In his speech the other day defending his Mormonism, Mitt Romney tied himself together with other religions, but failed to say that he was campaigning for those non-believers who are atheists or agnostics. In fact he said about non-believers:
“It is as if they’re intent on establishing a new religion in America – the religion of secularism. They’re wrong.”
This was very different from the Kennedy speech of almost 5 decades ago when JFK, defending the fact that he was Catholic, supported the separation of church and state and made it clear he was running on behalf of ALL Americans.
Romney has made himself an attachment to the religious conservatives who want to establish their beliefs as PART of government. So what will happen to the secularists?
Well… he knows they’re wrong. They cannot be part of a unified belief like a religionist.
That leaves folks like me questioning what the next stage will be if someone like Romney or, gosh!, Huckabee gets elected.
Will schools no longer teach evolution in biology?
Will carbon dating be rejected beyond, say, six thousand years?
Will the universe become a short order on the menu of eternity?
What happened to keeping religion out of government?
what’s a lobster scope?
When I was a teenager in the early 70’s my cousins and me made one of these using a box fan, a piece of cardboard and a flood light. It was real good to turn on in the basement with the lights out while smoking a doober and listening to Hendrix or Black Sabbath. Plain freaked you out when everybody walked around looking like something from an old kinescope. Good for a laugh. I guess at the time it seemed a safer alternative to dropping acid to blow your mind. Cheaper too.
Ahhhh………the follies of misspent youth. The kind of things you’ll never tell your kids.
If you want to understand that hypocritical and self-righteous statement. I recommend getting a couple of “seer stones”.
Ahhhhh now I get it!
Thanks for that link, Salunga. I begin to understand Here’s my favorite quote from the angel Moroni – “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not.”
Fascinating stuff.
LOL Oh yeah its deep it gets real deep.