Bush is going to veto the military appropriations bill.
The Iraqis don’t like it.
…the president objects to a section in the National Defense Authorization Act that would permit plaintiffs’ lawyers to freeze Iraqi funds and expose Iraq to “massive liability in lawsuits concerning the misdeeds of the Saddam Hussein regime.” At least one pending lawsuit reportedly seeks $1 billion or more.
Wait a minute. This bill was essential or civilians would be laid off and our troops would be stranded without so much as a crust of bread to sustain them.
Of course, Dems caved. If they can’t make a clear case from this action that Bush only supports the troops when it is convenient, then they are well and truly hopeless.
So they are threatening to withdraw billions of dollars that they have invested in our banks if a bill is passed that authorizes hundreds of billions of dollars for war in their country is passed?
Could it be that they don’t really want us there after all?
(snark aside, the money trail here is enough to make one’s head spin)
I agree. My head is definitely spinning.
pathetic enablers…pelosi and reid’s outage will, no doubt, be followed by a stern letter, and the substitution of a retroactive immunity clause in place of the legislation in question…if it’s good enough for the teleCONs, it’s gotta be good for our bff’s in iraq.
the entire governmental system in this country’s a bad fucking joke.
get ready for another “stern letter” from these two fearless leaders. What a joke the dems have become. Pathetic ass kissers. They need to be challenged next election. Everylast one of these war mongers need to go.