Todd Hoffman reports on the special election in Ohio’s Fifth District.
Reports are coming in from [Robin] Weirauch volunteers that there is not a ‘lotta’ love for Bob Latta in Van Wert, Ohio. Bob Latta was scheduled to meet voters in the predominately red city of Van Wert at 2pm today. According to two canvassers on location, Latta pulled up to find a TV camera but no Latta supporters in sight.
Latta sat in his car for 15 minutes with his head in his hands, and then a Latta staffer got out, talked to the cameraman, and told him to pack up. The staffer then got in the car and they drove off. Latta went all the way to Van Wert, which is in the far western part of the district, and didn’t even get out of the car.
I think it is fair to say that he is not having a very good day.
That sounds like good news to me. The weather has been kind of crappy, so turnout is expected to be light.
I don’t have much information on the race in Virginia’s First District. Some updates are available here. If you can find anything, please post about it. CQ Politics has some pre-spin analysis.
Politics is all about elections, and tonight is an election night. Let’s hope we have some reason to celebrate.
Update [2007-12-11 19:22:30 by BooMan]: Virginia polls are closed. Results are here.
Update [2007-12-11 19:35:21 by BooMan]: Polls in Ohio are closed. Results are here.
Not my district here in Ohio but I’ve got to tell you, I can’t stay away from the computer checking on updates. I can’t stress enough how big a kick in the balls this would be to the GOP here in Ohio if Weirauch wins this damn thing.
Mean Jean Schmidt is my “rep” and I’ve got to tell you, I look forward to the day she packs up her shit and gets the hell out of Dodge. A win in OH-5 would go a long way toward making that happen.
So if you’re religious, say a prayer. If not, then just send good Karma. If by bedtime NW Ohio is painted blue I would sleep like a baby with a big shit-eatin’ grin on my face.
The signs are pretty good…I might allow myself to get optimistic.
Things look bad in Virginia.
Robert J. “Rob” Wittman 8,225 64.27%
Philip R. Forgit 4,359 34.06%
Lucky R. Narain 200 1.56%
Write In 12 0.09%
Precincts Reporting:
61 of 209 (29.18%)
Voter Turnout:
12,796 of 436,698 active voters (2.930%)
12,796 of 452,370 total voters (2.828%) Votes by County/City
wtf is wrong with people? this says pretty well sums it up:
Voter Turnout:
12,796 of 436,698 active voters (2.930%)
12,796 of 452,370 total voters (2.828%)
to quote dandy don meredith: turn out the lights, the party’s over.
what this says…
preview is my friend…ohmmmmmmmm
Looks like the turnout numbers aren’t relevant until all precincts are counted. In counties where all the precincts are in, the turnout is running 11-15%. Still embarassing, but not revolting.
32% of precincts reporting in the Ohio race, and the total votes tallied is only about 150?
We will see how Robin Weirauch does. She has been labeled a tax and spend “liberal” by Latta, but she has also had enormous TV exposure compared to Latta. Lot of money put into this race by the Democrats. Still, given the weather conditions, I suspect that a lot of unrepresentative hardcore liberal haters will go out in this freezing rain to vote against her.
Don’t know what I would do without you. Free spell check, free history fact check, free comprehension check, and now, free vision test. Do you take medical insurance?
From Ohio Daily Blog:
From Buckeye State Blog:
Initial reports are not too optimistic.
It’s over. Wood came in and she didn’t win it.
OK – the results are in and you win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go find another “LIBRUL” site that is covering the results. “WE” lose and no commenting? Bullshit. You post and that is what it should be. I applaud you- even when you are wrong! Don’t you dare stop!