Todd Hoffman reports on the special election in Ohio’s Fifth District.

Reports are coming in from [Robin] Weirauch volunteers that there is not a ‘lotta’ love for Bob Latta in Van Wert, Ohio. Bob Latta was scheduled to meet voters in the predominately red city of Van Wert at 2pm today. According to two canvassers on location, Latta pulled up to find a TV camera but no Latta supporters in sight.

Latta sat in his car for 15 minutes with his head in his hands, and then a Latta staffer got out, talked to the cameraman, and told him to pack up. The staffer then got in the car and they drove off. Latta went all the way to Van Wert, which is in the far western part of the district, and didn’t even get out of the car.

I think it is fair to say that he is not having a very good day.

That sounds like good news to me. The weather has been kind of crappy, so turnout is expected to be light.

I don’t have much information on the race in Virginia’s First District. Some updates are available here. If you can find anything, please post about it. CQ Politics has some pre-spin analysis.

Politics is all about elections, and tonight is an election night. Let’s hope we have some reason to celebrate.

Update [2007-12-11 19:22:30 by BooMan]: Virginia polls are closed. Results are here.

Update [2007-12-11 19:35:21 by BooMan]: Polls in Ohio are closed. Results are here.