It’s only one district out of 435, but OH-05 has captured the imagination of the left-leaning blogosphere. If you want to be a part of it, email Jason at The Republicans have no answer for this level of organization. They are going to try to win with $400,000 worth of immigrant bashing teevee ads. What a joke.
On another note, what are you getting me for Christmas?
A razor. And I don’t mean the cell phone
I thought you were gonna convince Brownback to get back in the race.
he won’t return my phone calls so I’ve resorted to burning him in effigy.
after my endorsement, he has a lot of nerve dropping out and not returning your phone calls.
No, that’s my job.
it never gets old.
and shaving cream.
I can’t write what I want to say.
come by my house later. please.
when, tonight?
What I was going to write initially was that I was going to place the grungy undies you left at my place under the guest bed last time you were in town in a box (using looooong tongs, of course), wrap up the box, and send them back to you. Along with a big bottle of Cheer.
In other news, J.D. Hayworth is crowing on his hate radio show that the Dept of Justice isn’t going to investigate him for his dealings with Abramoff. So much for accountability.
yeah, well, he’s still not a congressman anymore, so neener neener.
From WESH in Orlando.
So………..tell me again…….how do the know what Jesus looked like??
I guess if Jesus’ head was inside my chest, I would have pains too.
10 to 1 says that x-ray ends up on eBay within 2 weeks and pulls in at least $20k.
if they x-rayed his abdomen they’d find his own head.
A friend’s comment:
“I see an x-ray of a dipshit.”
Your comment sent me searching my e-mail archives. I saw this some time back and sent it to one of my Baptist friends.
Hard to believe, but people really buy this shit.
And sometimes, for a lot of money.
Don’t forget the Grilled Cheese Virgin Mary.
I was wondering why it is that people always think these distorted half-humanoid images always resemble Jesus and not someone else. That inspired me to do a little more looking into this particular situation.
Using the picture in that link, and some advanced image processing (cropping it and zooming in Microsoft Paint) I have determined who the image in the x-ray actually is.
If this isn’t bulletproof evidence, nothing is.
No wonder we haven’t been able to find him for the past 6 years.
The filters at work blocked your image but let me take a guess.
Is it Dick Cheney? And maybe this guys chest is the famous “undisclosed location”.
Awesome guess…but OBL.
The resemblance really is uncanny.
That’s a funny visualizaton, even without the actual image.
BooMan, We’re all chipping in to buy you Craps For Dummies. 😉
No glases version: Cramps for Dummies.
and keep the Boo-goodies toasty.
That’s quite the knitting project you have there young lady;-)