My laptop’s hard drive chose Christmas Eve to die. If you’re feeling Christmasy, there’s a donate button over there on the left. I got some books, some pj’s, a ticket to Spamalot, a Vanity Fair subscription, and some other goodies. What did you give/get?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Most of my Xmas giving and getting goes on next week.
That’s because my housemate/tenant didn’t GIVE me her rent this month and now she’s GETTING kicked out. On December 30th. I can’t wait to change the locks, it’s gonna be like Christmas all over again.
But until I GET paid tomorrow, I ain’t GIVING anyone squat (I did get all the shopping for my son done a few weeks back however, so at least that part of the holiday wasn’t messed up).
But Merry XMas anyway: we’re hoping to head over to the Cranium-Somegirl household later today.
Hope everyone here at the Frog Pond has a great christmas!
I gave a Playstation 3 to the kids, and then I got the most fun ever watching them play Rock Band all night, and after my 3rd or 4th glass of wine I lent my fine singing voice as the vocal lead on some song I’ve never heard of by some band I’ve never heard of.
Sounds like fun with all the kids there…especially the part where you sang. 🙂
I’m having fun watching people play wii boxing. They even let me try it for one round, but then demanded it back. Sigh.
I still sounded better than Courtney Love, though.
Boxing sounds awesome and cathartic.
it was kinda fun. I think the baseball one looked cool too Maybe I’ll get to try it 🙂
Tennis is the bomb. Trust me 😉
I just played the tennis. I love it – why didn’t they make video games like this when I ws a kid? I actually want to play these…
For Christmas my g/f got me “Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games”. Once you get sick of Wii Sports, I recommend it…but hopefully it’ll go down in price a bit by the time that happens. We both agreed that it was a lot of fun, but probably not $50 worth.
Nothing, not even some high sulfur content coal. But I did get a programmable coffee maker for Chanukah.
A subscription to Utne Reader, after I’d almost completely weaned myself from hard copy print media (except for one daily and one weekly paper).
I gave a few things, my favorite of which (and hers, as well) was a gift certificate to that I gave to my girlfriend.
kiva is very cool. I love that you can keep re-cycling your gift after it’s been repaid.
I think I might steal your idea for both my girlfriend’s and my upcoming birthdays. Though I’m still going to get her a chipper/shredder to keep up my reputation as Mr. Romance.
That’s a great idea! Being a western WA person myself I have to say I’m always thankful for the hard work our organic farmers invest and every year the farmers seem to get hit by something devastating, this year the floods.
Santa scheduled a shiny new satellite internet dish for us. Installers will be here day after tomorrow. Something about the Christmas rush. Sorry to hear about the laptop, BooMan. I don’t think the credit card is totally maxed out yet. Lemme see what I can do.
Ouch, can I relate to that. Our main office was broken into last night and all the laptops stolen so when my boss called this morning at 6:30 to wish me a Merry Christmas he was a bit glum. My assignment is to find replacements online today.
On a lighter note, our Christmas was celebrated this morning by a 5 mile stroll on the snow trail – dogs with tails waving – even ran into another Newf – a girl who was pulling a mini sleigh with a toddler all bundled up in the seat. Sadie, the girl Newf was very serious about her job. Until she was set free to play with Satchmo who was out of his mind in love with her.
Hope Santa was generous with all. Merry Christmas!
My Mom sent me a Christmas tree ornament which has this kind of white, roundish humanoid creature emerging from a football for the Christmas tree I don’t have. And slippers and lots of money, which more than paid for a Roland VG-99.
I got a throw blanket from my girlfriend’s mom, a gift certificate for Amazon from my girl, the latest H. Potter DVD from my girlfriend’s daughter.
And when I came downstairs this morning I discovered that Kirby, the old, old, old dog, had been so overwhelmed by last night’s excitement that he left three well-formed turds on the floor. Either that or a very bad Santa left them.
A couple of non-RIAA CDs for my GF, and I don’t know what she got me yet. We told everybody to get us something cheap, and donate the rest to flood relief for our local small organic farmers here in western WA.
I think I’m going to start picking a charity for people to donate to for Christmas from now on. It really does feel more like Christmas this way. I don’t really need more stuff cluttering up my life.
I think the best present I got was when my daughter brought home a certificate stating that she had the highest GPA of her entire middle school. I just couldn’t be more proud. :>)
A banjo case, a white Christmas, and all three of my children (with all five of my grandchildren) over to the house at the same time, and no one got killed or even seriously injured, although my oldest granddaughter is bummed that my oldest grandson stepped on her new shiny MP3 player and broke the glass that covers the display. I may have to see if I can find her a replacement — she is obviously enjoying the thing. I don’t think she’s taken the earphones out of her ears since she opened the box.
I gave the usual pile of books. My family isn’t really big on presents but I two special ones this year: a box of Christmas ornaments from my parent (most of them are at least 30 years old and all have very fond memories) and a lap blanket my aunt made many years ago for my mother, who passed it on to me.
And the best present of all – a wonderful day with my family, a day filled with lots of food and laughter and fun.
Ahem, that’s “a box of Christmas ornaments from my parents“!
and thanks for the work.