Okay. You’re a Republican politician running for president and your campaign is collapsing.
Just one month ago, Mitt Romney’s supporters thought that they had Iowa fairly well in hand. But there was Mr. Romney last week, telling several hundred people at a high school cafeteria in Marion that he was the underdog and pleading for their help to keep him from being derailed at the caucuses by the rise of Mike Huckabee.
The rise of Mike Huckabee…
This is a man that has all kinds of vulnerabilities. Here’s how Rich Lowry put it:
As with [Howard] Dean, [Huckabee’s] vulnerabilities in a general election are so screamingly obvious that it’s hard to believe that primary voters, once they focus seriously on their choice, will nominate him.
I’d go further than Lowry. Dean’s weakness was personal, not a matter of policy or his record as governor. Huckabee is the exact opposite. Dean was a loose cannon but he wasn’t nuts. Dean had a tin political ear but he wasn’t corrupt. Huckabee’s vulnerabilities as a general election candidate far exceed Dean’s. Yet, Huckabee is a much better salesman…so maybe it all evens out.
People say that Iowans don’t like negative campaigning, but Romney has to do something. He could point out that Huckabee doesn’t believe in natural selection…a concept essential to any 9th grade biology student. Sure, he might offend some conservatives, but he’d also be highlighting that Huckabee is never going to win a national election. Romney could point out that Huckabee’s plan to scrap the IRS is never going to happen and is insulting to every voter’s intelligence. Romney could highlight financial shenanigans that occurred during Huckabee’s term as governor of Arkansas. He could criticize him for pardoning a convicted rapist on the advice of a pastor (he’d been saved!!) who went on to rape and kill again. He could criticize Huckabee for his lack of foreign policy experience. I don’t know…there is a whole lot to work with even in a Republican primary. How many Republican women want to be told that they should be subservient to their husband? I guess Romney might not want to touch that one…
My point?
These aren’t the things that Romney has decided to attack Huckabee on. No. Romney’s main criticisms? He’s outraged that Huckabee said the president’s foreign policy has an “arrogant bunker mentality”. Romney demands an apology. What else? Huckabee doesn’t hate brown people enough.
His campaign is working feverishly to right itself, zeroing in on Mr. Huckabee’s past moderate record on immigration with critical television advertisements, a mailing and recorded phone calls from a former Arkansas lawmaker who says, “I know Mike Huckabee’s a likable guy, but I also know what he did to our state.”
This is just sad. Romney’s whole appeal should be that he isn’t a mouth-breathing Neanderthal and that he has no connection to Bush’s failed foreign policies. He’s trying to beat Huckabee by running to his right? Huckabee doesn’t believe in evolution and he thinks God is directing his campaign. He’s nuts.
And it isn’t just Romney.
…Fred D. Thompson flung the ultimate conservative insult, calling [Huckabee] a “liberal.”
Liberal on what? Abolishing the IRS or keeping women subservient to their men? Where is this liberalism?
This is crazy. The Republicans seriously think they can defeat a southern baptist preacher by running to his right and calling him a liberal? How stupid do they think their base is? Wait. Don’t answer that.
The Republicans think it’s not good enough to be a religious fanatic, you have to be a warmongering racist, too. That is literally what things have come to with this party. The real power brokers think people like Huckabee are ‘idiots’. But the way they plan on beating him is by teaming up with Joe Lieberman, getting all the newspaper endorsements, and then running as more conservative.
Just by way of comparison, this is as if Kerry and Gephardt had attacked Dean by saying he was too conservative and then adopted even more radical anti-establishment rhetoric. It makes no sense.
Romney doesn’t give a damn about immigration…he pays enough for lawn maintenance as it is. It’s almost sad to see the terror on the country club Republicans’ faces when they look at Huckabee.
If Mike Huckabee is nominated, America will be destroyed, either by the couple of Mexican immigrants he allowed to go to school in Arkansas or by sitting down and talking with moderate Muslims.
But seriously, the Repukes never cared for the Religious freaks. They were just easily duped voters. Pawns. The Repukes that really run the show want war, oil, and corporate handouts, in that order. Huckabee is not a “slam dunk” in this department, hence, he is a liberal.
All it would take now is for Bloomberg to throw his hat in the ring and the Publican party would fracture like an overheated plate. He would instantly take Wall Street and a lot of Main Street, leaving the theocons and the neocons to fight over what was left.
When you ask, just what do the Republicans have to run on in this fading era of politics by division and scapegoating, it is certainly not Iraq. It’s the immigrants or the “brown people” as was stated above. Does anyone believe that Rove, the stepchild of Reagan who used antiBlack, antipoverty rhetoric to gain the Whitehouse, has retired from politics?
It is hate politics as usual. Well, let them engage. The Hispanic vote, those who advocate for immigrants illegal or otherwise, will be ours in spades.
If you’re a rich man, you vote for the Republican. If you’re a poor man, you vote for the Democrat (a father’s wise advise to his son).
It’s almost sad to see the terror on the country club Republicans’ faces when they look at Huckabee.
It’s not sad at all. It’s HILARIOUS.
It’s like watching “Ted Knight in “caddyshack” get all bent about Rodney Dangerfield” level hilarious.
good times.
Emphasis added.
“Should” is exactly the right word to use here. His appeal should be that he isn’t a “mouth-breathing Neanderthal”. Except that the Republican party, through George W Bush their leader, has redefined themselves AS the Party of Mouth-Breathing Neanderthals.
Over the last few decades the GOP had already become a haven for the racist, the misogynistic, the theocratic, and the warmongering chickenhawks. That was going on under Reagan, though it may have started before him I can’t say. But the plutocrats who have always been in charge of the GOP needed votes for their regressive agenda and the Dem moves on civil rights and women’s rights opened up a wide voting pool of “mouth-breathing Neanderthals” who hated what the Dems were doing.
But the GOP was always pretty good at “catapulting the propaganda”. They might have relied on the mouth-breathers to boost their numbers, but their real success lay in convincing a good chunk of the population that they were the “Party of Responsibility”. Personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, foreign affairs responsibility – you name it. They succeeded for a long time in convincing enough of the electorate that they were the “responsible” ones that they gained power (on the backs of Dems who were seen as responsible for the chaos of the 70s, mostly).
W has shattered that illusion. Rove’s “50+1%” strategy involved openly pandering to the mouth-breathers and firing them up to get out and vote – which won him 2000 and 2004 but the ultimate cost to the GOP for those victories may be huge. As Bush and the Congressional Republicans proved themselves more and more irresponsible over the last 7 years, they lost more and more moderates. Eventually their antics started losing them self-identified conservatives!
All they have left among the large voting base are the reflexively anti-Democrat and the “mouth-breathing Neanderthals”. The plutocrats are still there but for all their money they still only get one vote each (maybe a few more with Diebold, but Diebold can only push you so far). Anyone who wants this nomination needs to pander to the mouth-breathers. They’re the base now, even moreso than they were when they tanked McCain’s run in 2000.
The disappointing part, to me, is that in spite of the Republican’s self immolation, the Democrats still seem to be having a very hard time figuring out how to maximize it to their advantage.
It’s like someone gave the Democratic Party a big fat gift card out of the blue and they are spending so much time doing just looking at it, marveling and gloating about it that they fail to notice that there was an expiration date on the gift card.
Are they that clueless? Sometimes (often times actually) I wonder.
President Huckabee.
The movie.
Starring Andy Griffith.
Remember Elia Kazan’s “A Face In the Crowd”?
Like that.
Lissen up, folks.
If America can elect Richard Noxon, Ronald McDonald Reagan and George Butch II, it can elect ANYBODY.
Be not complacent.
This fool can win.
Bet on it.
It seems too easy for so many of the voices in the liberal blogosphere to wax poetic on all the Huckster’s religious nuttery. And they would be right.
But just like The Shrub, people shouldn’t misunderestimate the Huckster.
I agree with you, AG, this fool can win. If they can fall for the W (twice, mind you) , they can fall for anything. But they will never admit it.
“People do not wish to appear foolish; to avoid the appearance of foolishness, they are willing to remain actually fools.”
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
From a party whose leaders have chosen FEAR as their platform; FEAR as their motivation; FEAR as their reward it can be no surprise that their FEAR has knocked aside any mental activity previously known as logic. All that is left is an empty shell housing cliches, threats, pandering lies – Thompson’s words and Huckabee’s whole being are stunning examples of all words no substance candidates.