Arlen Specter thinks it is inappropriate to grant retroactive immunity but will vote for cloture because the government has made a compelling case for expanded powers.
The bullshit started with the magic bullet and it has never let up. Specter consistently says that something is wrong and then comes up with some reason to allow the wrongdoing to continue. This practice defines his whole career.
Call Specter’s office at (202) 224-4254 at tell them how pathetic you think it is to for Specter to say the administration needs more power when he knows they’ve abused the power they already have.
No matter what Specter says, he does the opposite. In the last three years he’s constantly talked big and cowered small. He’s a worm. I just clicked him off on CSpan.
His answer to cowering today? He’s going to re-introduce a totally separate bill that failed big-time last week. How stupid. Chances of it passing again are slim and none. My guess: He put a poison pill in it. It’s only reason for existence is to give him an out here.
How can you Pennsylvanians stand him?
We can’t stand him. Call and help us harass him? 🙂
I’ve tried calling Clinton’s office to see if she will help Dodd. Constant busy signal.
Finally got through. Staffer told me Clinton supports thee filibuster, but when asked if She was in the Senate today and planned to assist Sen. Dodd, I was told that the staffer didn’t have Clinton’s schedule with her, but she’d pass along my message.
All of the Senators running for prez are doing their own share of ‘weaseling’ out of their elected duties. Check the Senate roll call on HR1585, the latest war funding measure. Every Dem voted YEA except NAY for Byrd/Feingold (Sanders I-VT also voted NAY)and gues who didn’t vote?
Clinton/Obama/Dodd/Biden (also Boxer/Inouye)…oh, and McCain.
Guess that campaign trail is a good diversion from those tricky votes.
Boxer and Dodd voted Nay, I saw them on C-Span
My roll call post was about HR 1585, not the FISA immunity.
we can’t stand him.
The vote for cloture on the motion to proceed is happening now.
I don’t care if anyone thinks this is a bad thing to say but I hope Specter’s cancer comes back and finishes the job.
you have no fear of karma.
We just lost our rights 76-10. All the rest is a kabuki dance.
I don’t know all of the ten, but I’m sure of: Boxer, Feingold, Harkin, Cantwell, Menendez, Brown, and Dodd.
As I said earlier in the DL bulletin, if telecom immunity passes, I am quitting the party and giving all my volunteer efforts and funding to Ron Paul.
I’m not playing along anymore. Done.
Sometime later today, you will in all likelihood see as photo of my voter registration card (affiliation Democratic) torn up. Within days you’ll see my new registration as an independent.
I was surprised we got Cantwell’s vote. That was interesting.
Dodd refused an unanimous consent request to change all votes from a 51 majority to a 60 vote requirement to pass.
This will muck things up pretty badly.
I’m struggling to master procedure here because we’re currently debating in a post-cloture environment without an amendment having been called up. I’ve never seen that before and no one seems to understand the rules.
So what’s the deal with Bob Casey? What was his vote?
I missed it, and if he voted against Dodd, I need to know so I can update the DL bulletin. I warned them last week, and this morning, that there would be rewards or punishment depending on his vote.
He voted against Dodd.
However, just so you can be clear, this vote was technically over whether to proceed to debate over any immunity bill at all. A vote against the motion meant that they would be no debate.
Hypocrite and liar, he is, he is, Mr. A. Specter is. Is he a bad man? Well, I only know he’s not especially good.
The rethugs are a passel of slimy bastards(along with too many dems now) but then there’s Specter who seems to get up there and say this is wrong or that is wrong and act outraged even yet then turns around and votes against what he just said..a particularly slimy and gutless trait.
Imagine putting up with this for decades.
His constituents must have severe whiplash for trying to follow his gutless flip/flopping. I can only assume as he keeps getting reelected that they must think he likes to talk tough but does the right republican thing in the end?