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- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
Here’s a link to the old cafe with more birthday wishes.
Thanks, CG!
Are you all recovered from Wii tennis?
I hope you have a great day today – you deserve it. Are the kids there? Is there cake? Chocolate frosting?
Re the Wii, I woke up this morning wondering why my back felt like I had been carrying something heavy…and did I mention I am lousy at golf?
Tennis, on the other hand, is great fun. And it’s really funny to watch someone else who shall remain nameless get so in to the boxing game that I have to remind him to back away from the teevee… 🙂
And it’s really funny to watch someone else who shall remain nameless get so in to the boxing game that I have to remind him to back away from the teevee… 🙂
Yea but is it better than watching wrestling? 🙂
That Rock Band game is so f-ing awesome I can hardly believe it! We are now the most awesome-ist garage band in history, having toured all over the country as The Plastic Snakewads (my daughter in law came up with that after her third glass of wine)with C on drums, O or B on bass guitar and the loser on vocals. We are going to set up practice times twice a week until we can all quit our day jobs.
Family man – I’m picturing you on cowbell. Whaddya say?
I think I could handle a cowbell. But I have to warn ya. After a few drinks I can get carried away musically. BTW how do you tune a cowbell. 😛
I don’t think you ever know if a cowbell is out of tune, so don’t worry about that. I’d like to see you get carried away musically. That would be a fine sight.
To see me get carried away on anything other than a nap is quite a sight indeed. 🙂
I just realized you talking about a game. Duh. I thought ya’ll were really out in the garage.
This one: Rock Band – The Game!
That’s pretty cool. I saw a few songs I wouldn’t mind trying, but where are the Lettermen and James Taylor? Kids now of days just don’t know how to rock out. 🙂
Bad Joke alert!
How do you know a cowbell is out of tune?
Someone’s playing it.
Happiest of all possible birthdays!
That sounds really fun. I can picture you all having a blast with that. Especially post-birthday martinis. 🙂
I think after tonight I’ll be ready to tackle vocals on the Beastie Boys.
Did anybody at your house get a video camera for Christmas? I think we need to see some footage.
I see they have Blitzkrieg Bop on RockBand. That would be way fun.
Owen rocks on that song. He’s got the accent down perfectly. I was actually thinking of buying myself that Flip video thingey for my birthday just so I can record our practice sessions for future drunken entertainment.
I’m always up for watching drunken entertainment, or even being the drunken entertainment for that matter.
I’ve got a lampshade and some fishnets for you, FM.
I just got back. I kept getting a crash/dump message from my computer and it took forever to get it to boot up.
I’m all for lampshades, but the fishnets I’m not to sure of.
Definitely you should get the flip. Order it for yourself. Now. So we can all enjoy the fun. 🙂
Happy Birthday SN! Hope it is a fabulous one. I think you’ve had two or three since I last had one. . .pretty soon you’ll catch up to me. LOL!
Enjoy your day and know you are in my thoughts.
Hugs and loves,
“Happy Birthday”, Second Nature, hope you are having a great day and many more to come.
Cabin Girl, could you please email me with the password for froggy bottom, I am trying to post WW diary but find that I have no links, no passwords and no wagon pic to post, and I can remember very little about doing this, but it’s coming back. In view of my problems, I think it will be a WW Thursday. Plus it’s freezing here in socal, and my fingers are stiff.
Diane, I sent you an email, did you get it? I’m afraid it might have been an older email address that I used.
I’m accepting birthday kisses! 😉
your inner cougar. 😉
I thought the time was right to let her out for a night or two. 🙂
Sounds like good timing — what with the college-age kids being home and having lots of friends over. 😀
That’s just wrong (and true) on so many levels…
I think it would be absolutely sinful to ignore being offered such splendid assets.
and foot rubs, and bubble baths, and and and 😉
Happy B-Day, SN. Here’s a present.
Thank you, BooMan.
Happy Birthday SN – you auburn-maned cutie, you!
Thank, ID – I’ve had a good one. 🙂
yea but the question of mine is did you drink all of those martinis last might? :O
Spread them out over time, I say.
Wow, I slept all the way to 6 a.m. (I know it’s tacky to brag but, hey, some accomplishments are just too amazing to keep to oneself.)
Well, check you out, Miss Vacation Mode.
CBtE and I are up, but everyone else is snoozing. It’s very nice.
is sleeping dogs. Fortunately, that’s pretty much the norm.
Yeah, I almost went into shock when I opened my eyes and saw it 5:56 a.m. Of course, I had to stay up later than usual to accomplish it — which is good because I’m in training for New Year’s Eve.
I think they exist only to sit near me and give me mournful looks, or get under my feet when I get up to go anywhere else.
Got big plans for NYE, have you?
I just finished knitting one of CBtE’s Christmas presents that he wanted, and it is so darn cute I can hardly wait until Sunday to post pictures of it in my knitting diary. I can’t believe I’m giving it to him – I want to keep it. I should just keep it for me, right? 😉
My big plans for NYE are staying up until midnight. It’s the secret dream of every geezer. 😉
You can keep for you and tell him that was the practice one so that the one you make for him will be perfect.
I haven’t made it to midnight in years and years. I hate NYE…bah, humbug.
I can do something that you can’t. 😉
I’m kind of indifferent to NYE but my sister always has a small gathering of people I actually like and it seems churlish not to go (plus her friend Bob generally contributes something unbelievably yummy to dinner).
Well, if there was free food involved I might reconsider.
I am about to pick up a very very good friend from the airport and celebrate NYE early. Heh.
Well then you’d don’t need to stay up. Enjoy.
Making it to midnight might be my dream too. Does that make me a geezer too?
I decided I’ll have to borrow it when he isn’t looking…
We’ve got some thunderstorms coming in this morning and it’s supposed to get up to around 70 today. Still have some rels here that I thought were leaving last night, but I guess they changed their minds.
Good morning Family Man! I’m up early today for some unexplained reason. Maybe its my great enthusiasm for public works </snark> Hope all went well with the rels.
Hi ID. I was up earlier (like, AndiF time!), but managed to fall back to sleep till now.
Are you working today, or are you having some vacation this week with the holidays?
Must go to the office today, dammit! We started printing 16K records yesterday and will be at it for another 2 at least. Our software license agreement expires at midnight on the 31st and the new software hasn’t arrived yet. We have to have some kind of record in case the old databases are shut off by our former vendor, but all that printing – boooooring!
I think the the whole week of Christmas should be made a holiday. Head back to work after the New Year.
Only got a couple of rels left, so we’re not stepping over each other now. 🙂
I like your plan, FM! Would you consider running for county commissioner here? The area is quite scenic – not at all flat like much of northern Indiana.
Sorry ID, but that sounds like too much work. I’d love to see the scenery though.
Hi FM! Can I borrow your 70 degree weather?
Morning CG.
Yep you can, but only if you send some snow.
I’ll take that deal.
Really. I lay back down on the couch after getting up way too early and slept till 7:30 a.m. I’m so proud of myself (and the dogs for letting me).
Happy Weekend to everyone who has had to work this week.
Ooooh nice moon picture Andi.
So is sleeping late the packs yearly gift to you?
I swear that moon was 3 times as big as it looks in the picture.
I think the sleeping late is more of my training for NYE.
Gorgeous picture. And kudos on the falling back to sleep. 🙂
Did you go to Spamalot?
Yes, I did, and we had a wonderful time. In spite of the crazy Times Square crowd scene.
We also had a very nice lunch with some NYC friends while we were in town. 🙂
you’ve got mail 🙂
Just back home – you have reply.
I guess the FSM is only going to grant me a limited number of miracles.
Morning/Afternoon/Evening all.
Morning Andi.
I’m just waiting on coffee.
If you don’t have it by now, you must have biggest slacker of a coffeemaker in the South.
Yep I’m half way through the first cup. I need to be half way through a pot to wake up though.
Well, I’ve got to go get ready to meet some old* friends up in Indy.
Have a good one (pot of coffee and day).
*as in since 1965 so “old” in all senses of the word.
Have a good one Andi and be safe.
Good morning!
Sorry to hear that.
I got another 11-7. Woke up as usual around 4.30 – but managed more.
Wow, another 8 hour night — I think I may have had one of those some time in the last decade.
Morning Ask.
I woke up at 3:00 am, but I did get back to sleep. Weirdest dream though. I dreamed I was in a Harry Potter play and waited until 30 minutes before to learn my lines. Woke up when the play started. I guess I didn’t learn my lines.
Morning, FM!
Curious minds want to know which role you were assigned.
I actually don’t know. I just remember everyone was giving me hell for not knowing my lines.
Did I miss everybody already?
Good morning!
Second cup of coffee – young asklet just waking up – time for breakfast.
How was the show?
It was so funny! Much enjoyed by all.
And now we have all had the experience of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and Times Square at the holidays, and need never repeat it. 😉 Way too many people.
Morning CG.
Nope I’m still around, but feeling sleepy at the moment.
I’m sleepy too. I think I may give in to the desire to go back to bed before too long.
Still have rels, or are they all gone now?
Yep all the rels are gone, so it pretty quiet around here. I think going back to sleep is a good idea. Doesn’t seem the coffee is getting me going this morning.
and this is what the inside of my head feels like.
Good morning, Andi!
Sorry to hear of the cold – I had a persistent one the week before Christmas. Still coughing a bit.
I hope you’ll be over yours by tomorrow. If I’m not, I’m planning on just ignoring it.
That’s precisely what it looks like here this morning – rainy, misty, cool and breezy. I’m loving it though it won’t put a dent in the drought. I think I might test my theory that it is possible to stay in bed all day and not feel guilty about it, provided it never gets fully light out.
Sorry about your cold! 🙁
Staying in bed sounds like a good way to get all ready for the new year — beats practicing writing 2008 instead of 2007 on checks.