Right-Wing Israeli Reaction to the NIE

The right-wing Israeli reaction to the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) is downright insane. I mean, really…could we have any more hyperbole?

…the NIE shows that the US double-crossed Israel. By placing the bait of a hypothetical coalition against Iran, the US extracted massive Israeli concessions to the Palestinians and then turned around and abandoned Israel on Iran as well. What this means is that not only has the US cut Israel off as an ally, it is actively working against the Jewish state.

I can’t think of a statement that is less true than that the U.S. is ‘actively working against the Jewish state’. What we’re doing is placing the Jewish state’s security above our own security. You’d think it would be good news that the Iranians stopped working on a military nuclear program in 2003. Republicans could actually say that they accomplished something positive. But for these right-wing Israelis, there is no good news unless they have goaded America into attacking Iran. Look at this shit:

With the stroke of a pen the US this week has let it be known that it doesn’t have a problem with Iran acquiring the means to carry out the second genocide of the Jewish people in 70 years.

The NIE’s message to Israel and world Jewry is clear. Again we are alone in our moment of peril. It is high time that our political and military leaders acknowledge this fact, stop hoping that someone else will save us, and get to work on defending us.

Iran is not going to drop a goddamn atom bomb on Israel and get obliterated off the face of the Earth in retaliation. Where do they come up with this garbage? The United States co-opted Saudi Arabia, brokered peace with Jordan and Egypt, looked the other way while Israel attacked Lebanon, and permanently destroyed Iraq. And this is the thanks we get? We get accused of fostering a second Holocaust because we told the truth about Iran’s nuclear programs? They are literally foaming mad that we told the truth.

Not that they will concede the truth.

Given the NIE’s assertion that Iran is not a threat, the report is a direct assault on the credibility of Israel’s intelligence services. Moreover, since Israel’s intelligence services insist that Iran’s nuclear program is the greatest threat to global security, the NIE serves to paint Israel’s intelligence community not merely as unreliable, but as hostile to American interests.

So not only does the NIE make it impossible for the US to take action against Iran, it also sets a dangerous trap for Israel. If Israel doesn’t take action against Iran’s nuclear installations it risks annihilation. And if it does take action, it can expect to be subject to international and American condemnation far worse than what it suffered after bombing Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981.

Risks annihilation? Kiss my ass. The people at real risk of annihilation are clearly the Iranians. I’ve never seen a country that so many people want to blow the crap out of as Iran. At this point it is transparent that the Israelis and their American agents and surrogates are determined to prevent Iran from having a civilian nuclear program, even though they are perfectly within their rights to have one. They will say or do anything to prevent Iran from enriching uranium.

And the facts have nothing to do with it. Facts are enemies, too.

The situation among Republicans is not much more encouraging. Although Republicans have greeted the NIE with grumbling rather than glee, it is hard to imagine any of the Republican presidential candidates taking issue with its opening line. Doing so entails the risk of being accused of alarmism and warmongering.

Lord knows, no one cares about the risks entailed in being accused of lying. If Israel wants to know why American support is waning, they should look at their own contempt for the truth, their near limitless ingratitude, and their gargantuan sense of entitlement that shows no concern for our sacrifice in money, lives, credibility, and increased risk.

It’s just sickening to watch this.

Author: BooMan

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.