It is becoming apparently clear, that it’s Zionists that have been pushing the world community toward war with Iran.
From Israeli newspapers:
Over the last year, a certain hope has developed in Israel that the U.S. would do our dirty work for us; because what is possibly going on, quietly and secretly, between President Bush and his spiritual advisers will lead Bush to the conclusion that his supreme moral obligation is to remove the Iranian nuclear danger threatening Israel before he passes his job on to his successor.
And now we find out the Israelis knew about the report before our own president?
Israel has known about the report for more than a month. The first information on it was passed on to Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and to Shaul Mofaz, who is the minister responsible for the strategic dialog with the Americans. The issue was also discussed at the Annapolis summit by Barak and U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and it seems also between Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
But it looks like this time the intelligence community is fighting back, the new intelligence report, the NIE, a consensus assessment of 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, reported that Iran had ended a nuclear weapons program in 2003.
So are we going to believe Israel now?
The top brass and senior intelligence and defense officials spent most of their day in heated meetings. At the complex intersection of two policies, intelligence and propaganda, the dilemma is now two-fold: Is Israel capable of presenting the Americans with any information that can prove to the Americans their new evaluation is wrong? And what new policy will Jerusalem need to formulate on the Iranian issue, based on the reasonable assumption the U.S. will not change its mind?
I have a suspicion that the report was know by all parties and it was being used to pressure Israel into peace negotiations. Since Israel continued to expand settlements, cut fuel to Gaza and murder farmers and generally being unhelpful to the peace plan, to Israel’s dismay, Bush allowed the release of the report:
What surprised Israel is the sharp turn from the previous line presented by the DNI, and the fact the report was made public. Based on his short comments yesterday, it seems Barak, like Olmert, is trying to avoid open disagreement with the U.S. government.
Haaretz trying to confuse the issue claims the reverse, I think it’s a message to Israel that “it’s no longer business as usual”, Bush is serious:
The report will most likely also have an indirect effect on the Israeli-Palestinian process. If Israel no longer enjoys the full support of the Americans on nuclear matters, then Israel is likely to feel less committed to make concessions and move forward in talks with the Palestinians.
This is the type of shit that WILL derail the peace process:
On Tuesday, Israel announced plans to build more than 300 new homes in Har Homa.
“We’re in a time when the goal is to build maximum confidence between the parties and this doesn’t help to build confidence,” Rice told reporters after a meeting with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on the sidelines of a NATO meeting.
The new housing would expand the neighborhood of about 4,000 residents in an area Palestinians claim as the capital of a future state. Palestinian officials appealed to the US to block the project.
“The United Nations’ position on the illegality of settlements is well known,” Ban said. “These new tenders for 300 new homes in east Jerusalem so soon after this Annapolis Middle East peace conference, I think, is not helpful. I will be discussing this matter with my Quartet partners.”
And Bush will be visiting Israel shortly to let them know just how serious he is:
During his visit, Bush is expected to focus on promoting Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in the framework of agreements reached at last week’s Mideast peace conference, held in Annapolis, Maryland,
This visit will be Bush’s first visit to Israel since he took office seven years ago.
Israel now realizing that their goal of demonizing Iran and letting the world do their dirty work has failed, now claims they have secret information they have not shared….right, just like the yellow cake memos?
IDF to show US nuclear data on Iran
Disappointed after failing to make their case on Iran and influence the outcome of the United States’s National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released this week, Military Intelligence will present its hard core evidence on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program on Sunday to the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff during a rare visit he will be making to Israel.Admiral Michael Mullen will land in Israel Sunday morning for a 24-hour visit that will include a one-on-one meeting with IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, as well as with Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
And lets not forget how many administration Zionists were close to the intelligence to go to war with Iraq.
I find this very interesting, Cheney might finally be getting tired of being the whipping boy:
Meanwhile, US Vice President Dick Cheney on Thursday said he had no reason to doubt the intelligence assessment.
“There’s always the possibility that circumstances will change. But I think they’ve done the best job they can with the intelligence that’s available,” Cheney told
After all he knew in the 1990’s invading Iraq would not be such a good idea, what changed his mind:
Who were the people whispering in Bush’s ear about democratizing the middle east? Idealists like Natan Sharansky:
He was just glad to see her holding a copy of his newly published book, The Case for Democracy.
“I’m already half-way through your book,” Rice said. “Do you know why I’m reading it?”
Rice smiled. “I’m reading it because the president is reading it, and it’s my job to know what the president is thinking.”
For nearly 40 minutes, Rice engaged Sharansky — now an Israeli cabinet member — and co-author Ron Dermer, a former columnist with the Jerusalem Post, in a discussion over how best to help democracy take root in such hard soils as Iraq, Iran, and the West Bank and Gaza.At precisely 2 P.M., Sharansky and Dermer were ushered into the Oval Office for a private meeting with the president. They were scheduled for 45 minutes. They stayed for more than an hour.
Meanwhile the democratically elected Hamas tries again to broker a ceasefire:
Militant Palestinian faction discuss ceasefire with Israel
Al-Quds Al-Arabi went on to quote sources close to the Islamic Jihad as saying the Jihad was in favor of a ceasefire proving Israel will stop the targeted assassinations of its operatives – an operation in which some 50 Jihad operatives have been killed in the past month.The paper goes on to report Egypt has agreed to negotiate the ceasefire and that Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal met last week with the Jihad’s Secretary-General, Ramadan Shallah, to discuss the possible hudna, as well as the consequences of a possible IDF incursion in Gaza.
Meanwhile, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called for new talks between Hamas and Fatah: “We believe it is essential to launch peace talks immediately, in order to repair the rift within the Palestinian people.”,7340,L-3480251,00.html
News coming out from occupied lands continues to make me doubtful of Israel’s good intentions, why the killings:
The 30-year-old farmer, later identified as Bahajadth Abu Daka, was shot from an Israeli army position along the border fence, and another farmer, his cousin, was wounded, according to Dr. Moaiya Hassanain of the Gaza Health Ministry.
The Palestinians said the farmers were several hundred meters away from the border fence when they were hit, adding that they had not posed any threat to the soldiers.
Two weeks ago IDF soldiers operating in the north Gaza town of Beit Hanoun killed two Palestinian farmers. Sources said the two were killed by a shell from an Israeli tank as they were working on their land.,7340,L-3480032,00.html
And collective punishment? It’s never worked before:
Five water wells that rely on diesel-operated generators have stopped running, cutting off water for more than 77,000 people, according to Gaza’s water utility. Three others that serve crowded Gaza City neighborhoods regularly shut down for lack of fuel and spare parts.
The aid group Oxfam International has warned that 225,000 Gazans could soon suffer from inadequate water supplies because of the fuel shortage, raising concerns for public health.
The fuel crunch has amplified the problems caused by the sanctions, which Israeli officials say are a response to rocket and mortar attacks that Palestinian militants fire at southern Israel nearly every day.
With exports and most imports halted, factories have closed, construction has halted and store shelves are empty. Government officials believe the poverty rate has jumped to 75 percent, up from 65 percent last summer.
Killings and land theft figures come out:
According to the report, the Israeli army conducted 2820 attacks on Palestinians areas so far this year, during which 371 Palestinians were killed, 2065 injured and 5070 kidnapped.
In addition to the attacks the report also shows that the Israeli army set up 54905 ‘flying’ military checkpoints all over the West Bank.
The report also documented 289 attacks by settlers on Palestinian civilians.
Fayiz Abu Rizek, a researcher for the Palestinian information committee stated that in the period between November 27th 2007 and December 3rd 2007, there was 87 Israeli military attacks on Palestinian areas which left 22 Palestinians dead and 50 injured as well as 98 kidnapped. the last ten years, the Civil Administration opened 3,449 cases on illegal construction in the West Bank that included demolition orders, but only 107 buildings were actually evacuated – three percent of those ordered to be knocked down, according to a report released Tuesday by Peace Now.
Israel has even lost Sarkozy stalling on a Palestinian state:
Sarkozy: Lack of Palestinian state an injustice
French President Nicolas Sarkozy pressed the case for Palestinian statehood, saying the lack of a state is “an injustice that France will not accept.”
n his address to students at a university in Constantine, Sarkozy suggested that establishing a Palestinian state would help the fight against terrorism.“It is from a feeling of injustice that the terrorists derive their greatest strengths,” he said. “Depriving the Palestinians of a nation state is an injustice that France will not accept.”
I think we are closer to a resolution, but not because Israel is coming willingly.
Speaking about the administration’s Iran-for-Israel campaign, the Council for the National Interest (CNI) just send an email out recommending two articles (link were broken, sorry):
Intelligence Expert who rewrote book on Iran
By Ewen MacAskill
The Guardian UK
Saturday 08 December 2007
Report has torpedoed plans for military action and brought “howls” from neocons.
The intelligence came from an exotic variety of sources: there was the so-called Laptop of Death; there was the Iranian commander who mysteriously disappeared in Turkey. Also in the mix was video footage of a nuclear plant in central Iran and intercepts of Iranian telephone calls by the British listening station GCHQ.
But pivotal to the US investigation into Iran’s suspect nuclear weapons programme was the work of a little-known intelligence specialist, Thomas Fingar. He was the principal author of an intelligence report published on Monday that concluded Iran, contrary to previous US claims, had halted its covert programme four years ago and had not restarted it. Almost single-handedly he has stopped – or, at the very least, postponed – any US military action against Iran.
(continues at the site)
Pentagon Plans Unchanged by Iran Report: General Reuters
Friday 07 December 2007
Washington – A U.S. intelligence assessment that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 has had no effect on Pentagon planning, a senior U.S. military officer said on Friday.
Marine Corps Lt. Gen. John Sattler, director for strategic plans and policy on the U.S. military’s Joint Staff, said officials were still digesting the National Intelligence Estimate released on Monday.
Sattler told reporters at the Pentagon he would not talk publicly about any U.S. military contingency plans but he said: “There has been no course correction, slowdown, speedup given to us inside the Joint Staff based on the NIE.”
The Bush administration has insisted that it wants to resolve its dispute with Tehran over Iran’s nuclear program through diplomacy but will not rule out military action.
Analysts have said the intelligence estimate, which reversed previous assessments, makes it much less likely that the United States would attack Iran.
(continues at the site)
● Intelligence expert who rewrote book on Iran
● Pentagon plans unchanged by Iran report: general
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks Oui. Laziness on my part not going back to get hot links. One of those days.