I don’t read My Left Wing and I don’t know how this happened, but I will not let it bleed over to this site. I allow more leeway for people to discuss Israel/Palestinian issues than most forums but there is no way I will tolerate even a hint of anti-Semitism, let alone a recommended diary that states:

I now find myself, for the first time in my life, hating Jews. I find myself hating the Jews on this site, both the Jews who have conducted their malicious campaign against me for so long and the Jews who have stood by in silent solidarity with them, never saying a word against their vile attacks, their cruelty and ugliness.

I find myself thinking that Proximity perhaps has the right idea, that Jews regard other human beings as objects, to be sacrificed to the interests of Jews. That Jews will always stand with other Jews no matter their guilt, and against non-Jews, no matter their innocence. The face of Jews has become unspeakably ugly in my sight, because of the ugliness of the Jewish haters here.

That is straightforward anti-Semitism…no ifs ands or buts. If I see crap like that posted here, I will delete it and ban the user. And I’ll ban people that recommend that kind of hate.

So far, we’ve been able to maintain a civil conversation on I/P issues, where people are willing to learn from each other and revise their views. But I will not let the issue devolve into what has happened at My Left Wing.