New York Times
Washington Post video coverage.
A chronology of the Bhutto family tragedy from The Guardian.
A take from Times of India.
FOX News predictably attempts to politicize the assassination in favor of Republicans.
Xinhau’s take.
Hindustan Times reports on early conspiracy theories.
The stock market is rattled.
ET thread with some links to blog reactions and so on.
This is a very frightening development.
Tell me about it … one of these days one of these events is going to lead to a cascade that looks like WWI.
Oh yes, the usual suspects are trying to turn this into a victory of some sort for the GOP, particularly Guiliani.
I’m not 100% sure at this point of anything, I’m no expert on Pakistan politics by any means, but one has to wonder if we just hit a major “oh shit!” moment in history here.
I’ve been following this all morning and I think Blue Meme has got the best take on this yet. I left a couple comments for him there on my observations about the coverage I’m reading and seeing. Who really knows what to believe but my internal propaganda detector has been going off all day. The timing, the rhetoric and the distraction value of it all makes me more than a little suspicious.
One thing I am certain about…this was not done by Americans. This is a major blow to our policy.
It probably was not done by Musharraf either. Musharraf may well be hanged or shot before the month is out. This did not serve his interests even though his power was threatened by Bhutto. It is much more threatened now.
The only benefit of this is to people that want to destroy the state and turn it into a militantly Islamic and anti-western state. So, those are the people I suspect are responsible.
Olbermann is coming back from vacation early for this story. He’ll be back on tonight.
some rather revealing commentary in this article:
and some of her relatives seem to concur as well:
scroll down past the fund raising appeal.