From the Jerusalem Post, they have no shame:

Condoleezza Rice has got some nerve. snip the US Secretary of State had the hutzpa to compare Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to that meted out to US blacks during the bad old days of the segregationist South.

Speaking at a private session at the close of the Annapolis conference, America’s top diplomat said that having grown up “as a black child in the South, being told she could not use certain water fountains or eat in certain restaurants, she also understood the feelings and emotions of the Palestinians.”

“I know what it is like to hear that you cannot go on a road or through a checkpoint because you are Palestinian,” the Washington Post (November 29) quoted her as saying. “I understand the feeling of humiliation and powerlessness,” she added.

How dare she!
And then Condi had the nerve to question where Jews can and cannot live! Does not matter that the land was occupied illegally:

Speaking at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Friday, Rice told reporters that she had raised the issue of Har Homa with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni – not once, but twice! “I did, in fact, bring up Har Homa, both earlier in a phone call and then today in our meeting,” Rice said. “I’ve made very clear about seeking clarification on precisely what this means. I’ve made clear that we’re in a time when the goal is to build maximum confidence between the parties and this doesn’t help to build confidence,” she proclaimed.


And yet, when Israel decides to build some new apartments in an already-existing section of Jerusalem, Rice suddenly finds her voice? Who does she think she is kidding? But what was still more troubling about her statement on Har Homa is that it lends credence to the discriminatory notion that certain places should be off-limits to Jews simply because they are Jews.

Were the Secretary of State to suggest that the right of Jews to live and build in Jerusalem, Alabama, should be restricted in any way, she would immediately be denounced as a racist and an anti-Semite, and rightly so.

Even Mr. Israel First gets in on the action:

Bolton: Bush must ‘rein in’ Rice

Former American ambassador to UN slams president’s foreign policy, says Bush ‘doesn’t supervise Secretary of State Rice enough’

US President George W. Bush’s foreign policy is in free fall and puts the nation’s security at risk, former ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton told a German magazine on Sunday.

Bolton , who was a leading hawk in the US administration and favored a tough stance against Iran, North Korea and Iraq, told the Der Spiegel weekly that Bush needed to rein in Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

“His foreign policy is in free fall. The president is acting against his own judgment and instincts (and is) under the influence of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,” he was quoted as telling the magazine.,7340,L-3483252,00.html

And Israeli politicians are not use to Bushco involvement, they want our money and support but not our advise:

Livni to UN envoy: No need for int’l involvement in peace process

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni met with UN envoy to the Mideast Robert Serry Thursday, and stressed that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are bilateral, and do not necessitate international involvement or oversight.

Livni noted, however, that implementing the peace process demands economic and security provisions allowing for the establishment of a Palestinian state, and that international aid is needed to put these into practice,7340,L-3482497,00.html

Why….so the IDF can bomb the shit out of the newly foreign funded infrastructure like they did in Gaza??? After all it’s not their money.

But the IDF is good for one thing….protecting the settlers:
The settlers continue their collective punishment of Palestinians under the eye and support of the IDF:

‘This village will be erased’

And just in case anyone is still questioning one of the reasons we went into Iraq, straight from the Israeli newspapers:

In the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, which Israelis viewed as a kind of proxy war, there was virtual unanimity of support. Aside from the non- or anti-Zionist Left, which, like Israeli Arab opinion, doesn’t count in this country, the only prominent Israeli I recall coming out against the invasion was Amos Oz. Otherwise, Bush had far, far greater support for the war from Israelis than he had from people in any of the 50 states, including Texas.

Just for once, I am saying….GO CONDI!

Let it alllll hang out, tell us what you really think!
Israeli Zionists showing true colors:

    Olmert tells Cabinet to mute criticism of US report on Iran nuclear program

    Israel’s prime minister told his Cabinet ministers Sunday to tone down their criticism of a US Intelligence report concluding that Iran has stopped its nuclear weapons program,an attempt to keep the disagreement from getting out of hand.

    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s instructions came after one of his ministers warned that the US report could trigger a war. At the same time, officials said an intelligence delegation is in the US to press Israel’s case that Iran is still working on a nuclear bomb. (AP)