Just to give you three John McCain threads in a row, rumor is that Joe Lieberman is going to endorse McCain tomorrow.

Democratic and Republican sources say that Sen. Joe Lieberman, the independent Democrat from Connecticut and fierce supporter of the war in Iraq, will formally endorse Sen. John McCain tomorrow in New Hampshire.

A McCain spokesperson declined to comment.

A source familiar with the endorsement said that the two will appear of NBC’s Today Show tomorrow morning and at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire.

This really puts a final nail in the idea that Joe Lieberman is a Democrat. He has four Democratic colleagues in the Senate that are running for president and he chose McCain. For Lieberman, the war in Iraq trumps any other considerations.

Will Lieberman give the Zell Miller speech at the Republican National Convention? That’s almost certain. Unless, of course, he’s actually their vice-presidential nominee, which isn’t out of the question.

Will the Democrats strip him of his seniority? It’s doubtful. That would offer the Republicans the opportunity to reorganize the Senate in their favor.

One thing we can say about the neo-conservatives: they are very aggressive and they will not give up…ever. We must find the silver stake and put it directly in their hearts.