Just to give you three John McCain threads in a row, rumor is that Joe Lieberman is going to endorse McCain tomorrow.
Democratic and Republican sources say that Sen. Joe Lieberman, the independent Democrat from Connecticut and fierce supporter of the war in Iraq, will formally endorse Sen. John McCain tomorrow in New Hampshire.
A McCain spokesperson declined to comment.
A source familiar with the endorsement said that the two will appear of NBC’s Today Show tomorrow morning and at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire.
This really puts a final nail in the idea that Joe Lieberman is a Democrat. He has four Democratic colleagues in the Senate that are running for president and he chose McCain. For Lieberman, the war in Iraq trumps any other considerations.
Will Lieberman give the Zell Miller speech at the Republican National Convention? That’s almost certain. Unless, of course, he’s actually their vice-presidential nominee, which isn’t out of the question.
Will the Democrats strip him of his seniority? It’s doubtful. That would offer the Republicans the opportunity to reorganize the Senate in their favor.
One thing we can say about the neo-conservatives: they are very aggressive and they will not give up…ever. We must find the silver stake and put it directly in their hearts.
What’s the Zell Miller speech…”I’m a fucking loon”?
Wanna duel?
It’s the ‘I used to be a Democrat until they sold out to the communists and pea-shooters’ speech.
Yea, I know, I watched it live…and who could forget the mincemeat that Jon Stewart made out of it?
BTW, Jon Stewart for President, anyone?
I miss The Daily Show. When are they going to settle that (&( strike?
It ain’t like they’ve got much done with the Senate organized the way it is.
I’d tell Holy Joe to go fuck himself and let the chips fall where they may.
That would require some self respect, or backbone. Reid is proving every day to have neither.
“One thing we can say about the neo-conservatives: they are very aggressive and they will not give up…ever.”
Sociopaths could say the same thing about themselves.
No, I’m not going to remark on the McCain-AIPAC-Lieberman trio.
I don’t think it makes much sense to call Lieberman a neocon. He’s just an old-fashioned orthodox Jew who’s also a Zionist. Neocons tend to be pretty secular, and to have a history of left-wing politics, which Lieberman was never into, AFAIK.
Why isn’t he a neo-con? We can argue about the distinction between the Orthodox and the Zionists, but those distinctions have changed dramatically in the last 50 years.
There is no distinction between Lieberman and Kristol on policy, even though one is devout and the other is an unbeliever.
Kristol is a neo-con.
Lieberman is not a neo-con. he is a zionist who happens to be stupid.
Lieberman believes what he says…
Kristol — like all neocons — uses people like Lieberman….precisely because they are stupid.
The neocons have a whole shared “intellectual” history that Lieberman wasn’t a part of, AFAIK.
I seem to recall that you mentioned Craig Unger’s House of Bush, House of Saud at some point. Unger’s The Fall of the House of Bush is also very good. In chapter 3, he gives a good account of the neocons. One gets the definite impression from that account that the neocons despise people like Lieberman and do not consider them to belong to their clever little group, although, as joe in oklahoma notes, they do find them useful.
Being Orthodox Jewish or secular or a Zionist has nothing to do with being a Neocon, but supporting Cheney-Bush in their militaristic ventures in the Middle East does. Would Neocon supporter suffice, in the same way that Bolton is a Neocon supporter?
Yes, it would suffice. And I would say that a Zionist is a neocon supporter by definition. Also, one could say that neoconservatism is nothing more than the articulation the aims of Zionism in the American discourse of America being the beacon for all nations.
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush themselves are neocon supporters, not neocons. Cheney and Rumsfeld are right-wing American nationalists, and Bush is a loser who was looking for a cause to redeem himself in the eyes of the world.
November 2008..Joe Lieberman kicked to the curb by the Democratic Majority…first post after 2008 election.
Anyway, Lieberman is albatross around McCain’s neck…nobody likes a traitor and one who lacks loyalty.
I thought that the original agreement organizing the Senate included a clause that if the Democrats lost a clear majority the existing Senate organization would not be disturbed.
Lieberman was the reason why that clause was written in. Reid didn’t trust him for some strange reason.
That’s what I remember, but I can’t find it to verify my memory.
Actually, it’s a little more complicated.
The organization agreement specifies that Joe Lieberman is the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee…not that the the highest ranking Democrat is the chairman.
So, stripping his of his seniority will not strip him of his chair. It will make him wait longer to answer questions when he is serving on the Armed Forces or Environment committees.
lot of typos in that.
Should read that he will have to wait longer to ask questions.
PSS: didn’t Hillary run to Connecticut to campaign for Traitor Joe..or was it just her husband?
20 July 2006: (Bill) Clinton, in a recent speech at the Aspen Institute conference, defended Lieberman and his staunch support for the war in Iraq. He questioned why antiwar Democrats are seeking to oust a fellow Democrat, saying that instead of seeking to retire Republicans they were pursuing “the nuttiest strategy I ever heard in my life.”
Lamont is opposed to the U.S. war in Iraq and accuses Lieberman of being too close to President Bush and the Republicans who control Congress.
Clinton’s wife, U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., has said she supports Lieberman but wouldn’t back him if he loses the primary and runs as an independent.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Lieberman McCain alliance? Time to flush the toilet!!
Interesting contrast in the Liberman-Lamont fight in Connecticutt, from an MSNBC article this morning:
Only tangentially related, but do you think Gore will endorse anyone? My first thought is that he won’t, or he will hold off. I recall one of the many analyses of the downfall of the Dean campaign suggesting that the other Dems really ramped up their attacks on Howard after Gore’s endorsement.
Could Lieberman be angling for the VP spot on a McCain ticket?
Maybe they can run together on the Unity ’08 ticket.
Sure, United in their insanity about war.