Ole-Tarantula – Robyn Hitchcock
The Wanderer – Marc Broussard
Monkey and the Engineer – Grateful Dead
Heartbeat – King Crimson
Secret Love – Ry Cooder/Manuel Galban
Talk to me While I’m Listening – Nanci Griffith
You Should Be Dancing – Dread Zeppelin
Some Humans Ain’t Human – John Prine
Why Can’t I? – Liz Phair
Broken Butterflies – Lucinda Williams
Well I haven’t done this in a long time but some things never change — my list is still clearly one that belongs to a dinosaur.
Three to Get Ready – The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Ozark – Pat Metheny & Lyle Mays
Topanga Windows – Spirit
Perfectly Good Guitar – John Hiatt
Lumpy Gravy – Persuasions
(Goin’) Wild For You Baby – Karrin Allyson
Fool Yourself – Little Feat
Run Through The Jungle – Creedence Clearwater Revival
Complainte Pour Ste. Catherine – Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Angel From Montgomery – Susan Tedeschi
That makes two.
(I heard there were a few million others; Goldsmith estimated the number of fans trying to register for tickets at 20 million, or more than 80,000 a minute, though that number cannot be confirmed.)
If all else fails I heard of someone called Hanny Montana you might be able to get tickets to. Although years ago when my kids were small, I never had any trouble getting tickets to Barney. 🙂
As soon as I wake up enough I’m off to bake a bunch of potato kugel for a crowd (way easier than making dozens of potato latkes) and then go help my mom get ready for the the family Hanukkah gathering.
Good morning, Andi!
Happy Hanukkah to you, too.
No latke or kugel making here this year, but we’re invited to a latke feast tomorrow.
Image from last year:
No frost flowers here. Sunny and already about 60 degrees. Supposed to be in the 70s for the next week, making it decidedly difficult to get into a Christmas shopping mood.
Sassy, the 2 yo, has been out the back door into the carport at least 6 times, but to her dismay, the rain’s still coming down. Besides, I suspect its fun to see how often you can get your human to open the door.
It rained Saturday, it rained Sunday, it’s going to rain tomorrow and that day after that and then maybe it’s going to snow but more likely it’ll rain.
Well actually we did get a little rain last night. I wonder how they figured out how to make it rain at night so you wouldn’t be bothered with it during the day? 😉
Just getting my first cup. This up and down on temps here is playing havoc with FMom’s asthma. I think she does much better with it when it’s colder. The weather says we’re supposed to get up to 80 today. The AC might come on.
Yep Xmas vacation means more work for me. We’ll have 8 extra in the house over the holidays. Kids in sleeping bags everywhere and George yapping 24 hours a day. No wonder the holidays tire me out so much. 🙂
It’s very strange weather here too, but I’m not complaining. Yesterday we sat outside a little gelato shop eating in the afternoon sun. It was sorta hot in the direct sunlight. Supposed to be record-setting heat all week. Note: blood orange gelato…the best!
I had it with a little bit of white chocolate gelato. My partner had blood orange and dark chocolate. We decided to go back to try the other 87 flavors one at a time.
How are you and the boys, CG? I haven’t been around much but assume you are experiencing the same crappy weather my Cleveland relatives have been plagued with. I am not a nice sister. I copied our 7-day forecast and emailed it to them saying it’s hard to get into the christmas spirit when everyone is wearing flip-flops.
It’s always like Grand Central around here, so I’m used to it. Plus these will be the nieces and nephew I don’t get to see that often, so it will be nice to see how much they’ve grown.
Only two week until Xmas. Damned this winter is just going too fast.
I’ve never really understood this part. Why should I clean up the house, just to have them come in and mess it up, just to have me clean it up again. It makes so much more sense to have them come into a messy house and only clean it up once after they’re gone. But nooooooooo!
Yep, ready b/c we’re opting out this year. No presents, no visiting, nothing. 🙂 And b/c of that I’m so looking forward to this Christmas – more than I have in a long time. 🙂
It will definitely be a white Christmas here — we’ve got a lot of snow already (piles of it, covered roads etc.) and it snowed again today.
I’m still not sure how much time I’ll get to take off (most of my clients are closed that week, with one notable exception). I was sort of hoping to take the whole week between Christmas and New Years, but I think some of that might depend on how much I get done this week/next week. But if I wind up working about 10 hours during the holiday week, that won’t be too bad either.
Isn’t it time for you to be planning your spring adventure? Where are you going this year?
A bit earlier — first Giddy wanted out, then Sniff wanted in, and then the alarm system beeped to say one of the motion detectors was an unhappy camper and then I gave up.
I’ve got a big day today. Got to get FMom to the doctor because of her asthma. She’s been having a hell of a time with it. I saw on the local news last night that doctors are seeing a large number of asthma patients because of the weather. That’s another reason I want some cold weather to stay. Her asthma doesn’t seem so bad when there it is cold.
Ole-Tarantula – Robyn Hitchcock
The Wanderer – Marc Broussard
Monkey and the Engineer – Grateful Dead
Heartbeat – King Crimson
Secret Love – Ry Cooder/Manuel Galban
Talk to me While I’m Listening – Nanci Griffith
You Should Be Dancing – Dread Zeppelin
Some Humans Ain’t Human – John Prine
Why Can’t I? – Liz Phair
Broken Butterflies – Lucinda Williams
What do y’all got?
we need to update the books. What are you reading that you think other people should be reading?
CG asked that question a few weeks ago.
There were some suggestions.
Well I haven’t done this in a long time but some things never change — my list is still clearly one that belongs to a dinosaur.
Three to Get Ready – The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Ozark – Pat Metheny & Lyle Mays
Topanga Windows – Spirit
Perfectly Good Guitar – John Hiatt
Lumpy Gravy – Persuasions
(Goin’) Wild For You Baby – Karrin Allyson
Fool Yourself – Little Feat
Run Through The Jungle – Creedence Clearwater Revival
Complainte Pour Ste. Catherine – Kate & Anna McGarrigle
Angel From Montgomery – Susan Tedeschi
hardcore blues rockers led zep reunion tour [?] kicks off monday.
really wish l could be there
That makes two.
(I heard there were a few million others; Goldsmith estimated the number of fans trying to register for tickets at 20 million, or more than 80,000 a minute, though that number cannot be confirmed.)
if they make it to the states, l’m there!
If all else fails I heard of someone called Hanny Montana you might be able to get tickets to. Although years ago when my kids were small, I never had any trouble getting tickets to Barney. 🙂
and Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate it.
As soon as I wake up enough I’m off to bake a bunch of potato kugel for a crowd (way easier than making dozens of potato latkes) and then go help my mom get ready for the the family Hanukkah gathering.
Good morning, Andi!

Happy Hanukkah to you, too.
No latke or kugel making here this year, but we’re invited to a latke feast tomorrow.
Image from last year:
Those look yummy. And what a lovely kitchen! 😉
Hello Ask and Happy Hanukkah Andi!
Another chilly day, but it’s supposed to warm up enough to melt some of the snow away. And then we’ll have mud. Fun, fun.
No Hannukah latkes for us today, but we’re off to a birthday party tonight.
Morning CG.
Mud is fun, or so I’ve been told. 🙂
Only if you’re wrestling in it. 🙂
How are you this morning?
Very sleepy morning. I still haven’t woken up and I’m deciding on going back to sleep.
Wait…. OK the decision is made. I’m going back to sleep.
See ya later.
Is that from this morning?
It’s a gray, damp day here today. I’m glad I’m heading off to a yoga class later, I’m hoping it will give me a little energy for the rest of the day.
Is it just us here this morning?
Well I think it was just your and FM and now I think it’s just me. 🙂
I’m guessing you weren’t fully awake when you asked if that was from this morning since the pic before the sun was up. 😉
We’ve had a thunderstorm already this morning. It’s a very wet, chilly world here.
Good Morning Andi and CG.
I’m sort of here. Woke up sneezing this morning and haven’t stopped.
Are you getting sick, or is it indoor allergies?
I don’t feel sick, but I don’t know what it is. I usually sneeze a for a little while every morning, but this one just keeps going.
That happens to me sometimes. And then, just as suddenly as it started, it stops. I hope your stops soon.
I just wish the FSM in its infinite wisdom would have thought to put a snot off switch in our heads. Ewwwwwww 🙂
Judging from the way the CBs behave sometimes, there is a “snot off” switch…just not the kind you meant. 🙂
And with that, I have to go get ready for yoga. Have a great day, FM.
Have fun at yoga and a great day too.
Oh and ‘bless you’.
And thank you. 🙂
Since I have just had my relative-fueled event* for the year so I’m primed to be full of sympathy for you.
* not really true — the Hanukkah gathering was very nice — but I’m not one to let reality get in the way of a comment.
I’m primed to be full of sympathy
I was thinking someone is impersonating Andi. 🙂
No frost flowers here. Sunny and already about 60 degrees. Supposed to be in the 70s for the next week, making it decidedly difficult to get into a Christmas shopping mood.
Morning, everyone.
Morning SN.
We’re almost up to 70 now. Had a little bit of a shower last night because everything is wet.
Good morning all! The cats aren’t pleased with the outdoor sogginess here this morning.
When it’s wet outside like today, I have to pick George up and carry him out in the middle of the yard. He’s just so damned dainty sometimes. 🙂
Sassy, the 2 yo, has been out the back door into the carport at least 6 times, but to her dismay, the rain’s still coming down. Besides, I suspect its fun to see how often you can get your human to open the door.
Thank goodness I’ve got George. He’s just as lazy as I am.
As is her royal highness, when the mood strikes.
Total slackatude. Who could ask for more.
I’m awed by her slacker expertise.
Good morning all. More shopping to do, ugh, and plenty of household chores. It will be a busy day.
Good morning boran2! I’m splitting my shopping between the net and some small local shops this year. I avoid the malls like the plague.
Hi ID! I’m actually almost done having used both the net and brick and mortar stores like you. I’ve just got to pick up a few small office things.
Yep, internet and little shops whenever possible. Malls are scary places…
Better you doing the shopping and household chores than me. Just thinking of doing one or the other is tiring me out. 🙂
Ever the consumate slacker. 😉
It rained Saturday, it rained Sunday, it’s going to rain tomorrow and that day after that and then maybe it’s going to snow but more likely it’ll rain.
Good morning Andi.
I guess you’re trying to say it’s rainy up there. It’s almost hot here. We’re supposed to be in the 80s for the next couple of days.
I don’t like the 80s in the summer; they’re obscene in December. 😉
I completely agree. I’m never going to get any snow the way it’s going. 🙁
Good morning, Andi and FM!
Wet and dreary here as well and it looks like it will last…
If the normal weather pattern holds and you get what we are having, you’ve gone rain for at least the next 5 days.
Yuck. I feel like Saturday was the only bright and shiny day we’ve had in weeks, and we’re getting more of the same gray stuff? Argh.
Given a normal pattern, you are but maybe you’ll get a southerly weather pattern instead.
We’ve also got dense fog — which seems very appropriate for a monday morning.
We’ve got the dense fog too. Just like yesterday, it would be perfect going back to sleep weather.
I guess it’ll be easier to sit and work without distractions today. 🙂
Good reason to stay in and knit. If it keeps going like this, you could probably knit a house cover.
curly is seriously considering playing hooky today.
Good for curly!
It’s definitely a good day for sleeping in…
Yes, especially if you hardly slept during night.
Hmmm…do you think that might cut my heating bill?
Maybe a little, but I can see two things coming from it. One, you’d be on national TV, and two Guinness would come calling.
And even better (imho), eliminate the need to take care of plants since the lack of sun would kill them all.
We could make little window-holes…
but, but, but then the plants might survive.
It’s just the FSM setting you up for a heavy blizzard during Christmas. That trickster. 🙂
I wouldn’t mind a foot for Christmas!
An inch down here would close down the whole place. So yeah I’d take a foot down here too. 🙂
Guess it was all being saved up from the summer … 😉
Alas we’re getting no rain or snow. Just a warm sunny day. Perfect weather does get so boring. 🙂
My heart bleeds for you and your perfect weather, FM.
Well actually we did get a little rain last night. I wonder how they figured out how to make it rain at night so you wouldn’t be bothered with it during the day? 😉
is definitely over. Instead we’re having spring mud season very, very early.
(BTW, I’ll bet you wouldn’t be surprised by the number of shots I had to take to get the right focus for the rain drops and the backdrop.)
Hi olivia.
Are you still getting that unbelievably cold weather?
We’re stuck in the cold — but not as cold as it was last week.
The good news: they’re talking of opening the canal for ice skating early this year b/c it’s been so cold.
Ice! Everything near where I work is encased in ice. Thankfully the roadway is just wet.
Be careful out there Boran.
Thanks, FM. Traction control is my friend. 😉
but we aren’t getting any ice storms so I’m counting myself as lucky.
Good morning, Andi!
At least your reservoirs are refilling…
Ah, the pot is ready – coffee time.
Good morning Ask and Andi.
I need coffee. It’s going to be another hot day here. I almost turned on the AC yesterday.
Morning, FM!
Already done with my second cup.
Cold floors in the apt this morning, turning up the heat.
Just getting my first cup. This up and down on temps here is playing havoc with FMom’s asthma. I think she does much better with it when it’s colder. The weather says we’re supposed to get up to 80 today. The AC might come on.
We’re having a strange weather streak — it was in the 30s yesterday, it’s supposed to be in the 60s today and back into the 30s tomorrow.
I know what you mean on strange weather. I was thinking yesterday I hate summer and then I thought, wait it’s Dec.
Ah well, nothing to be done but put up with whatever weather we get. I think I’ll concentrate on counting the days till I’m on vacation (10).
Yep Xmas vacation means more work for me. We’ll have 8 extra in the house over the holidays. Kids in sleeping bags everywhere and George yapping 24 hours a day. No wonder the holidays tire me out so much. 🙂
Yeah but if there weren’t any festivities, I wouldn’t get any pictures of the inside of the farmhouse (because everything is always about me).
LOL you’re right! Picture will be forthcoming……I hope. 🙂
It’s very strange weather here too, but I’m not complaining. Yesterday we sat outside a little gelato shop eating in the afternoon sun. It was sorta hot in the direct sunlight. Supposed to be record-setting heat all week. Note: blood orange gelato…the best!
Blood orange gelato rocks…especially if you combine it with bittersweet chocolate.
I feel a Capogiro visit coming on… 🙂
I had it with a little bit of white chocolate gelato. My partner had blood orange and dark chocolate. We decided to go back to try the other 87 flavors one at a time.
How are you and the boys, CG? I haven’t been around much but assume you are experiencing the same crappy weather my Cleveland relatives have been plagued with. I am not a nice sister. I copied our 7-day forecast and emailed it to them saying it’s hard to get into the christmas spirit when everyone is wearing flip-flops.
You are such a mean sister, rubbing warm weather in their faces like that. 🙂
We’re good. Looking forward to sleeping in after next week…
I have to run to yoga class – hopefully I’ll catch you later?
Yep winter is turning out to be summer. I hope Jan. will be a little more in the norm.
I don’t think I’ve ever had gelato. Sounds good though.
You just got a coffee shop, FM, next one is a gelato shop. These things take time.
Down here they could take decades.
Don’t you mean ice cream … 🙂
Morning Olivia.
Ice cream is a great idea. I haven’t cranked up the ice cream maker since last year.
So are you having tropical weather up there too. 🙂
How much more snow did you get?
How much chocolate ice cream is left in the freezer?
and I actually didn’t eat any — so lots left.
Well, I better go. Can’t be dallying w/ rush hour to get through … 🙂
Have a good day everyone.
Have a good day and be care in that weather.
Be careful out there.
Morning Ask.
Yeah I’m sure catching up on all that missed rain is a good thing but I’m getting really tired of muddy dog feet.
Coffee and the possibility of warm weather heading our way…I can live with that.
FM, I don’t think I could handle that much company all at once.
I can’t believe it’s only 2 weeks till Christmas. I better get my stuff together this week.
Morning CG.
It’s always like Grand Central around here, so I’m used to it. Plus these will be the nieces and nephew I don’t get to see that often, so it will be nice to see how much they’ve grown.
Only two week until Xmas. Damned this winter is just going too fast.
Well, the nieces and nephews part sounds fun…cleaning up after them, not so much. 🙂
I’ve never really understood this part. Why should I clean up the house, just to have them come in and mess it up, just to have me clean it up again. It makes so much more sense to have them come into a messy house and only clean it up once after they’re gone. But nooooooooo!
Hi olivia! Are you all ready for the holidays? DO you get a white Christmas and all that, way up there in the far frigid north?
Yep, ready b/c we’re opting out this year. No presents, no visiting, nothing. 🙂 And b/c of that I’m so looking forward to this Christmas – more than I have in a long time. 🙂
It will definitely be a white Christmas here — we’ve got a lot of snow already (piles of it, covered roads etc.) and it snowed again today.
When is the last day of school for the CBs?
CBtE has a half day next Thursday, CBtY has a half day next Friday…I don’t think CBtE goes back until January 7th or 8th, CBtY a little sooner.
How much longer does Jim have?
We’re both off starting the end of the day Friday but Jim doesn’t go back till the 7th and the kids start up again on the 8th. I’m back on the 2nd.
This Friday or next Friday?
I’m still not sure how much time I’ll get to take off (most of my clients are closed that week, with one notable exception). I was sort of hoping to take the whole week between Christmas and New Years, but I think some of that might depend on how much I get done this week/next week. But if I wind up working about 10 hours during the holiday week, that won’t be too bad either.
Isn’t it time for you to be planning your spring adventure? Where are you going this year?
Good morning all. Late to the party again. It’s 28 degrees here but at least no wind. Off to the races as they say. Have a good day.
Morning Boran.
I would tell you our temp, but I don’t think you want to hear it. 🙂
Oh sure, and I’ll bet that you’re sipping some umbrella drink while you’re typing this. Go ahead, rub it in. 😉
Nope no umbrella drink, but……. 😉
I can just picture you and George lounging in the cabana, drinking beer and eating pimento cheese sandwiches in your Speedos.
Speedos? Nah I go more for the 1900s bathing suit style.
That looks about perfect…a little wifi, a little coffee, a little pina colada, and a cabana boy, and I’d be set.
though I think this cafe is already over the hill.
Morning Andi.
Waiting on coffee at the moment. Are you up a little earlier than usual today?
A bit earlier — first Giddy wanted out, then Sniff wanted in, and then the alarm system beeped to say one of the motion detectors was an unhappy camper and then I gave up.
Yep I hate it when you’re in that middle state where you could have gone back to sleep, but something keeps you up, and then you’re awake.
Yeah, it would be nice if this kind of thing would happen about 2 when there’s a good chance of falling back to sleep.
Hah in my case it could be 2,3,4,5,6,7…….. 🙂
I’ve got a big day today. Got to get FMom to the doctor because of her asthma. She’s been having a hell of a time with it. I saw on the local news last night that doctors are seeing a large number of asthma patients because of the weather. That’s another reason I want some cold weather to stay. Her asthma doesn’t seem so bad when there it is cold.