Peter Wehner, who must hold the Guinness record for being wrong about stuff, is getting all concern troll on Mike Huckabee because the Huckster likes the baby Jesus too much. First of all, it’s Christmastime and you can’t love the baby Jesus too much. Secondly, when a former deputy assistant to President Bush goes out of his way to bash a candidate on Christmas Eve, you can be sure the Establishment has no love for the Huckmobile.

And for those of us who are Christian, there is an important context to bear in mind: Jesus’s entire ministry was directed against the pretensions of earthly power, and Christianity is trans-political, beholden to no party and no ideology. The City of Man and the City of God are different, and we should respect and honor those differences.

Mike Huckabee, by all accounts a faithful Christian, may not have crossed any bright lines yet — but he’s edging close to them. He should pull back now, before his political ambitions injure what he claims to care about, and undoubtedly does care about, most.

Funny how political Christianity isn’t so funny when practiced by a politician you oppose, eh Wehner?