford a hotel room so we rented a little red sebring convertible…i wanted to just sleep on the beach but my boyfriend says we are too old…so we are gonna sleep in the car….it better not rain.
The president wasn’t briefed about that until last Thursday.
The noose is beginning to chafe a bit I think.
l haven’t a clue, especially in regards to the recent elections. perhaps a better question would be: given the fact that they outnumber men, why has chimpy been [s]elected twice? we always hear the cw/pc admonition that women, if elected, would lead to a kinder, gentler nation when the reality is that many of those who have risen to powerful positions, see: pelosi, nancy; feinstein, diane; clinton, hillary…and others; not to mention those lovely specimens on the RATpub side…with few exceptions, they have not been notably different from their male counterparts.
additionally, it would appear to follow that the women who do vote, tend to vote republican, for whatever reason.
are these voters the incarnation of the famous soccer and security moms, or merely dar types?
it doesn’t compute, unless you attribute the apparent reich wing tendencies, that logically follow this line of reasoning, to a lack of participation by the poor and minorities.
just asking.
Voter fraud and the Supreme Court, of course.
Neither of which can be blamed on women, who at least perform their civic duties.
Judy excuse me, but should you have had at least a little smiley face after you last sentence.
No, no, it just seems like men vote less because they’re the root of all evil, right?
Not Frivoulous…Migra Matters has hit the mainstream with “Illegal is not a Noun”
Migra Matters has been the mainstream for many years.
So? What’s new.
first time I seen a reference to it on a non-blog, thats all…
I think it’s a matter of ego. Women accomplish what they can from a subordinate position. Voting means helping to select whichever fool looks like he can do a better job.
Men have trouble accepting the idea that some other fool is going to be running the show, so why should they help.