Is Ronnie Musgrave as horrible as he seems?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Can we get some senatorial candidates from y’all?
Hey, we’re working on it in OK.
Can we get some senatorial candidates from y’all?
…Apparently not in Tennessee: “Local, state Democrats support Alexander bid”.
So I guess this means we’ve got a 49-state strategy?
For a Republican, Alexander isn’t half bad on environmental issues (possibly because he lives just outside Great Smoky Mountains National Park). Much better than Frist or Corker, but that’s like saying a bad case of the flu is better than the plague or Ebola.
The only declared opposition to Alexander at this point is Chris Lugo:
A few days ago Lugo’s website featured the top center photo on this page on the front page which has since been moved to the back, to my relief; “the Amish look” made him look like a total amateur running against Alexander.
Now you know my blood runs green, but the “Sunflower” logo has got to go too…
I’ll happily vote for Chris if no other Democratic candidate comes forward, but I’m not expecting him to beat Alexander. The only Democrat in the state who could possibly beat Alexander is the Governor, and he’s apparently saving his run until Corker is up for re-election. Corker so far has been a cipher of a senator. At work the other day I was the only person in a group of 15 who could remember his name!